Multicultural Week Highlights

Buon giorno, nǐ hǎo, goedendag, gozaimasu, shalom, hola, god dag, salut… to all!

Every year, during Multicultural Week, the Language Department endeavours to bring greater cultural awareness to Newman College through small events that celebrate the blessing of diverse cultures. Multicultural Week historically has been about celebrating individuals that have come from all over the world, as they bring their cultures, values and beliefs to this multi-cultural country of ours – Australia. As Australians we are proud to accept and embrace these differences.

This year throughout Multicultural Week, the student and staff at Newman College have enjoyed a variety of engaging events, including;

  • Viewing a Japanese Anime in the Auditorium
  • Taking part in a battle of culinary speed, in the Chopstick Spaghetti Eating Competition!
  • Had fun dancing and listing to an International Music DJ!
  • Witnessed a Greek Flash Mob with the amazing Miss Battlis , the agile Mr. Bochrinis and the talented little Zorbas!
  • Devoured lots of gelato and pizza!
  • Listened to the rhythm of Brazil – Samba Music by “Sambozzy “

I welcome you to celebrate our unique culture in Australia – Happy Multicultural Week to all!


Roberta Sampson, Language Coordinator