Student Achievement
At Newman College we work to put students at the centre of the goal setting process, empowering them to set and achieve goals, both academically and personally. And because celebration can motivate a child’s learning and achievement we promote authentic recognition of a child’s effort or accomplishment.
Some celebrations are personal as in private affirmation, assessment results and reports while at other times public recognition through awards or open acclamation may be appropriate.
Attention is given to strategies for student achievement in the classroom and a priority is placed on timely feedback after assessments in order to enhance learning.
Download 2020 Results Brochure
Download 2019 Results Brochure
DOWNLOAD 2018 Results Brochure
DOWNLOAD 2017 Results Brochure
DOWNLOAD 2016 Results Brochure
Academic Enrichment – SHINE Program
We believe that all students are entitled to an education that will enable them to develop their full potential. This potential comes in many different forms be that intellectual, physical, creative, emotional, or social.
Newman College is committed to providing a challenging curriculum for all its students. In addition, we provide opportunities and support for students identified as gifted and talented. Our SHINE Program for students in Pre Primary to Year 10 delivers educational experiences of an appropriate depth and breadth for students identified as having exceptional academic ability.
The SHINE program is designed to provide an engaging and challenging curriculum for students to develop their aptitudes and talents. In the SHINE program students are encouraged to solve, hypothesise, investigate problems, concepts, or topics. They are also encouraged to navigate their own learning. The purpose of this program is to enrich student’s learning.
The program is designed with the College’s four pedagogical principles in mind:
- Students are CHALLENGED to engage in critical and creative thinking tasks
- Students are guided through COLLABORATIVE approaches to learning with like-minded peers
- Students CREATE solutions and prototypes to demonstrate their learning and
- The College and students CELEBRATE students’ efforts, learning and growth
Students are invited into the various SHINE program levels using a multi-faceted identification process. This includes both subjective and objective tests and reports. Student’s progress, suitability, and readiness for the various stages of the programs is reviewed regularly.
SHINE at Marian (Pre Primary to Year 2)
SHINE at Lavalla (Years 3-6)
SHINE at Marcellin (Years 7-10)