Newman News Term 4 Week 4: From the Leader of Primary
If you are like me, you will have rejoiced wholly and completely in the news of the safe rescue of Cleo Smith this week. I never thought I would be the type of person to become so emotionally involved in something outside of my own personal world, and yet like many people, I could not help but shed a tear at the wonderful news that she would be reunited with her family. I think this struck a chord with so many people, because within Cleo’s story, we could all see our own children. My message to students at our morning gathering this week was simple – go home and hug your Mum and Dad. Tell them you love them and tell them often. We never know what every new day will bring in our world, and moments or stories like this have a way of bringing everything into perspective.
Sometimes we grumble and groan or frustrate each other, but at the end of the day we also love each other too, and we need to take the time to share this with each other and share it often. I am sure there were many students who get an extra tight squeeze from Mum and Dad this week.
Key Dates – Next fortnight
Click here to view the key dates for the next fortnight.
Arts Festival
Last Wednesday we welcomed all families from across the College to our PK-12 Arts Festival held in the Maris Auditorium. It was amazing to see so many examples of beautiful artwork right across the all the years of our school – very inspiring for our younger students indeed. What I enjoyed most though, was watching the faces of our younger students, especially when they spotted their artwork, taking photos with Mum and Dad, beaming with pride about their achievements. Another highlight of the evening was the intimate space created by our solo and small group musicians who were playing at the entrance to the Auditorium seating. It was so beautiful to see the smiles on their faces as they played to a very receptive and respectful audience. It encouraged me to share this with all staff and students the next day – to find the joy in life and celebrate these moments as much as possible.
Last Friday, students all over the school wore their brightest and colourful socks to take part in Socktober for Mission month – an event that encourages students across Australia to kick goals on and off the pitch to make a difference in the lives of vulnerable children in Thailand and around the world. Under the guidance of Mrs Short, our mini-Marists collected plastic bags, tape, and string to make their own soccer balls, just as kids in Thailand would do. They played some games with some of our younger students across the week, culminating in a staff vs students game on Friday afternoon. Against all odds, and despite fitness levels that would fail to reach even the most minimum of standards, the teachers reigned supreme winning 1-0.
We owe a big thanks for Mrs Short and our mini-Marists for their efforts over the week, and to all of our students who took part in the day so enthusiastically
Year 6 Family Life Incursion
On Monday of last week, students from Year 6 gathered separately as boys and girls to attend the ‘Becoming a Man/Becoming a Woman’ presentation from the Catholic Marriage & Fertility Services. This is a part of both their Health and Religious Education learning. Students spent time connecting with their own story of life and exploring the changes that create both physical and emotional change. They learned about the reproductive systems, and how to care for themselves and others physically and emotionally. Students were encouraged to form healthy relationships with others, and to communicate openly with their parents. This was an important learning experience for students, and it was great to see so many students attend with a positive and mature outlook.
Well done to all of our students for taking part.
Year 4 Excursion – Child vs Wild
Last week our Year 4 students endured some rainy weather as they embarked on their excursion to King’s Park to take part in the ‘Child vs Wild’ learning experience. Students learned about the fragility and harshness of the Australian bush, as well as the importance of respecting and protecting our natural environment, while learning how to explore it safely. The program also introduced students to bush skills, with activities such as shelter building, finding drinking water, and delivering simple first aid. By all accounts, students had a wonderful time even if the rain did dampen things a little!
Mathletics 1,000,000 point party!
This afternoon, the 3 Red class celebrated the amazing achievement of reaching 1,000,000 points in Mathletics this year with a pizza lunch and party. This was a great achievement from the class, as students had to work as a team throughout the year to achieve their goal. A number of certificates were awarded to those students who done especially well over the year. A special mention must go to the top 3 mathletes from 3 Red – Leo Goggin, Julian Cameron, and Joel Costley who were also the top 3 mathletes across the school. It was great to celebrate such a fine achievement with the class today!
Year 7 Transition Workshops
On the 26 of October, future 2022 Year 7’s had their first ever transition workshop in preparation for entering high school next year. Mr Martino and Mrs Pastorelli welcomed all the Lavalla and new students to the Marcellin Campus. The Year 7’s were split into eight groups which were turned out to be their guilds, and then taken to do social activities such as: question and answer, create your own handshake and a whole group social activity. The activities were run by the Year 10 and 11 peer leaders group. The Year 7’s left happy, after creating new friendships with peers from other schools, and we are looking forward to our second workshop which is coming up soon.
Isabella Crisona & Clancy Boss – 6 Blue
Swimming Lessons
All students will be participating in daily swimming lessons from Monday 15 November until Thursday 25 November. The swimming lessons are conducted by qualified swimming instructors provided by Newman Swimming Club. Lessons for Lavalla students have been scheduled between 9.20am and 11.55am.
Please avoid making external appointments for your child during these lesson times:
Parents are not permitted within the swimming pool area during lessons.
Students will require the following:
- School bathers & rash shirt (compulsory)
- Rash Shirt
- Goggles (optional)
- Towel
- Thongs
- Sunscreen
- Swimming Bag / Waterproof bag for wet items
Newman College Bathers and Rash Shirts are available for purchase from the College Uniform Shop.
Students are welcome to wear their sports uniform for the duration of swimming lessons.
Please direct any questions to your child’s classroom teacher.
Christmas Carols Evening – SAVE THE DATE