Newman News Term 4 Week 2: From the Leader of Early Childhood

A warm welcome back to Term 4. I hope students and their families managed to find some moments of rest and recuperation over the holiday period. I know from my own family camping experience that the weather was a bit hit and miss, however, it is always nice to enjoy some quality family time together after a busy term of work. A break from making school lunches, is also always gratefully received.

Key Dates – Next fortnight

Click here to view the key dates for the next fortnight.

St John Henry Newman – Buddy Day 

Last week we celebrated St John Henry Newman’s Feast Day, with a whole of College mass in the Gymnasium. Our early childhood students were so reverent and participated in the celebration beautifully.

The remainder of the day was celebrated with a STEM Festival in Buddy classes. St John Henry Newman is well recognised as a scholar and the STEM linked activities seemed a fitting way to pay tribute to our school’s namesake. Students worked in small groups to create a square foot garden prototype, linked to the 2021 Science Week theme “Food – Different by Design”. The children were very creative thinkers and displayed problem solving and collaborative skills as they worked together to create their design.

Telethon Speech and Hearing – Loud Shirt Day Ambassador 

Today, Friday 22 October is Telethon Speech and Hearing’s Loud Shirt Day. Loud Shirt Day is an initiative to raise funds and awareness about hearing loss in children. This year, Newman College Year 2 student, Emily Siew was selected as the Ambassador for Loud Shirt Day and asked to present her Power of Speech presentation to Premier Mark McGowan.

I was fortunate enough to be able to attend and hear Emily deliver her speech on her ‘Dream Home’ to a collection of Ministers, Telethon Speech and Hearing staff and the Premier. Emily’s dream home comes complete with a cash machine, spa, voice recognition software, turquoise glitter and a robot that does your homework. It certainly sounds like a dream home to me!! Emily is to be commended on the mature, eloquent and engaging way that she represented all students with a hearing loss. We are certainly very proud of her!

Emily and her Mum will be selling cupcakes before school on Friday 29 October, in conjunction with our Fitness Friday activities. All monies raised from the sale of these cupcakes, will be donated to Telethon Speech and Hearing Centre’s Loud Shirt Day fundraiser.

Class Allocations 2022 

In Term 4, teachers will begin looking at class groupings for 2022. Many factors are considered when selecting class placements for students and each child’s best interests are the main priority when these decisions are made. Class placements are made in consultation with all year level teachers and significant time and consideration is given to this task. Class placement is made with due consideration of gender, pastoral needs, social and emotional needs, special learning needs, and relationships.

If you believe that your child has needs that require consideration, please arrange a meeting to discuss this with their classroom teacher early in Term 4 or contact me via email at Parents should be aware that requesting a certain teacher is not a consideration in the class allocation process.

Class allocations will be shared with families towards the end of term 4.  I thank you for your understanding and support.

Kindergarten 2022 

Kindergarten 2022 Orientation is scheduled for Monday 15 November from 9.00am. 

Thank you to all families who communicated their preference for number of kindergarten attendance days.

These have now been finalised, and letters have been sent to families confirming kindergarten days of attendance.