Newman News Term 2 Week 11 : From the Principal
Thank you to families and students for your support over the past week in conforming with the West Australian restrictions imposed on Perth and Peel regions last Sunday 27 June and Monday 28 June. We are extremely grateful that schools have remained open during this time so as to ensure that the teaching and learning program for Term 2 could be completed smoothly.
For those events that have been postponed this week, respective families and groups will be advised of new dates once re-scheduled.
We hope that Term 3 brings a return ‘to normal’. In the event that this does not occur, Vice Principal, Dr McCrory, has outlined the College’s contingency plans in her Newsletter article today.
Families are asked to monitor the WA Department of Health website for updates and exposure sites.
Marcellin Campus Assembly
On Wednesday at the Principal’s Assembly at the Marcellin Campus we ‘gathered’ via online means to give thanks for the term and the efforts of so many during what has been a very long Term 2.
My address to secondary students included an analogy of the television show, MasterChef, and the application and endeavour required to reach a particular goal.
In MasterChef, other cooks are in the galleries looking down on the contestants, generally being very supportive and encouraging – much like our students having the support of their teachers, their peers and their families.
I also challenged each student to consider what respect means to them, how we would like to be treated, how we would like to be spoken to, how we would like to live. At the beginning of Term 3 we will focus on the non-negotiables that will strengthen how we build a culture of excellence in this school which, put simply, is underpinned by what it means to be part of a respectful Marist community. Each year group across the school, from the sandpit of Early Childhood to Year 12 will focus on this central element in the new term.
To view a recording of this Assembly please click here.
Acting Principal Term 3 (Weeks 1-5)
I will be taking a period of leave for the first five weeks of Term 3 with the intention to travel through the north-west of WA with my family. That is of course if the current COVID-19 restrictions are lifted.
During Weeks 1-5 of Term 3, Dr Lucie McCrory will be Acting Principal and Mr Simon Martino will be Acting Vice Principal.
I wish Dr McCrory and Mr Martino all the best in their new roles and I look forward to returning to the College at the commencement of Week 6.
Upcoming Holidays
Understandably, there will be many families disappointed about the possibility of cancelling interstate holidays. However, I trust everyone enjoys the break in routine that school holidays provides and the opportunity to enjoy some family time.
John Finneran