Primary Update – Term 3 Week 2

Welcome back to Semester 2 at Newman College! It has been wonderful to see all of our Primary students returning to school with big smiles and positive mindsets as we commence Term 3! As always, Term 3 is shaping up to be big, with so much exciting learning and a wide range of activities to engage in. I look forward to working alongside students, parents and staff to help our students shine this term.

3 Green & 5 Red Assembly

In Week 1, the 3 Green class entertained the Lavalla Campus with an assembly all about the importance of recycling, and the difference even the smallest of actions can make in our world. It was a timely reminder for us all to reduce, reuse and recycle as much as we possibly can.

Today, Year 5 Red shared their assembly that was based around the upcoming Olympics and demonstrating courage, strength, perseverance and friendship by all. Year 5 Red focused on the four new sports included this year, which will be wonderful to watch! Thank you to 3 Green and 5 Red for sharing their wonderful learning with us.

Student Illness

As we travel through the middle of the winter months, it is important to remind families of the importance of keeping children home if they display symptoms of being unwell. Illness spreads quickly amongst primary students. We ask that if your child is sick you do not send them to school, and instead keep them home until symptoms clear, to avoid passing on sicknesses to other students and staff. This is particularly important for vulnerable members of our community. Students who present to school with symptoms of being unwell will be sent home. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Newman Norms / Medals of Marcellin

Our new Newman Norms are now on our website and I encourage you to have a look at these expectations for our Primary students – Newman Norms – Newman College. Each week our staff and students will focus on one Norm, to discuss and unpack what that norm means for our students in their day-to-day school life.

In Week 1, Spencer (Marian) and Jadyen and Alice (Lavalla) were drawn out of the raffle and congratulated for demonstrating our Newman Norms. Congratulations to all students who received a raffle ticket in Week 1. Our token collection tubes have been reset to zero and we look forward to seeing which faction will take out the win this term!

URSTRONG – Lesson 5 Upcoming

Lesson 5 will be rolled out across the Primary next week. The areas of focus for this upcoming lesson are:

Pk-2: This session helps students identify the difference between healthy & unhealthy friendships and the impact that body language has on our friendships.

Yr 3 & 4: This session teaches students, step-by-step, how to resolve conflict with a friend. They learn how to respond to both a positive and negative reaction, plus practice giving a genuine apology.

Yr 5 & 6: This session teaches students how to respond to intentionally cruel, rude or mean behaviour. They reflect on the difference between low-level friendship issues and mean-on-purpose behaviour.

A reminder parents have access to a FREE URSTRONG parent membership. We hope that as a URSTRONG Family, you will reinforce the important messages of empowerment, self-compassion, & kindness at home.

Lavalla Homework Club

Lavalla Homework Club continues in Term 3, commencing this week and concluding in Week 9.

If your child has not attended previously, please email Mrs Alison Le Dan to confirm your child’s attendance in Term 3 –

Primary Staffing

We welcome Mrs Kate McMahon to the Primary staff as a Special Needs Education Assistant.

We also welcome Mr Justin Kirry back to his role as Leader of Wellbeing, after his Term 2 Long Service Leave.

Ryan von Bergheim


From the Principal – Term 3 Week 2

Dear Parents and Guardians 

Catholic Performing Arts Festival 

It is here again! This week marked the beginning of the Catholic Performing Arts Festival, and we have 277 students that entered in this extensive festival. The promotion and celebration of the Arts is as important as any other facet of student involvement and achievement. We are very proud of our talented, dedicated students and staff in the Arts. Our best wishes to all performers in their various events over the next six weeks. 

Preparing for Leadership Year 12 2025 

As the term gets underway, our Year 11 students who have nominated for leadership have begun working through a series of workshops. Yesterday, they gathered at our Morning Mass to receive the community’s blessing and support. There are 52 students applying to serve the College in Portfolio and Guild leadership and they are a wonderful group of young people eager to serve. The leadership process will be concluded by the end of the term and there will be the symbolic handover Class of 2024 and the incoming Year 12 2025 leaders. Please keep these students in your thoughts and prayers.  

