In Week 3, the Year 2 Blue class shared with us a wonderful Assembly, focusing on the importance of friendships. The students shared with us many important messages from our PK-6 Primary School Friendship Curriculum (URSTRONG), including friendship facts and what healthy friendships are. They concluded with a timely song – ‘You’ve Got a Friend in Me’. Thanks Year 2 Blue for sharing these important messages about friendship!
Newman Norms / Medals of Marcellin
Our new Newman Norms are now on our website and I encourage you to have a look at these expectations for our Primary students – Newman Norms – Newman College. Each week our staff and students will focus on 1 Norm, to discuss and unpack what that norm means for our students in their day-to-day school life.
In Week 2 Shay (Marian) and Austin and Kairav (Lavalla) were drawn out of the raffle for demonstrating our Newman Norm of Greet our teachers & respond to the roll call appropriately.
In Week 3 Addison (Marian) and Leo (Lavalla) were drawn out of the raffle for demonstrating our Newman Norm of Make sure we are prepared with everything we need for our day.
Congratulations to all students who received a raffle ticket in the past fortnight.
Wellbeing Week
This week, Newman College students and staff were excited to celebrate Wellbeing Week! This special week was dedicated to promoting the mental, emotional, and physical health of our students through a variety of engaging activities.
We believe that Wellbeing Week was a wonderful experience for our students, helping them to build healthy habits and positive mindsets.
Justin Kirry & Edwina Battersby Leaders of Wellbeing
We kicked off the week with some energising activities. Students had the opportunity to incorporate movement into their lessons and participate in Staff vs Student games. At Marian Campus, we played Soccer (Students beat Teachers 1 nil!), and at the Lavalla Campus, we enjoyed a game of Netball (Teachers won 16 to 1!).
This day was all about gratitude. Students were encouraged to write notes of appreciation to their peers or take some time for self-reflection.
We focused on relaxation and mindfulness. Students participated in meditation activities designed to promote calmness and mental wellbeing.
To conclude the week, students dressed up in their favourite “Zones of Regulation” colours (blue, green, yellow, or red). This dress-up day helped students visually connect to the Zones and promoted emotional awareness. Thank you for your support in making this day a success.
URSTRONG – Lesson 6 Upcoming
Lesson 6 will be rolled out across the Primary next week. The areas of focus for this upcoming lesson are:
PK-2: This session teaches students, step-by-step, how to resolve conflict with a friend and how to respond to hurt feeling and misunderstandings.
Years 3 and 4: This session teaches students how to respond to intentionally cruel, rude, or mean behaviour with a Quick Comeback. Students learn the difference between a Friendship Fire vs Mean-on-Purpose behaviour, along with Reporting vs Tattling.
Years 5 and 6: This session highlights hot topics for this age group including: how to kindly decline, feeling caught in the middle, ways to end gossip, and navigating friendships online.
A reminder parents have access to a FREE URSTRONG parent membership. We hope that as a URSTRONG Family, you will reinforce the important messages of empowerment, self-compassion, & kindness at home.
Student Illness
As we travel through the middle of the winter months, it is important to remind families of the importance of keeping children home if they display symptoms of being unwell. Illness spreads quickly amongst primary students, so we ask that if your child is sick that you do not send them to school. Please keep them home until symptoms clear, to avoid passing on sicknesses to other students and staff. This is particularly important for vulnerable members of our community. Students that present to school with symptoms of being unwell will be sent home. Your support is greatly appreciated.
Student Arrivals
If your child arrives/is dropped off to school after the 8:45am bell to commence the school day (this is the time the class roll is taken), then they must go through the front office to sign in and have the roll updated by the front office. We appear to have a number of students arriving after 8:45am and going straight to class, which causes disruption to our attendance procedures, so please ensure your child goes through the front office for their attendance to be updated.
Kiss N Ride
Please ensure you are not parking in the Kiss N Ride section at either campus, to ensure smooth flow of cars and efficient pick-up process for all.
Disabled Parking Bays
Only cars with ACROD permits should be parking in the disabled parking bays. Please be mindful of those in our community who need these bays.
