Newman News Term 4 Week 6: From the Leader of Wellbeing Primary

As the season of Advent approaches, we look forward to celebrating the coming of Christ with eager anticipation. Christmas is a wonderful time for celebration and as we move towards the final three weeks of the 2019 school year, we also look forward to celebrating all that our students have achieved over this academic year.

This time of year is incredibly special for our Year 6 students who are preparing to move into the next phase of their education, and I look forward to sharing this time of transition with them. 2019 has been a wonderful year for our Year 6 cohort, they are an incredible group of young people of whom we can all be very proud. Their upcoming end of year celebration is certainly well-deserved.

There are many events and celebrations in the coming weeks and I look forward to seeing you all to share in the festivities.

Digital Citizenship and Cybersafety

In the highly advanced digital world that we live in, children are met with new technologies, and the challenges which go along with them, at a regular and fast pace.

We have become increasingly aware of primary students using social media applications. Most of these applications have a minimum age of 13, some even extend this to include requiring parental consent for use up to 18 years of age. We strongly recommend that parents enforce these age restrictions with their children’s app use, as well as remain proactive in monitoring children’s devices and internet access. Particular applications we suggest parents be aware of include, but are not limited to:

  • Tik Tok
  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • SnapChat
  • Kik

Students receive Cybersafety and Digital Citizenship lessons as part of the Keeping Safe Child Protection Curriculum mandated in schools, and these lessons are also often integrated across many learning areas. While we take our responsibility for this education seriously, it is essential that these conversations continue at home. This year we have been lucky enough to welcome both Dr Justin Coulson and Susan McLean to our community, who have shared great insight into meeting these challenges as a school and as parents. There are many resources available to support families in navigating Cybersafety and Digital Citizenship, we strongly recommend you access these online resources:

eSafety Commission –

Dr Justin Coulson’s blog –

Susan McLean’s website –

Lavalla Campus Assembly

2020 Student Council

Today’s Assembly included the announcement of the 2020 Student Council. I congratulate each of our future student leaders and thank the wonderful group of Year 6 student leaders of 2019. The 2020 Student Council members are:

Hannah Seaborn, Oliver Groughan, Ruby Hankinson, Ty Patterson, Jessica Bourke, Oliver Howson, Sofia Micillo, Will Murphy, Ella Hills, James Bornmann, Charli Kinner and Linus Keane.

Year 3 Blue Item

Today’s final assembly for 2019 celebrated the gifts and talents of students in Year 3 Blue as the class presented their item around the theme of Reducing, Reusing and Recycling for the benefit of our planet. Their play showcased some amazing acting and dancing talent, with students also displaying some of their musical instruments made from recycled materials.

A big congratulations to Year 3 Blue and Mr Elliott for their fantastic presentation today.

Primary School Disco Highlights

On Friday 8 November, the Marian Hall was transformed for the Primary School Disco. We had a fabulous turnout with 440 students (Pre Primary – Year 6) dancing up a storm in their best fluro outfits. The DJ kept the kids moving and grooving with some even taking the stage to sing their favourite songs.

A special thanks to the Primary Social Committee, parent volunteers and teachers for making the disco possible.

“The disco was fun because everyone was dancing, and it was so loud because everyone was screaming. I had so much fun with my friends.” Ivana Lin, Year 3 Student

Marcellin Award

Sasha Augustus, Year 5 Green – Sasha has been recognised as someone who consistently supports her peers both in class with their academic work, as well as with their social interactions and wellbeing. She is someone who does not judge others, but rather is accepting of all she meets and treats everyone with genuine kindness and respect.

Sasha is reliable and has been described as an excellent role model for her peers. Younger students look up to her due to the example she sets. Whilst Sasha is not perfect, none of us are, on the rare occasion she may make a mistake and she is someone who owns up to her error in judgement and strives to make things right and learn from her experiences.

Sasha is someone who takes initiative; she is not someone seeking recognition or praise, rather simply seeing a need and acting on it without being asked. She is described as someone who makes any room brighter with her laughter, positivity and encouragement. The College is incredibly proud to present this award to such a deserving recipient

The Marcellin Award at Lavalla is presented at campus assemblies to one student selected by the Leadership Team from submitted nominations.

Latest Sport News

  • IPSHA Athletics Carnival
  • IPSHA Touch Rugby Carnival

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Upcoming Events

Swimming Lessons

Students in Years 3 – 6 will be participating in daily swimming lessons from Monday 25 November until Thursday 5 December. The swimming lessons are conducted by qualified swimming instructors provided by Newman Churchlands Swimming Club. Lessons have been scheduled between 9.20am and 11.55am. Please avoid making external appointments for your child during these lesson times.

Parents are not permitted within the swimming pool area during lessons.


  • Students will require the following:
  • Bathers (College uniform)
  • Rash Shirt (College uniform)
  • Goggles (optional)
  • Towel
  • Thongs
  • Sunscreen
  • Swimming Bag / Waterproof bag for wet items


Students must arrive at school in their school uniform. It is recommended that Lavalla students wear their bathers under their uniform to school. Once they return to the campus from their lesson, they will be given the opportunity to change back into their school uniform.

Please direct any questions to your child’s classroom teacher.


  • What does my child do with their wet clothes? Students are encouraged to bring their sports bag, a shopping bag or a plastic bag to put their wet bathers, rash shirt and towel in after swimming.
  • What if my child is put in the wrong swimming grade/level? The students are graded during each class and students can be moved up or down at any time during these lessons. The trained professionals will make this judgement.
  • What if my child needs to be collected during swimming? Please refrain from making appointments during swimming times as much as possible. If you need to collect your child, please sign them out from the Administration Office before the swimming lesson begins. Please inform the office and your child’s classroom teacher if this occurs.
  • What if my child forgets their equipment? All efforts will be made to contact parents if a child forgets their change of clothes or their bathers. If necessary, students will not swim.
  • What if my child misses too many lessons? If your child has not completed enough lessons their attendance will not result in a certificate of moved swimming level. To get the most out of these two weeks students should swim in each lesson unless it is unavoidable for them to miss it.

K-Y6 Christmas Concert

Week 9 Celebrations

Lavalla Awards Ceremony

On Tuesday 10 December, the Lavalla Campus will celebrate the conclusion of 2019 with an acknowledgement of the Year 6 Unit and award recipients from Years 3 – 6. We look forward to welcoming parents of the Year 6 students and those of Years 3 – 5 who will be receiving awards. Invitations have already been sent to these families.

Pool Parties

Students in Years 3 – 5 will enjoy their Pool Party at the Newman College pool on the following days:

  • Year 3 – Tuesday 10 December, 11.00am – 3.00pm
  • Year 4 – Wednesday 11 December, 11.00am – 3.00pm
  • Year 5 – Thursday 12 December, 11.00am – 3.00pm

Students must attend school in their school uniform. They will be able to change into their bathers prior to 11.00am and will change back into their school uniform for the end of the day.

Students will require the following:

  • Bathers / Board Shorts (these do not have to be College bathers)
  • Rash Shirt (this does not have to be the College rash shirt)
  • Goggles (optional)
  • Towel
  • Thongs
  • Sunscreen
  • Hat (this does not have to be the College hat)
  • Swimming Bag / Waterproof bag for wet items


PLEASE NOTE: The cut-off for Flexischools for all Pool Party orders is Tuesday 3 December, 3.00pm. If you are not ordering from the special meal deal then students will need to bring their own packed lunch.

Adventure World – Year 6

Students in Year 6 will celebrate their final day of Primary School with an excursion to Adventure World on Thursday 12 December. Details have been communicated to families on Consent 2Go.