Newman News Term 4 Week 4: From the Leader of Early Childhood
It is hard to believe that we are almost at the mid-way point of Term 4 and before we know it, the 2021 school year will be over. It is at this time of the year when a lot of thought and consideration is given to ensure a smooth and successful transition for staff and students into the new school year.
The upcoming Kindergarten Orientation (Monday 15 November) forms part of these transitions, as we welcome a new cohort of students into what will be a 14-year journey at Newman College. I am always excited to greet our new Kindergarten students, many of whom I had the pleasure of initially meeting during their enrolment interview. It is an exciting time for these students and their families; and as teachers, we are always grateful that parents trust us with the care and development of their most precious assets. Teaching is an occupation where every day brings with it something to celebrate and important moments to remember, with the first day of school always being high on the list of special memories to hold tight to.
Key Dates – Next fortnight
Click here to view the key dates for the next fortnight.
Pre-Primary Green Assembly
Pre-Primary Green entertained and dazzled us at last Friday’s assembly, where they re-enacted their Talk4Writing text “We are going on a donkey hunt”, followed by a very lively rendition of the song “Wonky Donkey”. There were lots of laughs to be shared, whilst parents and students appreciated all the hard work that Pre-Primary Green students have been undertaking during their English lessons.
Brownes Dairy Incursion
Our Year 2 students were lucky enough to have a visit from Brownes Dairy this week, to learn about farming and dairy. The incursion linked to the Unit’s Science program on Food Technology. Each student (and many teachers too) had the opportunity to milk Belinda the Brownes Dairy cow. Everyone was very impressed with how well-behaved “Curly-Sue” the farmers dog was, as she sat beside Belinda and kept watch.
Also – each student received a yoghurt and choc-milk to enjoy at the end of the incursion.
Socktober Day
Thank you to all families who supported our Socktober Catholic Mission Day last Friday. There was a large assortment of crazy, loud socks on display across the Campus. After lunch, our Year 1 and 2 students competed in a “Soccer goal kick” competition using soccer balls made by our Mini-Marist students using plastic bags.
The aim of this activity was to raise awareness amongst our students of the poverty of children in Thailand, who do not have access to the same resources and equipment that they have. Mr Martino and Ms Anderson were goal keepers, but it’s fair to say that the students gave them a pretty good workout!
Telethon Speech and Hearing Loud Shirt Day
At last Friday’s assembly we were fortunate to hear Emily Siew (2R) and Oliver Webb (1R) present their Telethon Speech and Hearing “Power of Speech” presentations. Emily told us all about her dream home and Ollie shared information about his family. Everyone was incredibly impressed with the effort they put into their presentations and their courage at standing in front of all the students and families to present their speech.
Thank you to the Siew family who organised a cupcake stall before school, which raised $500 towards Telethon Speech and Hearing’s Loud Shirt Day fundraiser.
Swimming Lessons
Students in Years 1 to 2 will be participating in daily swimming lessons from Monday 15 November until Thursday 25 November. The swimming lessons are conducted by qualified swimming instructors provided by Newman Swimming Club. Lessons have been scheduled between 12.30pm and 2.25pm. Please avoid making external appointments for your child during these lesson times:
Parents are not permitted within the swimming pool area during lessons.
Students will require the following:
- Bathers
- Rash Shirt (compulsary)
- Goggles (optional)
- Towel
- Thongs
- Sunscreen
- Swimming Bag / Waterproof bag for wet items
Newman College Bathers and Rash Shirts (optional for Year 1 and 2 students) are available for purchase from the College Uniform Shop.
Students must arrive to school in their sports uniform (Newman Blue Polo or Faction polo shirt). Once they return to the campus from their swimming lesson, they will be given the opportunity to change back into their uniform.
Please direct any questions to your child’s classroom teacher.