Newman News Term 4 Week 4: From the Vice Principal
Key Dates – next fortnight
Click here to view the key dates for the next fortnight.
Learning Support Audit
Associate Professor Dianne Chambers, a well-respected author, presenter, and lecturer from the University of Notre Dame, conducted an audit this year of our Learning and Education Support structures, processes and policies. We now have her report, and we look forward to planning the enaction of the recommendations as a priority in the near future. The executive summary can be found below. If you are interested in hearing more about the report findings, please contact me directly via
Executive Summary
The review of learning and education support at Newman College was undertaken as part of a regular review of processes and provisions offered at the school to support students with additional needs and disabilities. The remit for the researcher was to gather data by way of interviews with key stakeholders (leadership, teachers), examination of documents (policy, job descriptions and planning formats) and through focus group interviews (parents and students). These data were collected over the period of one month and provided an overview of the learning and education support services offered at Newman College and the perception of these services by key stakeholders.
The results from analysing the data are presented in aggregated form to ensure any one individual was not identified, although most who provided information were not concerned about their voices being heard (and welcomed this approach). The results indicated that there were many staff at the college who were exemplary in regards to their support of students with additional needs and disabilities, and that these staff should be highly valued by the college and their knowledge shared with all staff.
There were a number of areas identified that could be strengthened including: teacher expectations; planning; behavioural approach; role clarification; funding; communication; and training. Each of these areas are discussed in relation to measures that can be taken to improve processes at the college. There are four main recommendations that the researcher suggests are most critical for the college to consider. These are:
- Clarification of roles in the diversity team and employment of additional learning support personnel.
- Examination of behavioural expectations and consequences, including development of strategies to address anxiety across the college.
- Provide additional training for teachers in providing reasonable adjustments in the classroom.
- Communicate any changes/directions in the college clearly to parents.
It is hoped that these recommendations will assist the college in strengthening its use of evidence-based practices to support students with disabilities across all campuses and to ensure consistency in approaches taken.
2022 Term Dates
Term 1
- Staff commence: Tuesday 25 January
- Students commence: K-6, 7 & 12, and New Students – Monday 31 January
- Students commence: Years 8 – 11 students- Tuesday 01 February
- Pupil Free Day – Labour Day (Public Holiday) – Monday 7 March
- Term concludes for staff and students: Friday 8 April
Term 2
- Pupil Free Day – Anzac Day: Monday 25 April
- Students commence: PK-12 students – Tuesday 26 April
- Pupil Free Day – WA Day (Public Holiday) – Monday 6 June
- Term concludes for staff and students: Friday 1 July
Term 3
- Pupil Free Day – Staff Faith Formation Day: Monday 18 July
- Pupil Free Day – K-12 Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews: Tuesday 19 July
- Students commence: PK-12 students – Wednesday 20 July
- Pupil Free Day – Staff Professional Learning: Friday 12 August
- Pupil Free Day – CEWA Faith Day: Monday 15 August
- Term concludes for Y12 students: Thursday 22 September
- Term concludes for staff and students PK-11: Friday 23 September
Term 4
- Pupil Free Day – Staff Professional Learning: Monday 10 October
- Students commence: PK-12 students – Tuesday 11 October
- Term concludes for Y11 students: Thursday 24 November
- Term concludes for Y10 students: Friday 02 December
- Term concludes for PK-9 students: Thursday 8 December
- Staff Professional Learning: Friday 9 December
- Staff Professional Learning: Monday 12 December
Booklists and BYODD (Bring Your Own Dedicated Device) Info
The College has partnered with Winthrop Australia to provide a comprehensive educational bundle for designated devices for our students:
Years 3 – 6: Click here BYODD bundles (iPad)
Years 7 – 12: Click here BYODD bundles (Surface Pro)
Any queries can be directed to Mr Tom Brajdic, Leader of ICT
OfficeMax will provide resources for the learning and teaching program across the College in 2022. Details of booklists will be shared with families in the weeks ahead. Secondary student booklists will include the pre-purchased levy that covers all eBooks and eLearning subscriptions.
Bathers and Rash Vests – Compulsory
We are introducing new College bathers and rash vests next year, which will be available in January. Bathers and rash vests are currently compulsory for all students in Years 3 to 6. From 2022 College bathers and rash vests will be compulsory for all students in Years 3 to 9. Students may wear the older version of the College bathers and rash vests during 2022, as a transition year. From 2023 all Year 3 to 10 students will need the new College bathers and rash vest.
The rationale behind this decision sits with sun safety and consistent, moderate, and protective bather choice for both boys and girls. Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world. Each year almost 2000 Australians die from this almost entirely preventable disease. Our students find it difficult to apply fresh sunscreen on all parts of the body prior to the swimming lessons in HPE during Terms 1 and 4. The rash vest will provide additional protection during the swimming lessons.
Newman College Norms
At Newman College we understand what effective learning environments and relationships look like, in our context. We continue to speak to our community about our norms, created by our PK to Year 12 teachers and upper school student leaders. We want all our members to feel safe to learn and grow, and to clearly understand what is expected, and what they can expect of others. Together, within a supportive community, students can feel safe to explore their potential and let their light shine.
Download the Newman Norms Child friendly version
Download the Newman Norms Secondary version
Diversity Education Unit
Students have been busy creating a beautiful range of Christmas items for purchase – Christmas cards, gift tags, gift bags, wooden chopping boards, to name a few. These items can be purchased from our Administration offices on all campuses.
Code of Conduct
The Keeping Safe Child Protection curriculum is a program that spans from 3 years up to Year 12. Our College delivers this curriculum during classroom teaching, and through the Wellbeing Programs and Health curriculum.
As a Catholic community we are committed to educating the whole person. In order to do this, we need to ensure a safe, supportive and engaging environment. The basis for this environment is that all in the community model what healthy, respectful relationships look like. The Code of Conduct is the definitive guide to the behaviours we want to model to, and expect from, our children and young people. We want to create a culture that assists our children and young people on their learning journey. We can only achieve such a culture in partnership with all who participate in our community. The Keeping Safe Child Protection curriculum is a program that spans from 3 years up to Year 12. Our College delivers this curriculum during classroom teaching, and through the Wellbeing Programs and Health curriculum.
A reminder to all families that the Code of Conduct can be accessed via the College website. The Code is mandated by Catholic Education Western Australia and the application of the code extends to all staff, students, parents, guardians, caregivers and volunteers.
Any perceived breaches of the Code can be discussed with a member of the Senior Leadership Team. As always, if students ever need support, they are encouraged to contact their Leader of Wellbeing, a College psychologist, Counsellor or classroom teacher.
The Code seeks to value the dignity of every person, foster positive relationships, ensure confidentiality and accountability and supports professional boundaries. Events held during school hours, and those College associated events outside of school hours are also supported by the Code of Conduct. Additionally, postings on social media platforms that identify the College or College events are bound by the Code of Conduct. We thank you in advance for your understanding and look forward to a positive partnership that supports our students, your children.