Transitioning To Newman College
Home » Transitioning To Newman College
Transitioning your child from one school to another can be challenging; but it doesn’t need to be a negative experience.
From time to time, through circumstances your family may not choose, your children may have to move to a new school.
Transitioning to a new school can be a ‘testing’ experience for a child, let alone for the parents. There are natural questions that families will ponder:
- Will my child feel comfortable, safe and supported
- Will they make good friends
- Will they engage in the new culture
- Will their learning needs be met / will they be challenged in their learning
- How will we ‘fit in’ with the community
- Have we made the right decision
At Newman College we have extensive experience in welcoming children and families into our community. Our programs assist students to feel safe and supported as they integrate into their new school. Parents are well informed and provided with support in making children feel comfortable when entering their new surrounds at Newman College.
On this page we have provided information to help you and your child through this process. We hope it proves helpful for you…
Choosing a school for your child is one of the most significant decisions a parent has to make. At Newman College, we ask you to make this choice just once. Our College community caters from the entire development of a child; from the sandpit of Pre-Kindy, to the Graduating student of Year 12.
Our Vision for Learning at Newman College
Our Vision for Learning remains consistent across all year groups, to ensure there is a clear and consistent approach to education at Newman College.
Take a Virtual Tour
We have extensive video of the facilities at our Primary and Senior campuses.
Take a few moments to view many of the premium facilities Newman College provides for our students and our community….
Primary School Development Project
Newman College is embarking on a once in a generation development that will see our Pre-Kindy to Year 12 community united for the first time in our history on a single campus.
The program will see all learning and specialty areas of the primary school rebuilt to accommodate state of the art teaching and learning practices
Don’t Wait! Take the Next Step…
Check Out What’s Happening Now at Newman College