Vision for Mission
Newman College is a Catholic school educating in the Marist tradition which endeavours to lead students to know and love Jesus Christ. With Mary as our model in faith, we encourage students to grow into the fullness of their humanity in an educational environment where they feel welcomed, accepted and valued.
Our Vision for Mission – to form “Good Christians and Good Citizens” is taken from St Marcellin Champagnat’s desire for every child. “We aim at something better… to give them Christian spirit, attitudes and virtues possessed by good Christians and good citizens.”
This Vision is underpinned by our methodology of Experience, Discernment Reflection and Action. Our Mission embraces our Vision for Learning –‘Shine Through Discovery’ – Let your light shine (Matthew 5:16), to develop the individual’s unique God given gifts and to nurture their faith and learning to Challenge, Collaborate, Create and Celebrate who we are and what we seek to achieve.
Bishops Mandate
The Bishops Mandate underpins our Vision for Mission and shapes our practical response to the imperatives of the Gospel that invites students and the wider College community into diverse experiences of faith. We encourage all members of the Newman College community to be involved what is on offer in the faith formation, service and advocacy.
Catholic schools will be concerned with the development of students as responsible, inner-directed individuals of Christian virtue, capable of free choice and of making value judgements enlightened by formed Christian conscience. Catholic schools seek to help students to develop a total commitment to Christ. Bishops’ Mandate, #19
Our Catholic schools are called to be Christian prophetic communities, fostering the ‘new life in Christ’ and growth in Christian values, as proclaimed by the Catholic Church. This includes helping students to integrate faith and culture, to be encouraging and supportive of all that is good in society – as well as to challenge all that is contrary to Christ’s message. This is crucial to their contribution towards the new evangelisation of our young. Bishops’ Mandate #89
Our Purpose
To provide a School Ministry program that is shaped as a practical response to the imperatives of the Gospel that invites students and the wider College community into diverse experiences of faith formation. We encourage the members of the Newman College community to be involved in an ongoing decision making process for all issues surrounding Ministry and Outreach.
At Newman College, evangelisation is opening students to the presence of God in their life with a Marist lens allowing them to reflect on the relationship between faith and life.
Catholic schools evangelise by striving to be good schools and integrating faith, culture and life.
Bishops Mandate #18
Religious Education
At Newman College our Vision for Learning – ‘Shine Through Discovery’ – Let your light shine (Matthew 5:16), inspires our learning community to Challenge, Collaborate, Create and Celebrate by promoting education in the Marist tradition. Staff animate our delivery of teaching and learning and work to underpin our contemporary and relevant pedagogy with innovation and creativity.
Religious Education needs to be the first priority in the Catholic School.
Bishops Mandate #62
Parish Life
Newman College seeks to bring local parish communities together to minister to the students within the PK-12 community. Through the celebration of the sacraments, students are invited into relationship with their local parish and actively participate in liturgy and mission.
Catholic Schools complement parishes with their supportive responsibilities towards parents. For evangelisation to be effective, it is imperative that family, parish and schools work in partnership.
Bishops Mandate #79
Community Outreach and Advocacy
Our Community Outreach and advocacy is based on the Catholic Social Teachings and the imperative of Jesus to serve others. Students are taught to think of the other and to do good quietly as they learn their social responsibilities to collaborate with local and international communities to create a better humanity.
Students need to develop a spirit of solidarity with, and service to others. They need to learn respect for the dignity and rights of every human person.
Bishops Mandate #21
Christian Service Learning: Living Marist
The Newman College Christian service-learning program is underpinned by the imperative of Jesus, named in our Vision for Learning “Let your light shine” (Matthew 5:16) and our Vision for Mission “to form good Christians and good citizens” (St Marcellin Champagnat).
Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.
1 Peter 4:10
A Christian service-learning program is an essential part of any Catholic school, as stated in the Bishops’ Mandate. At Newman College, we educate our students in the Marist Tradition, choosing to name our Christian service-learning program “Living Marist: Good Christians and Good Citizens.”
Through the Religious Education classes, students have the opportunity to engage in understanding the Catholic Social Teachings and Scripture that calls us to serve as we strive to live our Marist characteristics of Family Spirit, Presence, Simplicity, Love of Work and In the Way of Mary.
Alumni and Former Marist Students
Linking current and former students through the provision of shared faith and services opportunities. Read more.