Capital Development Update
Our students will not only arrive to the new school year with high hopes, but to an improved facility waiting to support them. The Facilities and Grounds team has worked tirelessly throughout the break to upgrade student amenities and prepare for the onset of the capital works program at Marcellin. Improvements and upgrades will benefit students at each campus. The following major items are of note:
- Refurbishment of S Block classrooms, with new carpets and fresh paint
- New carpets through the Music Centre
- New water fountain locations throughout the campus
- Refurbishment of the Auditorium flooring
- New Nature Play Playground
- New Playground
- New height adjustable backboards
- New flexible classroom furniture to ensure ALL classrooms are provisioned with flexible furniture
- New flexible classroom furniture for Year 1
- New external perimeter signage installation
- Expansion of Year 2 classroom learning spaces
The acquisition of a considerable quantity of classroom furniture in the Primary campuses will see students from Y1-Y6 enjoy contemporary learning environments. The flexible furniture allows for an education that supports the College’s Vision for Learning, Shine through Discovery, where the College’s ‘principles’ of Challenge, Collaborate, Create and Celebrate can be brought to life.
The above items represent the visible and tangible works that have been undertaken, but signify just a fraction of the program of works undertaken. Facilities Manager Reece Jones, Head of Grounds David Marshall, along with their respective teams, along with the wonderful contribution made by our casual staff should be recognised. We thank you for your hard work and support throughout the holiday period.