Newman News Term 1 Week 10: From the Deputy Principal Secondary
As Term One comes to an end, I would like to take this opportunity to think our students, staff, and families for their support and perseverance during this challenging term. While we have faced various restrictions, the school term has been filled with many events, activities and opportunities for our students and they should be so proud of the efforts and achievements.
Our Principal’s Assembly on Wednesday morning highlighted some amazing sporting achievements and acknowledged students who in 2021, volunteered more than 20 hours of service towards the Living Marist Christian Service-Learning Program. I would particularly like to congratulate Isabelle Roper in Year 9 for her 200 hours of Service Learning throughout 2021. We were also able to acknowledge students from Years 7 to 12, who have made an outstanding contribution to College life throughout Term One with a Principal’s Award. Congratulations to all students!

I wish our students, staff and families, a Happy Easter, and a wonderful and well-deserved break. I hope that our students enjoy this time with their families and friends, and we look forward to their return to Term Two.
Key Dates
College Calendar Link – In recent times, our school calendar has changed regularly.
Term Two
We will welcome our students back to Term Two with Year Group assemblies on Tuesday 26 April. These assemblies will include an ANZAC Day Ceremony hosted by representatives from primary, Year 9 and the Student Leadership Team.
A reminder that students return to Term Two in Winter Uniform. Please ensure that you are familiar with the Uniform Requirements and Personal Appearance Expectations found here.
WACE Revision Courses
There are a number of revision workshops throughout the course of the year held by external providers. These workshops include ATAR & Middle School Courses, Study Skills and Tutoring. For further information, please click here.
ECU Excursion
The Year 10 and 11 Physical Education Studies students were recently invited to visit the Sports Science facilities at ECU in Joondalup.
Students toured the facilities and heard about the post-school pathways that exist in the rapidly evolving Exercise and Sports Science industries.
The visits enabled students to see the real-world application of many of their theory concepts.
Year 11 students participated in a practical laboratory activity that extended their knowledge of the biomechanical concept of force, and under the direction of Professor Ken Nosaka, students learnt about some of the newest advancements in the Exercise and Sports Science fields, including research on the benefits of eccentric loading when performing resistance activities.
The excursions were a great opportunity to spend time in a leading tertiary institution and students left motivated and excited about the pathways that might be accessed after studying Physical Education Studies.
Year 10 students are encouraged to speak with Mr. Tremayne or one of the other PE staff if they are interested in learning more about the Year 11 and 12 courses available as they start their subject selection process.
SHINE Update
SHINE through Forensic Science
Our Year 10 students, gifted and talented in STEM, were fortunate to have Murdoch University expert in Forensic Science Cindy Palermo and Anubhav Jarial (Law student) facilitate two fascinating workshops. The first workshop required students to use blood type knowledge, solve Mathematical equations, discern patterns, and critically evaluate several pieces of evidence to determine the prime suspect in a case. Following this, students applied trigonometry to analyze a re-created blood splatter. I commend the following students for their positive engagement and critical thinking in a challenging and thought-provoking morning: Ariana Mason, Jaydon Augustus, Zoe Boss, Alyssa Coumbe, Zak Rodkiewicz, Jordan Smith, Olivia Rubens, Harper Gamble, Charlotte Laurent, Samarah Mammoliti, Angelica Rombouts, Zoe Trovato, Lucas March, Zara Kok, Hideki Duque, Saskia Chesson, Keira Reynolds, Seth Fox and Marcus Malaxos. I would also like to thank Mr Brad Cotterell and Mr Justin Farley for his support of students during the morning.

SHINE through problem solving
Year 9 gifted and talented students in STEM were also fortunate to have Murdoch University lead them through the Rube Goldberg challenge. After an introduction to the machine students were challenged to use their critical thinking and problem-solving skills build their own Rube Goldberg machine under time constraints. The following students should be proud of their effort and commitment to the problem-solving task: Grace Gordon, Leonardo Mason, Tomas Macri, Chloe Byrne, Charlie Cossom, Stefano Rapanaro, Laura Nolan, Abigail Fowler, Rebecca Rubens, Amelia Ng, Dyllan Roberts, Kate Le, Jenna King, Ethan Wynne, Kevin Xanthis and Sebastian Dziedzic. I would also like to thank Mr Naylor and Mr Nelson for their support of students during the workshop.