Newman News Term 3 Week 2: From the Deputy Principal Primary
Key Dates
College Calendar Link – In recent times, our school calendar has changed regularly.
Welcome back to Term 3
A sincere welcome back to our Primary students and their families. Term 3 is always a busy one, and this year is proving to be no different. Our teachers are excited at the many things that lay ahead and have worked throughout the holiday break to successfully plan a range of wonderful initiatives for our students. We ask parents for their support and positivity as we enter this busy term – it is through positive partnership that we can affect great change.
I ask parents to please ensure that their children are presented according to the Newman College Uniform policy, paying particular attention to their hair, jewellery, shoes and that no non-uniform items (such as jackets, socks or scarves) are being worn with the uniform.
Lavalla Assembly
Well done to 4 Green students who delivered an outstanding assembly, 3 days into Term 3. Their Jack and the Beanstalk rap demonstrated the wonderful learning that has been occuring in their classroom, and showed that we have a number of future stage-stars in our midst.
Well done to all those Merit Award winners whose commendation for their excellent work was well deserved.
Our Mini-Marists groups have recently been looking at service-learning opportunities within our school. Some of the initiatives that they have undertaken include cooking and crocheting blankets for the St Vincent de Paul Winter Solidarity appeal. They have also created a number of class awards that identify and celebrate those classes who undertake responsible and respectful behaviours across the school.
Book Week
Each year across Australia, the Children’s Book Council of Australia brings children and books together to celebrate Book Week which takes place this year between 22 to 26 August 2022. During this time, students and teachers will celebrate Australian children’s literature, authors and illustrators.
The theme of Book Week this year is, Dreaming with Eyes Open!
- Marian students are invited to come to school dressed up as their favourite book character on Thursday 25th August with the parade commencing at 9am in the Undercover Area.
- Lavalla students invited to come to school dressed up as their favourite book character on Friday 26th August with the parade commencing at 9am in the Auditorium.
Kindergarten 2023 and 2024
There are a very limited number of places remaining for our Kindergarten 2023 and 2024 program. Newman College now offers a flexible Kindergarten offering, whereby families can select from a 3, 4 or 5-day kindy program for their child.
If you, or a family member / friend was seeking a place for a child in Kindy 2023 or 2024, please get in contact with our Registrar, Jo Dunn as soon as possible via
Pre-Kindergarten 2023
There are a very limited number of places remaining for our Pre-Kindergarten 2023 program. Availability is now limited to Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays.
Families can select from a 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5-day pre-kindy program for their child (subject to availability).
If you, or a family member / friend was seeking a placement for Pre-Kindy 2023, please get in contact with our Registrar, Jo Dunn as soon as possible via
Student Wellbeing
Many years ago, when I was appointed to my first teaching position at St. Mary’s in Kalgoorlie, I was full of excitement and eagerness. I had studied to become a teacher because I knew, more than anything, that I wanted to positively impact the lives of young people. I had great visions of inspiring my students to be their best; to work hard, be respectful, and most of all, be good and kind humans to one another. I was ready to change the world! 🙂
However, what I wasn’t prepared for, was the way those 26 young students and their families would change me. I had presumed that I would be the difference maker in all things within our class – after all I was the teacher, the one charged with leading our class. But it only took a short time for me to realise this was not going to be a one way street. I grew to admire and respect my students, to listen to them, and to learn from them and the way their worlds unfolded. I was able to listen to and spend time with families in the classroom each morning, observing how they balanced a generous heart with firm guidance. I had begun that year thinking it was all on my shoulders to create a safe and supportive learning environment, when in fact all I had to do was play my role and allow others to do the same.
Why do I share this story now? It is easy to think that the success of a school lies with the principal, or teachers, or the wellbeing team. However, more than ever, I have come to realise that the success of a student, class, or school, rests with every person in that community. Each person has the power to impact the life of another. Just think about that for a moment. Whether you are a young student in Kindy, a teacher, or a parent, every interaction or word spoken can change someone’s day, and the way they feel about themselves. Just imagine…when you get up tomorrow morning you have the opportunity to change lives! This is an amazing gift we are given each day…but what do we do with that gift?
My message to students as we return to begin a new term has been simple – use your power for good. Create a positive difference for someone in our community, and don’t be afraid to do the same at home too. Newman College is a beautiful community of students and families because many of us recognise the power we have and use it wisely. My great hope for students is that they come to realise this too – to go the extra mile for each other, and continue to support and accept one another. We all have the power to make a difference.
I hope that all students and families have a wonderful Term 3 where they can be impacted by the kindness and generosity of others. And yes…I am still full of excitement and eagerness every time that new school year comes upon us, while the list of those who have impacted me grows longer each year.
Stuart McClorey
Leader of Wellbeing PK-6