Strategic Plan
The inspiration for the 2021 -2023 Strategic Directions is based on St John Henry Newman’s words: “To live is to change, to be perfect is to have changed often.”
Our community has undergone significant renewal in the last five years, exemplified by agility and innovation as a PK-12 Community. We have pursued St John Henry Newman’s commitment to academic excellence and critical thinking that is animated through our Vision for Learning ‘Shine through discovery’ – Let your light shine.
This Vision inspires our faith and learning community to Challenge, Collaborate, Create and Celebrate who we are and what we seek to achieve. We are strengthened as a Marist school by our characteristics of Presence, Love of Work, Simplicity, In the Way of Mary and Family Spirit. These characteristics drive the cultural elements that shape who we are, what we represent and what we are going to become and, ultimately, the legacy that will define who we are.
As a congregationally owned College governed by Marist Schools Australia (MSA), this Strategic Directions 2021 – 2023 affirms and develops the significant steps that have been taken to ensure that Newman College is a Catholic School of choice for families now and into the future. It is designed to embrace the transformational learning that will prepare students and teachers for the ambiguity and uncertainty of our contemporary world.
It challenges us to embrace and initiate change as distinct from only accepting it. Our Marist Project is now over 200 years old, alive in 83 countries and across 54 schools in Australia. It is hoped that the Strategic Directions 2021- 2023 continues St Marcellin Champagnat’s dream of transforming the lives and situations of young people through offering them an integral education, both human and spiritual, based on an encounter with Jesus Christ and lived out in our relationships with each other.
As we journey together from the sandpit in Pre-Kindergarten to the graduating student of Year 12, we hope that the reverberation of their time in our Marist community is reflected in the words of St Marcellin Champagnat. “May their lives be an echo of what you have taught them”.

School Improvement Plan
Download Annual School Improvement Plan 2023
Download Annual School Improvement Plan 2022
Download Annual School Improvement Plan 2021
Download Annual School Improvement Plan 2020
Download Annual School Improvement Plan 2019
Download Annual School Improvement Plan 2018
Download Annual School Improvement Plan 2017
Download Newman College Strategic Plan 2017 – 2019