Newman News Term 1 Week 6: From the Vice Principal
As we come to the end of Week 6, we have so many things to be grateful for, including the outstanding contribution of our students to all areas of College life. I also like to acknowledge the support of our families who partner with our staff to create a community based on our Marist characteristic of Family Spirit. It is this collaboration that allows our students to “Shine through Discovery” in their learning and discover their unique gifts and talents. I encourage our students to continue to create, collaborate and challenge themselves as we head towards the end of Term 1.
Key Dates and Events
Please be reminded that we are communicating key dates and events through the newsletter in the ‘Key Dates and Events’ pod. It is our hope that this will reduce the number of emails sent out to families and make accessing information easier.
Please note: SEQTA notices were turned off last year and are no longer a communication platform. Students in years 7 to 12 should check their team’s channel regularly.
Newman Parents Forum
I encourage members of our College community to join our Newman Parents Forum with our Parent Representatives and Executive Committee members on Monday 13 March @ 6.00pm in the JHN Hub. This meeting is an opportunity to share input and feedback and serves to help advance the best interests of those within our College Community. We look forward to welcoming you next week. All parents across the community are welcome to attend this event.
Please click HERE to view the agenda.
Neurodiversity Week
In Week 7, the College will be participating in Neurodiversity Celebration Week. Through discussions, prayers and activities, we aim to raise awareness and challenge misconceptions about neurological differences. Neurodiversity is an umbrella term used to describe alternative thinking styles, such as Dyslexia, DCD (Dyspraxia), Dyscalculia, Tourette Syndrome, Autism and ADHD. The College will focus on understanding, valuing, and celebrating the talents of neurodiverse minds through our activities during the week. Parents can find more information at: Neurodiversity Celebration Week (
Parent Teacher Interviews – Years 10/11/12
Parent Teacher interviews have been scheduled for Thursday 23 March, 3.40pm – 8.00pm. Parents will have the choice of face-to-face or online meetings. Booking details and instructions will be shared by email. We will once again be using PTO to book meeting times.
2023 Adolescent School Based Immunisation Program – Y7 and Y10
There have been significant changes to how you provide consent for your child/children to receive immunisations via this program. Consent must be given via a new online program VaccinateWA
Further details can be found HERE
Monday 1 and Tuesday 2 May Y7 – HPV (human papilloma virus), dTpa (Diptheria, Tetanus and Pertussis)
Tuesday 6 June Y10 – Meningococcal ACWY vaccine
Please note: only students that have registered their consent via the online platform by Monday 24 April will receive immunisations on the above dates.
If you have any queries, please contact
Fiona Halden
CAHS – Community Health
Clinical Nurse – School Based Immunisation Program
16 Rheola Street, West Perth, 6005 |
M: 0405 657 994 t 08 9321 1312 | w w
Y7-12 Twilight Tours
Future families have been invited to join one of two twilight tours taking place on our Secondary Campus on Tuesday 14 March. This is a great opportunity for the College to provide an insight into College life along with being provided with further enrolment information. We look forward to welcoming them to our College Community.
Senior Student Blazers
Students in Years 10 to 12 are required to have their blazers braided. The cost for this service is $25.00 payable at the time of drop off. The Uniform Shop will only accept blazers that have been drycleaned with the drycleaning tag still attached. The last day for drop-off will be Friday 24 March.