Athletics Carnival
Please note that our upcoming Athletics Carnival (Friday 6 September) is an alcohol-free event. More information regarding the day will be sent out by Mrs Richards in the coming weeks.
Wishing all families an enjoyable and relaxing long weekend!
As we approach the opening of the new Years 3-6 Building, some lucky students (one student from each class) was chosen to represent their class to have a guided tour of the new building and then share their experience with their class. It was a wonderful experience and the general feedback from the students was that the classrooms and building greatly exceeded their expectations. Keep an eye out for some footage and photos of this walk-through on our social media accounts.
At this stage, we anticipate being in the new Year 3-6 building at some point in Week 8. Plans are well in place to move across and students and staff are eager to start teaching and learning in our new state-of-the-art learning environment. We look forward to welcoming parents to view the space as the new building comes online.
5 Blue Assembly
Last week’s 5 Blue Class Assembly was a wonderful reflection and teaching opportunity related to the book ‘Fish in a Tree’ written by Lynda Hunt. Our Year 5 classes have been studying this novel recently. The assembly focused around being inclusive, being understanding, and celebrating differences. Year 5 Blue creatively shared with the Lavalla campus the reasons why we should do these things, as well as practical examples of what these look like within our school community. Thank you Year 5 Blue for a wonderful assembly!
Buddy Day Celebrations
As part of our Champagnat Day celebrations, students from Kindergarten to Year 6 will gather at the Lavalla Campus for Buddy Day activities and the annual Lapathon on Friday 14 June. Further details will be shared with students and families before the day.
Students will have received a Lapathon Sponsor Form today to begin collecting sponsors for the lapathon.
The College has committed to donate all monies raised from the Lapathon to support Lifelink, which is an organisation that works with the most vulnerable and marginalised in our local community. Please use the following link to access details regarding this organisation. Click here.
Newman Norms / Medals of Marcellin
Our new Newman Norms are now on our website and I encourage you to have a look at these expectations for our Primary students – Newman Norms – Newman College.
Each week our staff and students will focus on one Norm, to discuss and unpack what that norm means for our students in their day-to-day school life.
We continue our weekly ’raffle draw’ at our prayer assemblies on Mondays at each campus. In Week 5 Vidhya (Marian) and Lachlan (Lavalla) were drawn out of the raffle and congratulated for demonstrating our Newman Norm of ‘Treat our classrooms & school with pride &respect by keeping them neat and tidy and using equipment properly’.
This week Solomon (Marian) and Poppy (Lavalla) were drawn out of the raffle and congratulated for demonstrating our Newman Norm of ‘Wear our College uniform correctly & with pride’.
Congratulations to all students who received a raffle ticket in Weeks 4 & 5. These raffle tickets have now been converted into faction tokens and placed in our faction token tubes in the front office of each campus!
URSTRONG – Lesson 2 Complete
Lesson 2 Review
This term we have commenced the roll-out of the URSTRONG Friendship Curriculum across the Primary. All students through PK-6 engaged in Lesson 2 last week. The areas of focus across our year levels in Lesson 2 were:
PK-2: Naming feelings, helping students recognise and embrace both positive & negative feelings (nicely linked to our Zones of Regulation Program).
Y3 & 4: Strategies for making new friends, including how to introduce themselves and have a conversation that plants a seed for a new friendship to grow.
Y5 & 6: Anchors students in the ‘truths’ of friendship so they have realistic expectations in their relationships. Students also practiced the art of conversation.
Lesson 3 will be rolled out next week across the primary.
A reminder parents have access to a FREE URSTRONG parent membership to access hundreds of resources – including an 8 session video series. This will allow you to learn the same language & strategies being taught in the classroom through the Friendology 101 curriculum. We hope that, as a URSTRONG Family, you will reinforce the important messages of empowerment, self-compassion, & kindness at home.
Marian Campus – Morning and Afternoon Supervision
A reminder that students are not permitted to play on school equipment before or after school unless a teacher is present and supervising. This is for student safety. We ask for parent support to ensure student safety in our playgrounds.
