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Applications are now open for Year 7 2027 and Kindy 2026

Click the button below to find how to enrol your child at Newman College

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To provide families with some much-needed flexibility we have expanded our offering to include a five-day and a four-day Kindergarten Program, alongside our current three-day offering.

This means families will no longer need to juggle both school fees and day care costs!

Places are limited.

Find out more
National Teacher Awards 2023

Newman College Perth is thrilled to announce and celebrate the outstanding achievement of one of our own, Catherine Young Leader of Learning PK-6, who has been announced as the recipient of the inaugural National Teacher Awards 2023 in the category Improving Student Learning and Progress.

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shine through discovery

Shine Through Discovery

At Newman College we promote and embrace an holistic education which encompasses academic studies, culture, service, sport and spiritual development. Each of these pursuits is individually important however collectively they have the power to develop your child’s spirit and strength of character: his/her heart and soul.

Latest News

From the Principal – Term 4 Week 6
As I write a summary of a few key events over the past few weeks, I find myself reflecting on the ways Marist Family Spirit is expressed in our community. ...
Primary Update Term 4 Week 6
Year 1 Green Assembly This morning our Year 1 Green class shared with us a wonderful assembly based on the story of Christmas. 1 Green were very creative by putting...
From the Vice Principal – Term 4 Week 4
Secondary Campus Experience – Tuesday, 5 November As part of our Year 7 2025 Transition Process, we invite our Year 6 students and their families to our Secondary Campus Experience...


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