Newman News Term 2 Week 4: From the Deputy Principal Wellbeing Secondary

Save the Date: Newman Parents – Wednesday 12 June, 7.00pm, Marist Auditorium

Newman Parents is pleased to host Susan McLean, Cybersafety expert. Responsible digital citizenship is a priority across all wellbeing programs for our students. Parent education is essential as we seek to partner together for the safety of our children. This session is designed to cater for all parents from Early Childhood through to upper Secondary. Keeping up with the latest online trends, apps, games and safety measures can be overwhelming, however, with guidance and education, keeping safe online can be done. Download Growing Up Online

Please RSVP to Jo Dunn by Friday 31 May

Multicultural Week

The Language Department helped the Years 7-12 students celebrate Multicultural Week with a series of events scheduled during lunchtime this week. We saw some Greek dancing, an Aboriginal Dance performance on the Tuesday, PCG quizzes and a Gelato van visit on the Friday. A big thank you to the staff and students who made the week possible.

DOMS Report

Members of our College community have continued with their commitment to assist the Dominican Special Needs Youth Group (DOMS) this year. This group, which operates once a month out of Our Lady of the Rosary Parish in Doubleview, provides friendship and hospitality to adults with special needs, who are former students of Newman College and other nearby Catholic Colleges.

Now in its 26th year of operation, DOMS as it is known by the students of Newman College, has already run three events this year including; a games night, an Aussie Bush Dance and a Quiz Night with Mr Matt Connell as Quiz Master. A combination of present and former students, along with some of their parents, have come along to help run the events and enjoy the company of our members. If you would like some more information about this wonderful ministry in which we participate, please feel most welcome to contact Our next DOMS event is a Disco Night on Friday 14 June.

Counselling Team Wellness Sessions

On Wednesday, the Years 10 and 11 students attended the second session of the Wellness Talks presented by Headspace. Students were provided with important information regarding mental health difficulties and how to look after their general wellbeing. The session was both interactive and engaging. Headspace is a free service available to young people offering both group and individual support options for a range of wellbeing concerns. Nearby centres are in Osborne Park, Fremantle, Joondalup and Midland. The next of the Wellness talks will take place in Week 8 for Year 7 and 8 students.

Years 11 and 12 Semester 1 Exams and Alternative Programs

Goodluck to all students who will be completing their Semester 1 Exams. Click here to view the relevant timetables.

Year 11 Dinner Dance

The 2019 Year 11 Dinner Dance will be held on Wednesday 3 July at AQWA Function Centre, Sorrento from 6.00pm to 10.30pm. A letter was sent home to all families on Thursday 23 May. Download Year 11 Dinner Dance Information Letter