Newman News Term 3 Week 8: From the Deputy Principal Wellbeing Secondary

As our Year 12 students enter their final few weeks of course work, I would like to acknowledge their immense efforts this Term and I hope they achieve the results they are aspiring to. While many have achieved early entry into university and TAFE for 2021, I have been impressed with their ongoing commitment to their studies. I also acknowledge that most of our students from Years 7-11 will be working hard in completing several assessments before we break for the school holidays. I wish students well in these tasks and hope they can go on their break confident that they have put in plenty of effort and are proud of their achievements in Term 3.

Over the past few weeks we have been lucky enough to have several College camps and excursions take place, NAS sport continues, rehearsals for the College Production of Matilda re-commences and squad training for the upcoming ACC Athletics Carnival continues. With so much uncertainty in Term 2, it has been great to watch our staff and students embrace the activities on offer this Term.

Year 7 Disco

Last night the Year 7 cohort enjoyed coming together with the Year 12 Leaders to celebrate at the annual Year 7 Disco. Dressed in their best Neon attire, the students enjoyed dancing the night away with the highlight of the night being the Dance Off battle! Thank you to the Year 12 leaders for coordinating this event and a special mention to former student Aaron Tsalis Class of 2018 for being the DJ for the third year in a row.

Year 12 English ATAR Revision Seminars

Over the past two weeks, Year 12 English ATAR students have had the opportunity to participate in two workshops to assist in their preparation for the upcoming English Mock and ATAR Examinations.

In lieu of the annual Curtin University English Conference that students would normally attend, lectures were provided online to schools, so we held a viewing session of these workshops where students were able improve their skills in writing a composing task and reading film as a Multi-modal text.

This week, we were fortunate to have experienced ATAR marker and teacher Justine McGinnis deliver a seminar on how to succeed in the comprehension section of the ATAR exam. There was a strong focus on how to interpret key terms of the syllabus, how to read, interpret and analyze texts, and then apply these skills to formulating a response to a question. Those who attended took away some vital strategies and hints that can help them in the exam.

R U Okay? Day

Yesterday was R U OK? Day, the national day of action where we were reminded that every day is the day to ask, “Are you OK?” if someone in your world is struggling with life’s ups and downs. 2020 has been a challenging year for everyone and circumstances have made it even more important for us all to stay connected and be willing to support those around us where we can.

This year’s theme was “There’s more to say after R U OK?”. Our Year 12 Wellbeing Captains, Meg and Ruby spoke at yesterday’s assembly about the importance of not just asking the question, but checking in regularly and encouraging other supports when needed, and an awareness raising event was held at lunchtime for students. We hope that the day was a reminder of the importance of looking out for one another, in fostering a connected and supportive College community. To continue the conversation, visit

In Your Head 2020 WA Youth Mental Health Forum

This week a number of our Years 9 and 10 Guild Representatives attended the In Your Head Youth Mental Health Forum. The aim of the day was to learn ways of maintaining good mental health from a range of keynote speakers and workshop facilitators.

The keynote speakers were Andrew Fuller, Georgia Wilson, Kendall Whyte and Lockie Cooke. The students engaged in breakout sessions covering topics including asking for help, social media and wellbeing, dealing with uncomfortable feelings and coping with exam stress. Students who attended discovered their learning strengths, the importance of mindset and discovered resources to assist them and their peers with their wellbeing.

Pathways and Careers Update

Click here to see all of the upcoming list of events that may be useful for students and parents.

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