Newman News Term 1 Week 8: From the Deputy Principal Wellbeing Secondary
College Production – Masquerade
The College Production of Masquerade is currently in final rehearsals in preparation for performances commencing in Week 9. Staff and students have been working hard to prepare this wonderful play and we encourage all families to support the Arts in our College by purchasing tickets to attend the upcoming shows. Please click here.
Please find attached an information pamphlet from ACARA regarding NAPLAN Online for 2019. These assessments are scheduled at Newman College in Term 2 Weeks 3 and 4, Tuesday 14 May – Friday 24 May. A schedule will be sent out early in Term 2. Download NAPLAN Online 2019 Parent Information Brochure
All Year 3, 5, 7 and 9 students will sit NAPLAN Online and we will be conducting a practice test with these students in Week 9 of this term. This practice test will have multiple benefits in that it will confirm the College ICT capability or highlight any weaknesses, it will ensure all students have the correct ‘lockdown’ browser installed on their machines and most importantly will provide students with the opportunity to experience a NAPLAN style test in this format.
While schools around the nation move across to online testing, the College is being provided with paper copies of the tests as a backup measure. These will be phased out over the next two to three years. Years 7 and 9 students will be able to download the app through the ICT Support page at school.
Year 10 Allwell Academic Assessment
On Monday 1 April (Week 9), all Year 10 students will be completing the Allwell Academic Assessment.
The purpose of the Allwell Academic Assessment is to:
- Provide another point of information about your child’s relative strengths – which can assist in your pathways and subject selection process
- Provide the school information about any gaps in the cohort’s learning to better tailor teaching and learning programs in Semester 2.
Parents will receive a report back with information about their child’s current level of achievement in the areas of mathematics, reading comprehension, spelling, and written expression.
Students cannot study or prepare for the assessment and it does not count towards any end of year grades or reporting.
Sport Update
Guild Cross Country Carnival
Congratulations to all students for their participation, enthusiasm and sportsmanship at last week’s Guild Cross Country Carnival. Click here for results, Age Champions and more photos from the day.
ACC Swimming Carnival
Congratulations to all swimmers who competed in the 2019 A Division ACC Swimming Carnival held at HBF Stadium on Wednesday. The team stepped up and pushed hard all day finishing 5th overall (only 20 points off 3rd place). This is an outstanding achievement considering this was our first time in A Division in years and proves we are now back in a position to mix it with the big Schools. Congratulations to Sacred Heart who were the overall winners.
It was a total team effort and most swimmers swam ‘personal bests’ and as coaches, teachers and parents this is all we can ask of them.
Our most outstanding performers on the day;
- Imogen Boss: 40 competition points (2nd Age Champion U13)
- Ella Hodgson: 29 competition points (2nd Age Champion U14)
- Emily Holland: 47 competition points (1st Age Champion U15)
- Dylan Burgess: 33 competition points (4th Age Champion U19)
Thank you to our Head Coach Ralph McManis and the Newman Swim Club for guiding our team through a very rigorous training program providing us the best opportunities for development and success.
SunSmart School’s Tennis Tournament
Well done to our Tennis Team’s in this year’s SunSmart School’s Tennis Tournament held at Robertson Park on Monday and Tuesday this week. Both Boys and Girls Team’s played extremely well against top quality opposition with the boys finishing in second place behind Tennis Specialist School Applecross.
Summer NAS Finals
Good luck to all teams competing in Summer NAS Finals next week (Week 9). Please ensure all students check on their SEQTA Team Forums to see what venues they are playing at. The Winter NAS season commences in Week 2 Term 2 with nominations taking place next week (Week 9). Sports students can choose from are:
- Netball (Girls)
- Football (Boys)
- Badminton (Girls/Boys)
- Soccer (Girls/Boys)
- Floorball (Girls/Boys)
Year 7 Immunisations
For those students who will be receiving the immunisation against pertussis (whooping cough), tetanus, diphtheria and human papillomavirus (HPV) on Monday 1 April, students are reminded they can wear their Sport Uniform to school on this day.
Should you have any queries regarding the immunisation or the Immunisation Program, please contact the Health Units listed below.
