Newman News Term 1 Week 8: From the Vice Principal

We have had another fortnight full of events, Newman Parents Forum, Twilight Tours, NAPLAN testing, ACC A Division Swimming Carnival, Y10-12 Parent Teacher Interviews, Y6 IPSHA Basketball Carnival to name a few. The continued collaboration and partnership between our parents and staff enables us to provide a safe and positive learning environment for our students. 

Special thanks must be given to our staff and students who participated in our sporting events. Thank you for your continued hard work preparing for these events, and for our students who showed great participation and engagement on the day. It is with great joy that we celebrate a third place finish in the ACC swimming and our Marist Cricket carnival team continued to thrive winning their third shield this week.  

The end of term is fast approaching and I would like to remind students of our expectations relating to their personal presentation.  Winter uniform must be worn in Term 2 – students in Years 4 – 12 will need to wear their blazers. Information regarding uniform expectation can be found online or in the College diary. 

Assessment Policy 

Assessment is an integral part of the learning process, providing students, parents/guardians and teachers with information on academic progress and feedback to inform future learning. Assessment procedures need to be fair, reliable, valid and transparent. Assessments should arise naturally out of the teaching and intended learning of the curriculum and syllabus. They should be carefully constructed to enable judgements to be made about students’ progress in ways that contribute to ongoing learning. Information collected to establish where students are in their learning can be used for summative purposes and for formative purposes. 

Please familiarise yourself with the College Policies 

Y7-9 Assessment Guidelines and Procedures 

Y10-12 Assessment Guidelines and Procedures 
(Please be aware that students in Years 10 to 12 in the event of illness, are required to submit a medical certificate to the College absentee email address). 

Extended Absences 

Parents are reminded that all extended absences must be referred to the Vice Principal by email. 

Simon Martino (VP Acting) – until Thursday 6 April 

Lucie McCrory – from Monday 24 April 

City of Stirling Parking Notification 

The City of Stirling have advised the College that Mantua Crescent will soon be regulated with timed prohibitions on parking.  

Newman College has ample parking for staff, parents, and students.  

The College expects all students who drive to, and park at school, to use the allocated parking.   

Thank you for your continued support of our College community. 

FAME JR Production


DIRECTOR – Joshua Lang

An exciting lineup of students attended the FAME JR auditions this week. The students are to be commended for the enthusiasm and gusto they each brought to the audition process, working hard to learn choreography and music, to perform for our directing staff and their peers. It was gratifying to witness the students’ love of performing in an atmosphere of fun, courage, commitment, and support.  

It is with pleasure that we announce and congratulate the Cast and Ensemble on a sensational beginning to our senior Newman College production. 

Click HERE for the cast list. 

Key dates: 

Cast meeting: Monday 3 April 12.55pm – carpeted steps, Marist Auditorium Foyer 

Rehearsals commence: Tuesday 2 May, followed by a compulsory parent meeting from 5.45pm – 6.30pm 

Rehearsal schedule: Every Tuesday and Wednesday 3.30pm – 5.00pm  

  • A full rehearsal schedule will be available at the parent meeting with details regarding technical and dress rehearsals. 

Rehearsal intensive: Wednesday 30 August 8.50am – 3.15pm at Newman College  

Performances dates:  

  • Performance One, Thursday 31 August  
  • Performance Two, Friday 1 September  
  • Performance Three and Four, Saturday 2 September  

2023 Adolescent School Based Immunisation Program – Y7 and Y10 

There have been significant changes to how you provide consent for your child/children to receive immunisations via this program.  Consent must be given via a new online program VaccinateWA  

Further details can be found HERE 

Monday 1 and Tuesday 2 May Y7 – HPV (human papilloma virus), dTpa (Diptheria, Tetanus and Pertussis)  

Tuesday 6 June Y10 – Meningococcal ACWY vaccine  
Please note: only students that have registered their consent via the online platform by Monday 24 April will receive immunisations on the above dates.    

If you have any queries, please contact   

Fiona Halden  
CAHS – Community Health  

Clinical Nurse – School Based Immunisation Program  

16 Rheola Street, West Perth, 6005 |    

M: 0405 657 994  t 08 9321 1312  |  w  w  

Code of Conduct