Newman News Term 4 Week 4: From the Deputy Principal Primary

Grandparents Day

A huge thank you to our wonderful grandparents who joined us last week for Grandparents Day.  

On Thursday, Lavalla Campus grandparents and their grandchildren celebrated a beautiful mass in our Champagnat Chapel, followed by a morning tea.  

On Friday, Marian Campus grandparents were welcomed to the Campus with a lovely assembly led by Pre-Primary Blue students, who shared the many ways that their grandparents show their love. Students then became tour guides and celebrated the wonderful learning opportunities that they undertake at school. A massive thank you to the families that provided a plate for morning tea, for our children to share with their grandparents. There was overwhelmingly positive feedback about the wonderful food on offer. A special thanks is extended to our parent volunteers who set-up and served morning tea. You all contributed to making the event such a wonderful success.  

Swimming lessons 

Swimming lessons for students in Years 1 to Year 6, will take place this term, from Monday 14 November until Thursday 24 November, 2021. 

Registration of students for swimming lessons is compulsory and forms part of the school’s curriculum. Please register your child by clicking here.  Registrations are now overdue. If you have not yet completed your enrolment, please do so urgently.  

Information regarding the level to enrol your child in can be found by clicking here.  

The lessons will be conducted through the Newman Churchlands Swimming Club, with classroom teachers attending with their class. If you have any queries, please contact the swimming club at 

Primary Christmas Carols and Kindy – Year 5 Awards night 

U R Strong – Friendship skills workshop 

Families may be interested in the free one-hour virtual work shop noted below. 
It is provided for parents and children to watch together and explore strategies for building self-confidence, enhancing friendships and managing peer conflict. 

It is scheduled for 17 November at 3pm, but the link will be available for later viewing for 7 days. 
The UR Strong site has other general info you may find helpful also. 

Year 5 Leadership Workshops 

Over the last few weeks, I have had the pleasure of joining Mr Stuart McClory in hosting the Year 5 Leadership Workshops.  

The opportunity to represent the student body of our school is an honour and a privilege and these workshops support the Year 5 students in understanding what a commitment to leadership means and determining whether they would like to continue the path to nominating themselves to be considered for such an important role.  

Our first workshop focused on discussions about what makes a good leader.  The students shared their own experiences with their peers and looked at moments where they have made others feel good and happy. 

The second workshop focused on what it means to be a Marist. We looked at the five Marist Characteristics and how we can show these in our daily lives and as good leaders. 

It was so great to see the Year 5 students participate enthusiastically in these discussions in a mature way and I’m looking forward to hearing their nomination letters and speeches in coming weeks! 

Mrs Edwina Battersby (Leader of Wellbeing PK-6)