Parents are asked to ensure their children do not take out equipment from the sports tubs to play with after school. This term there has been equipment left out on the oval most nights after families have remained on the oval after school. Unfortunately, this has resulted in lost and damaged equipment.
Australian Early Development Census
Building a national picture of child health
From May 2024, our school, along with thousands of others across the country, will participate in the Australian Early Development Census (AEDC).
The AEDC is a teacher-completed census (similar to a questionnaire) which provides a comprehensive picture of how children have developed by the time they start their first year of full-time school: Pre-Primary.
The AEDC is an Australian Government Initiative and is completed nationally every three years. Children do not miss any class time while the AEDC is completed, and parents/carers do not need to supply schools with any new information.
The data collected through the AEDC is used by schools, communities and governments to better understand children and families’ needs, and identify the services, resources and support they need. AEDC data is reported at a school, community, state/territory and national level. AEDC results for individual children are not reported and the AEDC is not used as an individual diagnostic tool.
Some teachers have found that completing the AEDC made them more aware of the needs of individual children and their class, and that the data was useful for planning for transitions to Year 1 and developing programs.
Participation in the AEDC is voluntary, however the AEDC relies on all schools with children in their first year of full-time school participating in the collection. Parents/carers do not need to take any action unless they choose not to include their children in the Census. Pre-Primary parents will receive more information early next week regarding this Census.
To find out more about the AEDC and how it is being used to help children and families visit:
Marian Occupational Therapy Parent Presentation
On Thursday 23 May, we welcomed Helen Cooper from Gymworks Occupational Therapy to present a Q&A session with our Marian families. We were thrilled by the enthusiastic turnout and engaging discussions. Parents gained invaluable insights into how Occupational Therapy enhances their child’s development and learning journey. Key discussion points included:
The importance of hand strength and physical play
Handwriting skills
Motor planning and early intervention
Task participation and engagement skills
Self-regulation and parenting
The session was both enlightening and empowering. By working together we can nurture every child’s potential to thrive.
Catherine Young – Leader of Learning PK-6
Lavalla Homework Club
Parents who are sending their children to Homework Club are required to pick their children up from the Year 5 classrooms and sign them out each week. Your support is much appreciated to allow us to continue to run this program smoothly. Please note that Lavalla students are not permitted to attend the Homework Club on the Secondary Campus on Mondays.
This Sunday, we celebrate the Holy Trinity, a significant feast day in the Catholic Church. This solemnity invites us to contemplate the mystery of one God in three Persons, a central tenet of our faith. The doctrine of the Trinity emphasises the unity and co-equality of the three distinct Persons – the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, illustrating the profound and loving relationship at the heart of God’s very being.
In our daily lives, we can bring the essence of Trinity Sunday into practice by fostering relationships built on love, respect, and unity. Just as the Holy Trinity exemplifies perfect communion and cooperation, we are called to reflect these values in our interactions with one another.
As a Newman College community, let us take this opportunity to renew our commitment to embodying the love and unity of the Holy Trinity in all aspects of our lives.
Year 3-6 Build
With great anticipation, the Newman College community looks forward to the arrival of our new Years 3-6 building in Week 8. Comprehensive plans are in place for the transition, and both students and staff are enthusiastic about beginning teaching and learning activities in this state-of-the-art facility. We look forward to welcoming parents to explore the space once the new building is operational.
On Wednesday, some of our students had the privilege of touring the new building. Their excitement was palpable as they shared their thoughts on the innovative learning spaces and the exciting opportunities they bring. Please enjoy the short video capturing the tour as we move closer to our goal of #OneCampusOneCommunity.
MSA Assistant Principal’s Conference
This week, I attended an Assistant Principal’s Conference in Mittagong. Participants were invited to explore the topic “Leading a Faith Community”.
The conference was a thought-provoking experience, offering numerous moments for reflection on what it truly means to lead a faith community. Engaging with insightful presentations and discussions, we delved into the responsibilities, challenges, and rewards of faith-based leadership. The opportunity to hear from distinguished speakers such as Most Rev Shane Mackinlay DD, Bishop of Sandhurst, Miss Pam Betts, a Marist Schools Australia Board Member, and Dr. Frank Malloy, the National Director of Marist Schools Australia, provided valuable perspectives and inspired a renewed commitment to our roles as leaders.
