Newman News Term 2 Week 10: From the Vice Principal
Having a growth mindset is the concept that refers to how we face challenges and setbacks. Students with a growth mindset believe their ability and skill will improve over time. Pushing through challenges and overcoming disappointment are important traits of students with a growth mindset. Parents can support their children in developing a growth mindset by offering process praise; praising how your child approached the challenge and acknowledging that failure is part of the learning process.
Developing growth mindset is an ongoing process. Getting and taking feedback from others, learning from mistakes and finding innovative ways to approach tasks isn’t easy. Our Vision for Learning, Shine through Discovery, seeks to support all students to challenge themselves to achieve their very best through creative learning tasks and collaborative learning processes.
End of Semester Reflection
At the end of semester assembly on the Marcellin Campus, the students were challenged to reflect on their commitment to their College community over this semester. To serve can be described as the action of helping or doing work for someone.
The benefits of serving others are:
- develops an increased sense of social responsibility – a global view of society and a heart for ‘giving back’ and helping others.
- provides an opportunity to apply learning to real life events. Acts of service build relationships and ‘connectedness’ with student and teachers and improves lifelong communication and interpersonal skills.
- helps students find their passions and interests that may lead to future opportunities.
A quick scroll through the College’s various social media platforms showcases many examples of service through everyday opportunities, PK-12.
The involvement of our staff and students contributes to our stories of service which make Newman College stronger and richer for the relationships formed and for the acts of service we show to one another; within our community and beyond. I sincerely thank and acknowledge the valuable acts of service that make Newman College the life-giving, love-giving and hope-filled community that we are.
I acknowledge the significant effort and dedication of all staff at the end of a busy semester and sincerely thank those that are leaving Newman College for their contribution to the lives of their students and our College community. Queva Fitzgerald, McKenzie Pugh, Brianna Kirkbride and Rachael Loughridge.
We also wish Mitchell Bristow a successful secondment at St Thomas’ Primary.
I also wish the following staff a well deserved period of leave and look forward to their return in Term 4. Louise O’Mahony and Hannah Parker.
As parents, the first educators of your child, we encourage you to consider the following guiding questions during assessment and reporting time.
- Are your expectations for your son or daughter realistic and in line with their ability?
- Do you believe that children learn at different rates?
- Do you use growth mindset language with your son or daughter when discussing their report and achievements and their challenges?
We welcome all families to Parent Teacher Interviews to discuss the wellbeing and learning outcomes of your child on Tuesday 23 July. I thank our teaching staff in advance for their preparation and commitment to this important opportunity for partnership and collaboration.
SEQTA logins to access Reports
Student reports will be available to families on Friday 5 July via the SEQTA Engage portal. Please note that Year 10 reports will be uploaded on Friday 21 June.
Please Click here to access details on the SEQTA Engage login process then use the below link to login.
Click here to access the SEQTA login screen.
I remind families leaving our College community to ensure they download and save their children’s reports from SEQTA as this function will not be available to families that have withdrawn from the College.
Code of Conduct
A reminder to all families that the Code of Conduct can be accessed via the College website. The Code is mandated by Catholic Education Western Australia and the application of the Code extends to all staff, students, parents, guardians, caregivers and volunteers.
The Code seeks to value the dignity of every person, foster positive relationships, ensuring confidentiality and accountability and supports professional boundaries. Events held during school hours AND outside of school hours that are associated with the College are also supported by the Code of Conduct. Any perceived breaches of the Code can be discussed with any member of the Senior Leadership Team. We thank you in advance for your understanding and support of how we strive to partner positively with one another.
Newman College Social Media Platforms
The College uses Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to celebrate and showcase learning, connect with families, prospective and current, and to stay in contact with past students. We know social media platforms are a highly effective way to engage with all members in our College, Marist and wider community. The Code of Conduct extends to all social media platforms and it is important that if you have feedback for the College, that it is directed to a relevant member of staff. As adults, we must role model appropriate online behaviours for our children and give the College an opportunity to respond directly to any concerns or feedback.
Risk Management for College Excursions – Consent 2 Go
At Newman College, we are committed to providing the highest level of care to our students while they are on our campus or engaging in an excursion or activity away from the College. To ensure our medical and contact information is accurate, easily updated and accessible, we have partnered with Consent2Go for our excursion planning and risk assessment processes.
For any upcoming excursions or events, a link will be sent to parent email addresses requesting that consent is given to participate and the medical information about the student is accurate at the time. This software also allows teachers to identify and mange risks and ensure their activity is compliant with College and Catholic Education policies.