Student Wellbeing

Student Wellbeing

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Student wellbeing permeates our teaching programs, our student support structures and the policies that govern the way we engage with students, staff and parents.

At Newman College, we believe that wellbeing begins, though certainly extends, beyond self. We therefore challenge our students to seek healthy reflection on their own being and place in the world but we also require them to support, and meaningfully contribute towards, the lives of others.

Our objective is to develop a holistic approach to wellbeing in and out of the classroom by guiding students towards the development of skills, mindsets and behaviours that contribute to their social, physical, academic and emotional success. To read our Vision for Wellbeing, click here.

Counselling Services

  • If a student is experiencing challenges with their academic subjects, students are encouraged to speak with their classroom teacher who will liaise with the relevant Leader of Learning.
  • Student wellbeing at Newman College is supported by our Pastoral Care Group teachers who see our Secondary students each day: either in the morning or during Extended PCG time. Leaders of Wellbeing work with our Pastoral Care Group teachers to support our students and have oversight of their year group.
  • At Newman College, we are aware that a student’s learning can be impacted by their wellbeing. A trained Psychologist assists students who may be experiencing mental health concerns such as anxiety, stress, depression, grief and loss. The psychologist works with the College to support our students. On the Primary campuses, the expertise and services of the Social Worker is available.

Student Wellbeing

Newman College recognises the need to promote a climate within the College Community, which encourages a high degree of self-behaviour management and self respect within students, thus allowing them to have a self fulfilling life at the College.

Newman College seeks to provide students with the opportunity to manage and change their behaviour. The Behaviour Management Policy is founded on Respect.

The College Behaviour Management Policy can be found here.

Respect for our Faith

Acknowledge the faith journey of each person and share positively
in the faith life of our Marist School.

Respect for Others

Value differences in other people and respect all who work
in the Newman Community.

Respect for Self

Value the talents we have and achieve to the best of our ability.

Respect for Learning

Contribute to a safe, orderly and productive learning environment.
Interact respectfully with teachers and peers.

Respect for the College

Be proud of the College and show consideration for the property
of others and of the College.

Our Wellbeing Team

Newman College promotes the value of wellbeing across all of its campuses through staff and student interactions, Tier 2 programmes and interventions and continued development of school-parent partnerships. We acknowledge that a student’s wellbeing is positively associated with increased school engagement levels and individual academic success. Newman College supports student wellbeing by focusing on five essential elements for wellbeing which connect directly to our Marist characteristics of presence, simplicity, family spirit, love of work and in the way of Mary.

The Marcellin Campus Wellbeing Team consists of the Leaders of Wellbeing, the Deputy Principal Secondary, the College Psychologists and Youth Chaplain. It is this Wellbeing Team that works closely with our Pastoral Care Group teachers who are the first point of contact for our families when they have wellbeing concerns. Our Wellbeing Program on the Marcellin Campus provides our Wellbeing Team with the ability to be proactive in supporting each cohort’s developmental needs. Our Wellbeing Program is designed to cover aspects of the Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum as we work alongside our Health and Physical Education Department who also cover aspects of this mandatory curriculum.

If parents/guardians have concerns regarding their child/children, we ask that they contact the relevant Leader of Wellbeing whose contact phone numbers are listed below:

  • Leader of Wellbeing Y7: 9204 9427
  • Leader of Wellbeing Y8: 9204 9428
  • Leader of Wellbeing Y9: 9204 9429
  • Leader of Wellbeing Y10: 9204 9420
  • Leader of Wellbeing Y11: 9204 9421
  • Leader of Wellbeing Y12: 9204 9422