Newman News Term 4 Week 9 : From the Principal


As we count down the days to Christmas, it is a timely reminder that in this period of Advent we take a moment to be grateful for who we are and the community in which we belong.  This is a time of great blessings, to ponder our year in preparation not only for Christmas but in our aspirations for the year ahead.

Over the last two weeks, we have celebrated our community and the achievements of our students in the Years 7-11 Awards Ceremony, Years 3-5 Awards Ceremony, Year 6 Graduation and the online Primary Christmas Carols.  Each event highlighted the wonderful family spirit that permeates our College.  As a Marist school we value each student for what they have contributed to the school and in our witness to their growth as young people.  2021 has been a successful year and to that end I am grateful for the ongoing support of our families in our collaboration.

Thank you to all our staff for their tireless commitment to creating a school where students want to be.  Last week I had lunch with some students in Year 7 reflecting on their first year of Secondary School.  Each student, without prompting, spoke glowingly about their teachers and the difference that they had made in their learning.   The common thread in the conversation was that notion that each teacher knew who they were and valued them.

Marist Schools Australia Incorporated  

An important milestone in the governance of our school will be reached on 1 January 2022 with the incorporation of Marist Schools Australia Limited as our governing body.  This new entity, established by the Marist Provincial Council of the Marist Brothers, will become the employer of all staff employed in the 12 Marist Colleges across Australia, currently owned by the Trustees of the Marist Brothers (TMB).  The Association of St Marcellin Champagnat will also be incorporated.

Newman College – Change in Registration 

All families would have received a letter today regarding the change in Registration for Newman College.
Should you have missed the SEQTA email, please click here to view.

Affirming Community Feedback 

I received an email from a warden who directs traffic on Hale Road in Woodlands.  He wrote to inform the College that he had interacted with a number of Newman College students each day as they crossed Hale Road on their way to and from school and he wanted to let me know that our students are, without exception, outstanding young people and a credit to their school and their parents.  He said that it has been a pleasure and a privilege to have this contact.

What a wonderful note on which to end the school year!

So as we conclude the year, we give thanks for each other and for our Marist community.  I encourage all families to take time to visit their local parish over the Christmas period to celebrate the birth of Christ and the hope and aspiration that his message brings to us all.

With best wishes to all for a very happy and holy Christmas and a peaceful and reflective holiday break.

Mr John Finneran