Central Immunisation Clinic – 9321 1312
City of Joondalup – 9400 4938
City of Bayswater – 9272 0622
City of Wanneroo – 9405 5000
Year 7 Camp – Consent2Go Invitations
Parents are reminded to complete the Consent2Go invitation for Year 7 Camp with special attention to the medical and dietary pages.
Years 7-12 Science Competitions 2019
During 2019, the Science Department is promoting and coordinating a range of Science competitions and events for students. These competitions are tailored to all year levels with some even tailored to specific disciplines, meaning there is something on offer for everyone!
Attached is a letter that contains information about the benefits of these competitions, details about the various competitions on offer and instructions for how to apply. Download Science Competitions 2019
Should your child wish to register for one or more of these events, they must inform the Science Department by Monday 29 April via one of two options:
- Print and fill in the permission slip page of the letter and return to either their Science Teacher or Science Coordinator
- Parent/guardian sends an email to Miss Krystal Skelin at indicating which event(s) your child would like to participate in
Further details will follow in the weeks prior to the various competitions. All important information can be found in the attached letter, however should you have any further queries, please don’t hesitate to contact Krystal Skelin, Science Coordinator on 9204 9467.
Year 11 and 12 Guest Speakers
Over the course of Weeks 6 and 7, Year 11 and 12 students had the opportunity to hear presentations from guest speakers Dr Jane Genovese and Mr Rob Pike on the following topics:
Dr Jane Genovese, Learning Fundamentals
Dr Jane Genovese from Learning Fundamentals presented evidence-based study hacks and tips to our Year 11 and 12 cohorts. In this session, students were taught active study techniques and strategies to help them take visual notes, become more organised and develop better focus strategies. Students also learnt how to identity their own procrastination patterns, find out what might be behind them, and how to motivate themselves at any time to get their work done.
Mr Rob Pike, Safe Driving
“Your choices define your future, in a positive or negative way, it’s your choice!”
Rob Pike, a high-level athlete with plans of a sporting career, was in the back seat of his friend’s car when the driver lost control of the vehicle. Rob, the only survivor of the crash, shared with our students what it is like growing up with great ambitions and how a tragic accident changed his whole life and the future he had pictured for himself. Rob’s remarkable survivor story and details of the accident’s causation factors, left everyone inspired and thinking about the type of driver they want to be.
“Wellbeing is about balance in all aspects in life”
It encompasses the health of the whole person; physical, mental, social and emotional. A person’s wellbeing can change moment to moment, day to day, month to month and year to year. It can be influenced by what’s happening in a specific moment and the actions that people take.
As with positive mental health, wellbeing is most likely to flourish in a supportive and inclusive environment – a safe place where diversity is acknowledged, respected and seen as adding to the vibrancy and strength of the entire community.
- Mindfulness: mindfulness helps you focus on the present time.
- Nutrition and mental health: good nutrition can promote brain development, mental health and wellbeing.
- Using technology: children and young people are increasingly using online mental health sites as a first port of call for mental health support.
- Building children’s confidence: feeling confident helps children do well in all aspects of their life, both now and into the future.
- Decision-making skills: children and young people gradually learn skills for making good decisions, now and into the future.
- Physical activity: there are many positive links between physical activity and mental wellbeing.
- Play: play helps children understand the world and practice for the future.
- Self-management: self-management is a key developmental skill linked to mental health, resilience and capacity to cope.
- Resilience: children and young people need resilience. It’s important in managing stress and supporting their mental health.
If you would like more information, please click here
Pathways and Careers Update
Click here for the latest information that will assist students in Years 10-12 to make decisions about future careers and life beyond school.
Homework Club
In addition to the preparation students will be doing in class leading up to NAPLAN, the Homework Club is providing extra Literacy and Numeracy tutoring sessions from 3.25pm – 4.15pm.
Term 1 Week 9
- Monday – Narrative Writing Theory
- Tuesday – Narrative Writing Practice
- Wednesday – Year 7 Numeracy Workshop
Term 1 Week 10
- Monday – Reading Workshop
- Tuesday – Reading Workshop
- Wednesday – Year 9 Numeracy Workshop
If you have any questions about Literacy or Numeracy, these are best directed to your child’s English or Mathematics classroom teacher.