Newman News Term 3 Week 2: From the Leader of Wellbeing Primary
It is with great pleasure that we warmly welcome all families back to school for Term 3. The beginning of Term is the perfect time to renew expectations and set goals for the future, both as learners and as young people seeking to make a difference. Whilst we do our best at school to create experiences that allow students to encounter the Marist values of Newman College, we also know that many families have their own values that they hold dear.
Sharing these values with your children and holding conversations around them plays a vital role in whole child development of all students. It helps children to see the ‘bigger picture’ in life, and to focus on that which matters most. One of the best things about the recent parent-teacher interviews is the opportunity for families to share and discuss their values and the hopes they have for their children. It is through these conversations, schools and families can work together to support each other and build a brighter future for everyone. I would encourage families this week to think about those things that matter most to them and share these with your children, as well as perhaps some of the different ways these values can be demonstrated. I would be very happy for students to even share some of these with their teacher or myself over the coming weeks.
A big thanks goes to Mrs MacBean and the Year 4 Green class who presented a wonderful assembly item on the discovery of Australia, with an emphasis on the importance of Aboriginal Australians. This assembly recognises the final installment of our pre-recorded and remote assembly items, as we move towards the joy of live performance assembly items once more. Congratulations must also go to all of our merit award winners this week. They have all worked very well to impress their teachers in the first weeks of school. Click here to watch the recording of the assembly.
Marcellin Award
The Marcellin Award at Lavalla is presented at assemblies to one student selected by the Leadership Team from submitted nominations.
Congratulations to Grace Richardson in Year 6 who this week was awarded the Marcellin Award. Grace has been nominated by her teachers for setting a wonderful example for her classmates across all aspects of school life. She is considerate of the needs of others, shows initiative in the classroom, and is always putting her best foot forward. She displays a quiet strength and leadership that is very endearing and models the Marist values of Newman College in all her words and actions. Congratulations Grace!
Leading from Year 3
This year in Year 3 there has been much discussion around the notion of ‘Leading from Year 3’ – the idea that you don’t need to be the oldest students on campus in order to be leaders. This week to begin the term we have had Year 3 students volunteering to clean the playground and grassed areas in the morning, and we have had a group of girls from 3 Green start a club encouraging others to make positive choices around the school. It is so pleasing to see such positive actions in children so young. We thank these students for their efforts and encourage all students to think about how they can make a difference in our school community just as these students have done.
Parliament House Excursion
Last Friday, the Year 6 students traveled to Parliament House and the Constitutional Centre. Students reported having a great time and had the opportunity to get some first-hand experience in how the voting and political system of Western Australia works. Click here to read more about the excursion and see more photos from the day.
Wellbeing Week
In Week 4, students and teachers across the whole College will engage in a number of activities as part of Wellbeing Week. Each day will have a particular theme and students will be invited to share in a number of experiences designed to promote personal wellbeing. We are looking forward to celebrating with students and hopefully it is a great week to remember!
Mini Marists
This week, our Mini Marists have been making a fine effort to improve the landscape and environment of our Campus. For information on the Mini Marist program please click here to access Mr Martino’s Ministry, Outreach and Advocacy section of the newsletter.
Uniform Expectations
I have been spotting some very sharply dressed boys and girls returning to school this Term! It is important that everyone is making the effort to be dressed in our school uniform correctly and wearing the correct uniform on the appropriate days. A school uniform is a commitment we all make to show pride in our school and to also build a strong sense of community.
Families can refer to the College website for details around appropriate College Uniform Requirements for Term 3.
Changes to Traffic Flow through Churchlands Green Development
The City of Stirling are currently trialing changes to traffic flow through the Churchlands Green development adjacent to the College grounds. Click here to view the changes.
Homework Club & Coder Dojo
Homework Club and Coder Dojo are back and running as usual at the Lavalla Campus.
- Homework Club runs on Mondays from 3.30pm – 4.30pm in the Library
- Coder Dojo operates on Tuesdays from 3.30pm – 4.30pm in the Multi-purpose rooms
If your child would like to take advantage of either of these opportunities, please let your child’s classroom teacher know. Chess Club and Lego Club will continue to be offered during lunchtimes on Tuesdays and Wednesdays respectively.