Shine Program 

The Shine program operates across our whole College, providing opportunities for extension in learning. Last week, I had the opportunity to sit with the Year 7 Shine class and listen to their developing Shark Tank concepts. The class members were tasked with looking at ways to tackle real-life challenges at school with the view to making experiences better for other students. Several groups were examining ways to help the Year 7 2025 cohort transition smoothly into secondary school. As they worked, it was inspiring to see them grapple with our Vision for Learning pillars: Challenge, Collaborate Create and Celebrate.  

Marist Schools Australia Conference  

Beginning this weekend and concluding on Tuesday evening, the Marist Schools Australia Biennial Conference takes place in Alice Springs. The accompanying image First Light – Reveal the Spirit has been our Marist theme for 2024 and is an image taken from Standley Chasm in Alice Springs. The Conference focuses on enlivening the provision of high quality, contemporary evangelisation, its connection with indigenous spirituality and Catholic education in the Marist tradition. Three Newman College staff will be attending with me and we will also be presenting in one workshop on the topic of school improvement and student growth.

Year 10 Girls AFL Team  

The AFL girls team showed amazing hard work and great teamwork, finishing the day undefeated and winning the Dockers Cup Division 2. Well done and congratulations to the whole team on this fantastic achievement! 


From the Vice Principal – Term 3 Week 2

Uniform and Personal Presentation Expectations

At Newman College, we take great pride in our students representing our community with excellence and integrity. To maintain our high standards, we ask all students and parents to ensure that our uniform guidelines are followed. This includes shirts tucked in, top buttons done up, ties worn properly to the top button, skirts worn at the correct length, and blazers worn to and from school. These expectations apply not only at the College but also in the wider community, including on public transport and when entering and leaving the College grounds.

We encourage parents and guardians to work in partnership with the College to help students uphold our uniform standards. Checking that your child is dressed appropriately before they leave the house or step out of the car will assist in our shared approach to maintaining high standards of uniform. Additionally, we appreciate any effort to reiterate the importance of adhering to uniform requirements and personal presentation at the College. Your efforts to check uniforms and personal presentation prior to your child leaving for school or any College activity is greatly appreciated.

We thank you for continued support.

Attendance and Punctuality

Regular school attendance and punctuality are essential for students’ academic success and wellbeing. Consistent attendance allows students to benefit fully from our learning programs and activities.

We are excited to announce a new resource developed by Ms Sarah Ellam and the Wellbeing team, to support parents in this effort. For more information about this new, evidence-based resource, please check the Secondary section of the newsletter.

If you have concerns about your child’s attendance, please contact the relevant Pastoral Care Group teacher or Leader of Wellbeing.

Marcellin Campus Guild Athletics Carnival

Next Thursday, the Year 7-12 Guild Athletics Carnival takes place at the State Athletics Centre. Students have been preparing hard at pre-carnival events and training with the help of Physical Education and Guild staff. A reminder to families that the day is a compulsory event for all students. We wish all involved the very best and look forward to celebrating outstanding achievement and passionate involvement.

Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD)

The NCCD provides state and federal governments with the information they need to plan more broadly for the support of students with disability. Every year, all schools in Australia participate in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). The NCCD process requires schools to identify information already available in the school about supports provided to students with disability. Further details can be found here.

If you have any questions about the NCCD, please contact the Sarah Pagett, Leader of Support and Pedagogy.

For more information click here.

Child Safeguarding Policy

Marist Child Safe Adult Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct for Parents and Adults

Primary Update Term 2 Week 11

Year 6 Red Assembly

In Week 9, the Year 6 Red class entertained the Lavalla Campus with an assembly all about the exciting new Years 3-6 building, and the process that went along with the construction. Whilst highlighting these amazing new facilities, Year 6 Red importantly reminded us about our Newman Norms and that it is through our own efforts and attitude that we create a successful learning environment for ourselves, and our peers. Thank you, Year 6 Red for this important message presented in an entertaining way.

