Newman News Term 2 Week 4: From the Head of Primary
Save the Date: Newman Parents – Wednesday 12 June, 7.00pm, Marist Auditorium
Newman Parents is pleased to host Susan McLean, Cybersafety expert. Responsible digital citizenship is a priority across all wellbeing programs for our students. Parent education is essential as we seek to partner together for the safety of our children. This session is designed to cater for all parents from Early Childhood through to upper Secondary. Keeping up with the latest online trends, apps, games and safety measures can be overwhelming, however, with guidance and education, keeping safe online can be done. Download Growing Up Online
Please RSVP to Jo Dunn by Friday 31 May
Uniform Update
Following feedback from parents at the NPCC meeting on Monday 13 May, it was suggested that boys in the Primary School be permitted to wear shorts in Terms 2 and 3. In addition, girls in the Primary School have a choice of wearing socks or tights for Terms 2 and 3. These changes have been approved and are effective immediately.
Thank you to those present for their feedback. The outcome of the proposal for the addition of a skort or short option for girls will be communicated by the end of this Term.
The Online Store
The College’s Online Store is now up and running. Families can now purchase uniform items directly through this online gateway. Click here to access. The Uniform Shop can be accessed via the website under ‘Families’ and through its own navigation item on the TOP menu bar.
The collection process:
- Primary students will have their order delivered to their class on Tuesday and Wednesday for students to take home. Note, orders received on Wednesday afternoon will not be distributed until the following Friday or Tuesday in line with Uniform Shop opening hours.
Should you have any queries, please contact Newman College reception on 9204 9444
Year 3 Reconciliation Retreat
Newman College continues its strong connection with the 24:7 Youth Ministry Team as they led our Year 3 students on their Reconciliation Retreat today. The students connected to the Sacrament and the example of Christ in their life. These students will now receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation at their local Parish.
Eco Ninja’s Waste Wise Audit
Our students have had multiple opportunities to audit the rubbish that is thrown away at our school. Driven by our Sustainability Group, the Eco Ninja’s and our Gifted and Talented students, rubbish bins have been emptied to see just what we throw away. This will lead to a targeted information campaign teaching our students the importance of sustainable living.
Woolworths Junior Landcare Grant
The Lavalla Campus has been successful in securing a Woolworths Junior Landcare Grant for the Worm Farm and Compost Tumblers project as part of its sustainability focus.
About the Project
The Eco Ninja’s will install worm farms and compost tumblers to recycle school food scraps that would otherwise end up in landfill. This will allow us to become a more sustainable and eco-friendly school and help educate students, staff and the College community about the impact of landfill on the environment. Furthermore, this will hopefully encourage the College community to adopt these eco-friendly practices at home.
Newman College is one of 538 primary schools and early learning centres throughout Australia receiving a Woolworths Junior Landcare grant to help grow the next generation of environmental champions.
The grants are being funded with money made from the sale of the Woolworths recyclable Bag for good™ which was launched in 2018 when the supermarket stopped using single-use plastic bags.
The students and teachers are looking forward to working and learning from this project and we’ll keep you updated on the results.
Little Discoverer’s Playgroup
This week, the College launched the Little Discoverer’s Playgroup offering an opportunity for members internal and external to our community to come and begin their learning journey at the College. The students enjoyed a story and songs with Mrs Rose. As the sessions are now full, the College is looking into the possibility of offering additional sessions. Please monitor the website for future changes and additions. We appreciate your support and look forward to delivering this exciting new program.
Before / After School Care
The College is proud to be working with Mercy Care to provide daily before and after school care at the Marian Campus for Newman College students. The service caters for students from Kindy (if they have turned 4 {or as long as they are turning 4 that year} and there is a vacancy) to Year 6. Children in Years 3-6 are transported to and from the Lavalla Campus each morning and afternoon. Bookings are essential. For more information please contact Mercy Care on 0409 065 996 or email
Interschool Sport
This week we begin our interschool sport fixtures with John XXIII College. This sees our Year 6 students compete in AFL, Netball, Soccer and Hockey. Good luck to all students.
Kindy Autumn walk
Our Kindy students are learning about the seasons and enjoyed seeing the colours of Autumn on their walk last week. The students played in piles of leaves from deciduous trees and could see how they change colour as we move into Winter.
Year 6 Parliament House Excursion
The Year 6 students continued their leadership focus as they visited Parliament House. They learnt about how governments are formed, our electoral process and could compare their leadership qualities against politicians of the past. Click here to see more photos from the day.
Marcellin Award
Congratulations to the following students who received a Marcellin Award in Week 4:
Billie Wyeth, Year 1: For echoing the teachings of St Marcellin Champagnat by putting another’s wellbeing above her own #Presence
Liam Stannard, Year 6: Liam has been acknowledged by numerous members of staff across the school as someone who sets an excellent example for their peers. Liam always greets others with a kind word and a friendly smile, taking the time to show genuine care for everyone he comes in contact with. He has a positive attitude, a great sense of humour & is a true ambassador for the world around him; considerate of all staff and students as well as the school environment. Liam is someone who endeavours to put his best effort into all tasks, and doesn’t shy away from a challenge. Amidst his many talents and wonderful attributes, Liam remains humble and generous. We are so proud to have him as a member of our community #LoveofWork
The Marcellin Award at Marian Campus is drawn from submitted nominations each Wednesday morning at Prayer Assembly. At Lavalla Campus, the Marcellin Award is presented at campus assemblies to one student selected by the Leadership Team from submitted nominations.
Primary Parents Social Night
The Night of Nights Primary Parents Quiz Night is almost sold out! A late release of two more tables are now available so book your seats asap so you don’t miss out!
There are still a handful of $250 small business sponsorships available. Please contact Kara Edwards if you are interested in becoming an Event Partner We are also seeking contributions towards the “The Wall of Wine”. Donations will be gratefully accepted at both Lavalla and Marian receptions.