Marist Family Day
The Marist Brothers’ Community invites you to join us for the Marist Family Gathering on Sunday, 26 May. The celebration will begin with Mass at 10.00am in the Champagnat Chapel, followed by a morning tea with refreshments in the Auditorium. This special event is an opportunity for families to come together and celebrate our shared faith and community spirit.
We look forward to welcoming families to this significant event.
Cross Country
Congratulations to our outstanding Cross-Country Team for their remarkable achievement of first place in the All School’s Cross Country Carnival! Your dedication, perseverance, and sportsmanship have paid off, and we could not be prouder of your achievement. Thank you to the students and teachers who attended the event and supported our team.
Our Vision for Learning, Shine through Discovery- Let your Light Shine (Matthew 5:16) inspires our faith and learning community to Challenge, Collaborate, Create and Celebrate who we are and what we seek to achieve. Our InspirED Inspiring Early Career Teachers program that commenced this year is one program that the College provides to articulate this vision. It provides Early Career Teachers (ECTs) a sense of connectedness to the Newman College community; building a sense of belonging underpinned by Marist values and collective desire to improve student outcomes. InspirED encompasses Domain 3 of the ACER School Improvement Tool, Promoting a Culture of Learning.
InspirED aims to support early career teachers in their growth and development, providing mentorship and coaching in collaboration with targeted, evidence-based workshops encompassing the four areas of Professional Practices, Professional Identity, Wellbeing, and Orientation, providing opportunities for reflection and networking with other ECTs alongside experienced teachers and leaders. The program aims to support ECTs to gain full registration with TRBWA, develop their professional identity and skillset, and ensure Newman College is an employer of choice for ECTs, leading to improved student outcomes.
In 2024, our ECTs have enjoyed targeted professional development sessions that have covered a wide range of topics, including classroom management, difficult conversations, recording important student information, and developing portfolios. We are excited about our upcoming session in the Marist Way, which will be facilitated by Andrew Watson. These professional development opportunities, which are a key part of the InspirED program, run alongside regular breakfasts with the Executive Team to network, strengthen relationships, and celebrate achievements. First-year teachers also have cyclic meetings with the Leader of Support and Pedagogy to establish a relationship that supports and encourages professional learning, discussing challenges, goals, and celebrations.
Newman College is proud of its unique InspirED program and looks forward to supporting our ECTs into the future.
At the Celebration Assembly on Wednesday 8th May, the theme was preparedness. Our College Captains spoke to the Years 7-12 students about the upcoming term and the importance of a committed and proactive approach to their studies. They shared the following tips with the student body:
Create a realistic study plan that includes scheduled regular breaks.
Study the more challenging subjects earlier in the afternoon and leave the easier work until later in your schedule.
Keep your study sessions short.
Create a study zone at home that is free of distractions and has just the right amount of noise for you.
Have you found out what your learning style is? Do you love colourful mind maps? Do you concentrate best when you are writing? Do you find it hard to sit still when you study? Speak to your PCG teacher or your classroom teacher who can support you with some tips.
Take care of your health – eat healthy, stay hydrated, get plenty of sleep and keep up the exercise.
Continue to engage in your activities even though it is assessment time. Go to your Soccer training. Show up to your Music lessons.
Year 10 STEM Challenge Day 2024
On Thursday 2nd May, 32 Year 10 students attended the Perth Science and Engineering Challenge. A weeklong event presented by the University of Newcastle and attended by 40 metropolitan high schools. The teams with the highest scores over all 5 days will be invited to the state finals. Students were involved in engineering challenges such as building a bridge, creating an earthquake-resistant tower, building wind turbines, aeroplanes, connecting power grids and more.