Champagnat Day Celebrations

Champagnat Day, celebrated last Friday, was wonderful celebration of St Marcellin Champagnat and his connection with Newman College. Our students engaged in Mass to start the day, where they were able to learn more about who St Marcellin was, and what he accomplished in his life. As always, the students loved spending time with their buddies doing activities and participating in a fantastic lapathon – with beautiful weather! We also gathered to recognise and celebrate those students and staff members who were awarded with the special Marcellin Awards. Overall it was a wonderful day spent together as a Primary.

Newman Norms / Medals of Marcellin

Our new Newman Norms are now on our website and I encourage you to have a look at these expectations for our Primary students – Newman Norms – Newman College. Each week our staff and students will focus on one Norm, to discuss and unpack what that norm means for our students in their day-to-day school life.

In Week 8, Sienna (Marian) and Isabella (Lavalla) were drawn out of the raffle and congratulated for demonstrating our Newman Norm of Line up before going into class & enter the classroom quietly.

Harlem (Marian) and Kyle’s (Lavalla) names were drawn out of the raffle in Week 9 and congratulated for demonstrating our Newman Norm of Take responsibility for our actions and act honestly.

In Week 10, Zita (Marian) and Noah (Lavalla) were drawn out of the raffle and congratulated for demonstrating our Newman Norm of Raise our hand if we would like to speak.

Congratulations to all students who received a raffle ticket in Weeks 8, 9 & 10.

As it is the end of term, our winning faction (with the most ‘medals’) has been revealed at each campus! The results were very close amongst the factions. Our winning factions were:

Students in these factions received a prize of wearing free dress on the last day of Term 3. Congratulations to Brigid faction at both campuses.

The jars will now be emptied, and we start afresh at the start of Term 3!

URSTRONG – Lesson 4 Complete

Lesson 4 Review

All students through PK-6 engaged in URSTRONG Lesson 4 in Week 9. The areas of focus across our year levels in Lesson 4 were:

PK-2: This session anchors students in the ‘truths’ of friendship so they have realistic expectations. Students learn what respect looks and sounds like in their friendships.

Years 3 & 4: This session helps students identify the difference between healthy and unhealthy friendships and the impact that body language has on our friends.

Years 5 & 6: This session teaches students, step-by-step, how to resolve conflict with a friend. They learn how to handle a friend’s negative reaction and what to do if the conflict is online.

Lessons 5-8 will be rolled out next term across the primary.

A reminder parents have access to a FREE URSTRONG parent membership. We hope that as a URSTRONG Family, you will reinforce the important messages of empowerment, self-compassion, & kindness at home.

Years 5 and 6 Speak Up Program

Our Years 5 and 6 students have been busy in class throughout Term 2 preparing their own original speeches as part of the “Speak Up” Program. The quality across these year levels was very high, and has culminated in the Speak Up finals on Wednesday of this week. The entire Lavalla Campus came together to hear some outstanding speeches from our eight finalists, who presented excellent speeches on a wide range of topics. The judging panel selected Vienna, Lucy and Lachlan to represent Newman College at the upcoming finals. Good luck to these students and well done to all Years 5 and 6 students.

Book Week

The theme for Book Week 2024 is Reading is Magic. Please see this letter from Mrs Le Dan for more information.

Lavalla Homework Club

Lavalla Homework Club will continue next term. This will begin in Week 2 and conclude in Week 9.

If your child has not attended previously, please email Mrs Alison Le Dan to confirm your child’s attendance in Term 3 –

Fathering Project

The Fathering Project at Marian Campus shared a wonderful event together on Friday evening of last week, with Bangers & Bingo! There was a huge turnout of dads, granddads and Marian students who had a brilliant time playing Bingo together and enjoying a sausage sizzle afterwards. A huge thank you to Matt Hamilton and his group of dads who organised and ran the event – a huge success! Keep your eyes out for the next Fathering Project later this year!

