Newman News Term 3 Week 10: From the Deputy Principal Wellbeing Secondary
As we conclude Term 3, now is the time to reflect on how lucky we have been in Western Australia and the fact that we were able to come together as a Marist community in the past few months. While staff and students are certainly looking forward to a well-deserved break, we can look back at many positive opportunities we have had to celebrate together whether it be our Wellbeing Week, the Guild Athletics Carnival, staff v student battle of the bands, Game Changers and many more.
I have been impressed with the resilience our students have shown and the growth mindset they exhibit. Our staff have worked tirelessly to provide opportunities for students to challenge themselves and engage in meaningful activities. I would like to acknowledge the Class of 2020 and wish them all the best as they depart for exams, TAFE, traineeships or enter the workforce. While 2020 has not played out as they may have wished, they have exhibited positive leadership to our younger students, and we will miss seeing them leave.
I wish our staff and families a safe & relaxing break and will leave you with this Irish blessing:
“May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.”
Spring Music Night
Congratulations to all students who performed at Tuesday’s Spring Music Night. The night was an opportunity for our Music students to let their talents shine on stage in front of their family and friends.
For those who were unable to attend on the night, please click here to watch the recorded show.
Divergence Dance Showcase
Year 11 History Excursion
On Thursday of Week 9 the Year 11 ATAR History class visited the Holocaust Institute of WA. The students themselves described it as an eye opening experience that helped to explain events and actions related to the Nazis and World War 2, as well as modern issues today’. The group took part in a workshop that explained the evolution of the treatment of the Jews from mistrust and discrimination, through to the Final Solution. Students were asked to think in terms of individuals involved in the Holocaust and put themselves in the shoes of the European Jews. The morning ended with a moving talk by the daughter of a Holocaust survivor who told her mother’s story of persecution and survival in Eastern Europe.
Not only did the workshop help to support learning about Nazi history but it was a valuable lesson on how people need to be treated with respect and society must understand differences.
Latest Sport News
- ACC Athletics Carnival
- First Aid Course
- Newman Churchlands Swimming Club
Pathways and Careers Update
Click here to see all of the upcoming list of events that may be useful for students and parents.