Newman News Term 2 Week 2: From the Leader of Wellbeing Primary

It has been so pleasing this week to see the smiling and happy faces of so many students back at school. I would like to begin our newsletter this week by thanking all members of our school community for working so well together to navigate through this challenge of COVID-19. From teachers and support staff, to parents and students, there has been an extraordinary level of understanding and compassion for others. At the beginning of the year I spoke with many families at the Parent Information Evening about our Marist theme for 2020 – Creating one new Humanity. The ‘humanity’ we have been creating is one I hope we can reap the benefits of for years to come. People have come together to support each other in ways they never imagined. New relationships have been formed in our community, and old ones strengthened. I am very proud to be a part of such a strong, community minded school and I hope that you are too.

The focus in class for the coming weeks is all about providing a sense of calm and belonging. Many students have adapted well to change over these past weeks, but it is important students feel settled in their classrooms and with their friends for Term 2. We are looking forward to welcoming all students back this term and continuing to provide opportunities for all children to grow.

Mothers Day

This morning we held a beautiful Mothers Day Liturgy via live stream to celebrate the wonderful mothers and grandmothers who are a part of our great community. If you missed the liturgy please click here to watch it.

Our Y3-6 students also spread the love during drop-off by holding signs and cheering all of the mothers as they drove by. A wonderful social distancing initiative by our RE Coordinator, Mrs Jane Short.

Remote Learning – Student Reflections

This week, some of our Year 6 students provided a reflection on their experiences throughout the remote learning period. A big thank you to each of these students for offering their insights during a challenging time.

“My experience with remote learning was excellent and I loved how the teachers made all the activities enjoyable, interesting, and easy to do at home. Remote learning gave us a chance to focus on our work while still having fun. We had many lessons that involved being outside and getting fresh air. It was sad to not see our friends every day, but our teachers made sure we still connected with classmates and teachers. I am very happy to be back at school, as I love working with other people and collaborating.” Ruby Hankinson

“I loved how with remote learning the teachers had fun and appropriate work. I loved how teachers answered all questions and anything we were confused on they explained it as well as possible which really helped at home. I also loved Wellness Wednesday because we had time to focus on ourselves and the activities were really interesting. I also enjoyed the activities where we had to get out of the house and do things creatively. This made me enjoy every moment of online school! My experience with remote learning was exceptional, the teachers were so thoughtful during this time.” Lola Corbett

“I enjoyed remote learning, I found it good that the teachers put up all the work for the day so you can read through it all before you start. I also loved doing some of the work by myself and that I could do the work in my own speed and time. The teachers helped with anything you needed by answering questions on SeeSaw and you could contact them anytime. The teachers also put up fun activities during the day. The thing I missed most was not being able to socialise with my friends and I also missed seeing the teachers at school. I loved remote learning, but I am extremely happy that I am back at school to see all of my friends again.” Ruby Bell

College Uniform

Due to difficulties in meeting the high demand of winter uniform items, together with the restrictions placed on the Uniform Shop access, there will be an additional week where students will be able to wear their summer uniform or their sports uniform with light blue or faction polo shirt. The wearing of full winter uniform will commence on Monday 18 May. The College has recently updated the uniform requirements, and details can be found here.

Download Uniform Requirements


Next week, we will be recommencing both our Monday Morning Prayer Assemblies and Friday Merit Assemblies. Parents will be able to participate by watching online either through a live or pre-recorded video link. These links will be shared with parents in due course. We look forward to once again starting our week by gathering together in prayer and reflection. Similarly, we look forward to being able to celebrate the academic and personal achievements of our students.