Primary Staffing

As we finish up Term 2, there are some staffing changes within the Primary. The following staff finish up their time with us at the end of Term 2:

Teachers: Molly Rowbottam, Grace Walker, Anne-Marie Terry

Education Assistants: Kate Wells, Kate Berridge

I wish to thank the above staff members for their time, commitment and passion for their roles throughout Semester 1 at Newman College. They will be missed, but we wish them all the best for the next chapter of their careers.

We welcome the following staff members at the commencement of Term 3:

Sarah Francia (Pre-Kindy Red teacher, returning from Maternity leave), Maria Lynch (Italian Years 3-6) and Arden Lavelle (Years 3-6 EA). We are currently finalising the remaining Special Needs EA position.

Mr Kirry returns to his Years 3-6 Leader of Wellbeing role at the start of Term 3. I would like to make special mention and give my thanks to Mrs Jane Short, who has been in the Acting Leader of Wellbeing Role throughout Term 2, and has been outstanding.

End of Term 2

It is time to reflect on a busy, productive and exciting term as Week 11 concludes. There is much to celebrate from this term with individual student growth, achievement and engagement in their classrooms and school activities. Of note was the opening of the Years 3-6 building, which stands as a state-of-the-art facility for our students. With this Stage complete, we now look to the works ramping up for the new PK-2 and specialist classrooms over the coming months. We look forward to seeing the progress on the old Lavalla site throughout Term 3.

As we enter the holidays, I wish all Primary families a wonderful and relaxing Winter holiday break and look forward to seeing students back next term.

Ryan von Bergheim

From the Vice Principal Term 2 Week 11

Marist Netball Carnival

On Friday 14 June, our Marist Netball Squad headed to Sydney for the 27th Marist Netball Carnival. The team attended the opening mass on Sunday, followed by team photos and dinner at St Joseph’s College in Hunters Hill.  

The tournament was held at Sydney Olympic Park in Homebush, beginning with a round-robin competition. Our team competed in 5 games on Monday and 7 games on Tuesday. On Wednesday, they partook in their final two matches. Entering the semi-finals in 8th place, they faced Cardijn College, who were ranked 5th. Despite a strong second-half comeback, we narrowly lost by 2 goals. The squad then played St Patrick’s, the host school, in the final for 7th and 8th place. In another intense game, the team secured a win, finishing 7th – an improvement from last year’s 9th place. Sacred Heart College, Adelaide went undefeated throughout the tournament, winning the Champion School title for the second year in a row. 

The girls played exceptionally well, with various players receiving ‘Player of the Day’ awards, highlighting the talent across the team. Special congratulations to Madie Peou, who was named in the Highly Recommended Team, an honourary team recognising the best players at the carnival. 

Well done to the following students for representing the College;

• Tania Barilla
• Darcy Bird
• Clancy Boss
• Thalia Curley
• Sophia Fasolo
• Audrey Fitzpatrick
• Chloe Menzies
• Madeline Peou
• Ava Prentice
• Emma Richardson
• Isobel Robinson
• Madison Turnbull

A special thank you to Miss Tiyana Kerimi and Miss Jorja Clark, who coached and supervised the team leading up to, and during the carnival. We look forward to partaking in next year’s Marist Netball Carnival, hosted by Cardijn College and Sacred Heart College in Adelaide, South Australia. 

Champagnat Day

On Friday 14 June, our College community came together to honour our founder, Saint Marcellin Champagnat. The day began with special Eucharistic celebrations across the College, fostering a sense of unity in faith and gratitude. Following this, we presented the prestigious Champagnat Awards to students and staff who exemplify the Marist Characteristics of Family Spirit, Simplicity, Presence, Love of Work, and In the Way of Mary. Congratulations to all our award recipients for their dedication and embodiment of these Marist values!