The Year 10 students challenged themselves and performed exceptionally well breaking several records. In addition to the overall first place, we achieved first place in these engineering challenges, Helter Skelter, Wind Turbine, Confounding Communications and Electracity. Congratulations to all the participants of the Year 10 STEM Challenge Day! Each student competed with an attitude of curiosity, collaboration, and creativity. Their efforts were acknowledged at our recent Celebration Assembly. Hopefully, our scores will be enough to take us through to the state finals!
Thank you to Mr Spriggins and Mrs Ognenis for attending with the students.
Champagnat Cup – Monday 29 May 2024
We welcomed Bunbury Catholic College and St Joseph’s Northam to Newman College for the Champagnat Cup. The day was filled with spirited competition, involving round-robin matches in Boys AFL and basketball, and Girls basketball and netball. Congratulations to all the students who participated, embodying the true spirit of sportsmanship. A heartfelt thank you goes to our dedicated staff and officials for their invaluable contribution in making this event a success. We have proudly retained the Champagnat Cup in 2024!
Wellbeing Program – Year 11 and Year 12 Guest Speaker
On Wednesday 15 May, a guest presenter from White Ribbon Australia will be coming to the College to speak to the Year 11 and Year 12 students about Domestic and Family Violence. This session aligns with the Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum which all Australian schools are mandated to follow. Please click the link to access the letter that has been sent to Year 11 and Year 12 families. If you have any questions about this session, please contact the Leader of Wellbeing Year 11, Mr David Husband
Commencing Week 5, Dylan O’Donohue, one of our regular homework Club Tutors, will be running the Quantum Club. Starting with the fascinating topic “Photons – What do you know?” all year 7 – 12 interested students are welcome to attend.
The Club will run from 3.30pm – 4.15pm every Wednesday until Week 9. Just sign up as usual for Homework Club when you arrive in the Hub. This club is auspiced by UWA, where Dylan is currently studying quantum theories.
Organisation with Josh Downes
Starting NEXT Thursday from 3.30 to 4.00, Josh Downes will be running a special session for Year 9 students in Library 1.
Josh is one of our valued Tutors who is currently studying Economics and Finance at UWA and has a wealth of experience in self-motivation and study success.
All year 9 students who would like to POWER UP their STUDY SKILLS are welcome. Please BRING some current work you want to complete, together with your DIARY or digital diary. Just Sign Up as usual for Homework Club, when you arrive, in the Hub.
These sessions will be running until Week 9.
Pathways and Careers Information: Year 10
Subject selection for Year 11, 2025
Please see below for some resources associated with subject selection for Year 11, 2025:
Students and families are reminded that the Newman College Careers Expo and Year 10 Parent Evening will occur later in Term 2. At this event, students and families will be able to speak to teachers about each subject, and also seek information from Universities, TAFEs and training providers about possible courses and careers.
It is expected that all Year 10 students will attend this event. Details are below:
Tuesday 18 June, 2024
Marist Auditorium
Careers Expo commences at 5.00pm
Parent Information evening commences at 6.00pm
Pathways and Careers Information: Year 11
WACE (secondary graduation) requirements
In Year 11 and 12, students are progressing towards their Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE), otherwise known as their secondary graduation.
In order to achieve their WACE, students need to meet certain academic targets across Year 11 and 12. These are:
Demonstrate the minimum standard of literacy and numeracy (either in Year 9 NAPLAN or in Year 10-12 OLNA).
Be enrolled in English / Literature in Year 11 and 12.
Be enrolled in at least 1 ‘List B’ (Maths / Science / Sport / Technology) subject.
Achieve at least 14 C grades, with at least 6 C grades in Year 12 subjects.
For students considering UniReady / UniPath in Year 12
A reminder to students on the General Pathway who are considering UniReady / UniPath in Year 12 next year. It is expected that students from the General Pathway would have participated in extra-curricular activities such as work experience, VET Certificates, Leadership, Service, and/or College sport. General Pathway students who have not participated in any of these extra-curricular activities may not be eligible for UniReady / UniPath.
For students thinking of attending University
TISC has a series of videos explaining things like ATAR calculation, prerequisite subjects, scaling, and preferences. You can find them here:
In Year 11 and 12, students are progressing towards their Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE), otherwise known as their secondary graduation.
