Newman News Term 1 Week 4: From the Deputy Principal Secondary
I would like to thank students and families for the positive way you have started 2021 regarding uniform. It has been pleasing to see the majority of our students wearing the correct uniform with pride each day.
I hope to see some improvements in the areas of jewellery, shoes, skirt lengths and personal grooming in Week 5, when students return from the long weekend. Students are also required to wear a hat on the oval at recess and lunch this term.
Areas still requiring attention are jewellery, shoes, skirt lengths and personal grooming. Details of our uniform requirements can be found HERE
A reminder:
- Jewellery is restricted to a watch, a discrete cross or religious medal worn on a fine gold or silver chain.
- Girls may only wear one pair of plain studs or sleepers in the lower lobe only.
- Skirts should be knee-length.
- Hair longer than the bottom of the collar must be ties back and clear of the face.
- Students are also required to wear a hat on the oval at recess and lunch this term.
Thank you for your support in adhering to College expectations around Uniform and Grooming.
Newman Parents – ySafe Cyber Safety Education Session
Newman College is looking forward to welcoming Australia’s leading provider of cyber safety education, ySafe to Newman Parents this term.
This practical, strategy-rich session will cover the most important points that all families need to know regarding online safety, covering key information about social media and gaming, screen time recommendations and step-by-step instructions on how to set up a cyber safe home for kids of all ages.
When: Monday 22 March 2021, 7.00pm
Where: Newman College, Marist Auditorium
To register for this free session please click here.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Homework Club
Homework Club is running Monday – Thursday from 3.15pm – 5.00pm in the St John Henry Newman Learning Hub. It has been great to see so many students attending Homework Club and making the most of this opportunity.
Careers and Pathways Update
Year 10 Subject Selection
This week, Year 10 students have been provided with some introductory information about subject selection for Years 11 and 12.
We encourage parents and students to access the following information:
Further information to parents and students will follow early in Term 2.
Year 12’s: Thinking of studying Medicine or Dentistry next year?
If you are in Year 12 and thinking of studying Medicine or Dentistry next year (either at Curtin, or via direct pathway to UWA) you must sit the Undergraduate Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) this year.
The dates for UCAT testing 2021 are:
- 1 March: Bookings open
- 17 May: Bookings close
- 1 July: Testing begins
- 11 August: Last test date
You can find out more about the UCAT at or you are welcome to book an appointment to talk to me.
There are many different ways into Medicine and Dentistry so come and ask if unsure.
Year 11 and 12 Subject Changes
Year 11 and 12 students are reminded that the final date to change your subjects is Friday 5 March.
After this time, enrolments are locked and no further changes can be made.
If you need to change a subject, you can contact Mr Farley or your Leader of Wellbeing.
Upcoming Careers Events
Latest Sport News
Click here for the latest sport news including highlights from the Guild Swimming Carnival.
From the Counselling and Wellbeing Team
The start of the school year can be a stressful time for many students as they readjust, and requirements increase. Stress is the way in which the body responds to challenges and gets ready for action, however it can cause problems if it goes on for too long, or if your child has more stress than they are able to cope with. School, especially homework, exams and feeling pressure to do well, is a common source of stress for teenagers.
It is important to be aware of the things that cause your child stress and look out for any signs, including changes in behaviour, emotions and thinking, as well as physical signs. If your child is feeling stressed you can help by actively listening, spending time connecting, and encouraging a healthy lifestyle and helpful thinking using the suggestions below.
Tips for healthy lifestyle changes to reduce teenage stress:
- Do some physical activity
- Stay connected to family and friends
- Get enough sleep (8-10 hours per night)
- Eat good food
- Relax and unwind
Tips for changing unhelpful thinking patterns:
- Work out what is causing the stress
- Encourage your child to identify the thoughts connected to the situation or event
- Gently help your child to think differently about the situation
- Encourage your child to suggest some other explanations for the situation
- Help your child notice that when thoughts are challenged, feelings also change, usually for the better
If you are concerned about the amount of stress that your child is experiencing, it’s a good idea to please seek additional support, either at school, by contacting your child’s Leader of Wellbeing, or outside of school, by talking to your GP.