Newman Newbies Term 4 2019: From the Vice Principal
Primary Christmas Concert – Miracle on Bethlehem Street
Our Kindy – Year 6 community joined together to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas. Our celebrations started with traditional Christmas Carols followed by a Noongar Christmas Carol ‘Djinda Djinda’ sung by our Kindy & Year 6 students. The performance of Miracle of Bethlehem Street opened on the streets of Bethlehem, and the little town had never been busier! Ceasar’s Census had the town in a frenzy, and the Innkeeper Benjamin had a brilliant plan to capitalise on the business, that is until he was reminded of the true meaning of Christmas. Click here to see more photos from the night.
Newman College Arts Festival
The annual College Arts Festival featured works (both Visual Art and Design and Technology) from across our Kindy – Year 12 student community. One of the many highlights was the unveiling of the collaborative piece which was created by students in Years 9-12 and this year’s Artists in Residence; Andy Quilty, Bradley Kickett and Rohin Kickett. Both the Opening Showcase and Parent Soiree were also wonderful celebrations. Click here to see more photos from the event.
Developing New Learning Experiences
Singapore Learning Immersion
This inaugural immersion saw twenty-five Years 9 and 10 students embark on an exciting and challenging learning immersion at Republic Polytechnic (RP) in Singapore. RP is a post school educational institution that seeks to nurture innovative, entrepreneurial and cultured professionals. Our partnership and this learning immersion aims to foster and challenge our students and staff to be resilient, global thinkers; students who are agile, collaborative and embracing of the demands of the 21st Century. The program for the week was centered on collaborating with RP students on problem-based learning activities. The program aims to develop the following skills:
- Effective self-directed learning and critical problem inquiry
- Effective collaboration and problem-solving
- Effective reasoning, argumentation and presentation
Working and collaborating with students in this industry-based learning environment fostering creativity and entrepreneurial skills has been life changing for many of our students. The benefits of this experience will be in shaping our learning programs into the future. Staff will become more adept in creating learning experiences that foster the aforementioned skills. Supporting these programs will be learning spaces that reflect our strategic intent as exemplified in the development of our new Learning Hub (due for completion December 2020). To this end our students across our College will benefit as we continue to develop our teachers and students to be agile and flexible learners in our ever-changing world.