  • James Cunningham (Kindy)
  • Everest Kabir (Pre Primary)
  • Maggie Gregoriou (Year 1)
  • Harley Burns (Year 2)
  • Kairav Sunker (Year 3)
  • Aanav Patel (Year 4)
  • Krishav Gondariya (Year 5)
  • Jack Edwards (Year 6)
  • Bella Burnett (Year 7)
  • Charlie Steel (Year 8)
  • Greta Schwertfeger (Year 9)
  • Linus Keane (Year 10)
  • Campbell Smith (Year 11)
  • Oliver Laurent (Year 12)
  • Suzanne Pluske (Staff – Primary)
  • Bernie Roberts (Staff – Secondary)
  • Dave Ricci (Staff)

Year 11 Retreat, Leadership Day and Dinner Dance

Last week, our Year 11 students participated in two special days filled with enriching activities and meaningful discussions.

On Thursday, the Youth Ministry Team led a retreat program in the Marist Auditorium, focusing on life choices and character building. Students were challenged to appreciate the importance of resilience in overcoming life’s challenges and to understand the impact of their positive and negative choices.

Friday focused on themes of Dignity and Vulnerability, Leadership, and Legacy, presented by members of the College Executive. The afternoon provided an interactive session with a leadership panel featuring teachers and student captains, followed with time for legacy planning. The day concluded with a joyous Dinner Dance at Ambrose Estate.

A huge thank you to Mr Van Der Heever, Mr McClorey and Mr Husband for organising these memorable occasions for our Year 11 students.

Winter Music Night

The 2024 Winter Music Night was held on Monday 10 June featuring solos from our Marcellin Scholarship students, Marcellin and Lavalla Instrumental and Vocal Ensembles. Performances included the Clarinet Ensemble, Symphonic Winds, Ukelele Club, Jazz Combo, Year 3 Strings, Chamber Strings, Lavalla Choir, Lavalla Rock School, Lavalla Strings, Concert Winds, Ruah, Certificate III – Top Deck. Congratulations to all who performed on the night and thank you to staff and parents for their ongoing support.

Semester One Reports

Semester One Reports are now available for viewing on SEQTA Engage. We encourage you to take the time to review the reports with your child/ren, discuss the report attributes and achievements, and celebrate their growth points. This is an excellent opportunity to set goals and address areas needing improvement together. By engaging in this process, you can help your child/ren recognise their strengths and identify strategies for academic growth. For discussion around your child’s results, please book an interview at our Parent Teacher Interviews on Tuesday 16 July.

2025 College Term Dates

Please click here to access the 2025 College Term Dates. 

2023 Yearbooks

We are excited to announce that the 2023 Yearbooks have arrived at the College. Each family should have received a copy through their youngest child enrolled at the College. We hope you enjoy celebrating all the wonderful events and achievements featured in this publication.

Staff Movements

Staff Farewells
We thank the following staff for their contributions to our College:

  • Rachel Mowatt – Teacher Home Economics
  • Jenny Lindsay – Teacher Religious Education
  • Julia Farinaccio – Teacher Religious Education
  • Grace Walker – Teacher Italian
  • Monica Marziano – Teacher Italian
  • Kate Wells – Education Assistant Primary
  • Anna-Marie Terry – Numeracy and Literacy Support Primary
  • Molly Rowbottam – Teacher Early Childhood
  • Kate Berridge – Education Assistant Primary

Staff Returning from Leave
We welcome back the following staff who took leave in Term 2:

  • Justin Kirry – Leader of Wellbeing Y3-6
  • Heather Tate – Teacher Home Economics
  • Sheree Hart – Teacher Religious Education
  • Sarah Francia – Teacher Primary

New Staff Term 3
We are excited to welcome the following staff to our Newman College community

  • Doug Watson – Head Groundsperson
  • Maria Lynch – Italian Teacher
  • Jenna Childs – Education Assistant
  • Kane Varghese – Finance Officer
  • Nicole Gray – Social Worker
  • Danay Savva – College Psychologist
  • Tania Vandenberg – Canteen Assistant
  • Arden Lavelle – Education Assistant Primary

Parking – University Avenue

We understand that picking up or dropping off students can sometimes be hectic, but it is essential for everyone’s safety and convenience that vehicles are parked in designated bays. This helps maintain traffic flow, ensures emergency access, and prevents unnecessary congestion.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support as we strive to offer our students the highest quality education. Wishing everyone in our College community a happy and safe holiday.