In order to achieve their WACE, students need to meet certain academic targets across Year 11 and 12. These are:
Demonstrate the minimum standard of literacy and numeracy (either in Year 9 NAPLAN or in Year 10-12 OLNA).
Be enrolled in English / Literature in Year 11 and 12.
Be enrolled in at least 1 ‘List B’ (Maths / Science / Sport / Technology) subject.
Achieve at least 14 C grades, with at least 6 C grades in Year 12 subjects.
Gap year information
Students interested in taking a gap year in 2025 might find the following interesting:
The April 2024 edition of the Apprentice Intake Guide has now been published. This guide is a large listing of many different apprenticeship opportunities available.
Students and families are advised that applications for University in 2025 are open as of 1 May 2024. Early Offers for University in 2025 will not be made to students until 2 September 2024. The currently available information about Early Offers is in the table below.
Early Offer Information
Curtin University
Early Offers are available for ATAR and non-ATAR students.Must achieve WACE and meet any prerequisites.Submit your application via TISC, putting your Early Offer course as your first preference.If your predicted ATAR is five points above the ATAR score required for your selected course, you will receive an early offer that secures your place in Semester 1, 2025. Your offer won’t be dependent on your final Year 12 ATAR score. You will still need to complete WACE and meet the English and subject requirements for your course. If your predicted ATAR is less than five points above the ATAR score required for your course, you will still receive an early offer for a place at Curtin. You will need to achieve a final ATAR that meets course entry requirements, and meet WACE, English and subjects requirements for the course.If you are not studying the ATAR Pathway, your early offer will be conditional upon you meeting the admission criteria for your chosen course, achieving WACE and meeting Curtin’s English requirements.
Edith Cowan University (ECU)
Early Offer calculated from your most recent school results including exams.Must achieve WACE and meet any prerequisites.Early Offers for Certificate IV and UniReady/UniPath students will be conditional on passing.Submit your application via TISC, putting your Early Offer course as your first preference.Offers will be made on 2 September, 23 September, 14 October, 18 November and 2 December. Allow around 2 weeks for us assess your application.List of courses available for Early Offers is at:
Murdoch University
Must achieve WACE and meet any prerequisites.Early Offers for Certificate IV and UniReady/UniPath students will be conditional on passing.Submit your application via TISC, putting your Early Offer course as your first preference.
Notre Dame University
Must be completing the ATAR Pathway in Year 12.Submit your application via TISC, putting your Early Offer course as your first preference.Offers will be made on 2 September, 20 September, 4 October, 11 December. Allow a few weeks for us assess your application.In the application you will be asked to provide details about your non-academic achievements and commitments, which may include work, caring responsibilities at home, volunteering, sports and school leadership, among others.Further information and eligible courses at
University of Western Australia
Must be completing the ATAR Pathway in Year 12.Submit your application via TISC, putting your Early Offer course as your first preference.All students must satisfy UWA’s English requirements and any subject prerequisite requirements.Students can apply for an Early Offer for all degrees with UWA excluding Assured Pathways to Medicine, Dental Medicine, Pharmacy and Podiatric Medicine or the Bachelor of Biomedicine (specialised).Further information at:
Information about University entry
TISC has a series of videos explaining things like ATAR calculation, prerequisite subjects, scaling, and preferences. You can find them here:
Thinking of studying Medicine or Dentistry in 2025?
All students who wish to enrol in Medicine or Dentistry in 2025 (including Assured Pathway at UWA) will need to sit the University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) this year.
Please see below for some important dates:
5 March 2024: UCAT bookings open
17 May 2024: Deadline to book your UCAT for 2024
10 June 2024: Deadline if you need to cancel your UCAT booking
Also, students applying for Medicine at Curtin University are required to sit the CASPER Test. CASPER scores are valid only for the next available admissions year, so applicants should only complete the test in the year immediately preceding their planned year of admission.
The CASPER Test is held nationally and is sat online from home. Applicants are responsible for making their own arrangements to register for the CASPER Test. Available Casper Test dates are: