Newman News Term 2 Week 6 : From the Principal

Celebrating 200 Years Catholic Education in Australia

A National Mass for Catholic Education was celebrated on Monday 24 May, the Feast of Our Lady Help of Christians, at cathedrals and parish churches across all states, territories and dioceses.

The Mass commemorated the rich 200-year history of Catholic education in Australia with students and colleagues at Catholic schools and education offices across the nation.  I attended the Perth Archdiocese Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral along with MSA Regional Director, Julie Ryan, Leader of Early Childhood, Lisa McClue and Year 11 students Elliana Celisano and Jack Carberry.  It was a beautiful and moving liturgy recognising the enormous contribution of Catholic Education in Western Australia.

200 Years Catholic Education John Finneran

National Simultaneous Storytime 2021

National Simultaneous Storytime is held annually by the Australian Library and Information Association.  A picture book is selected and read in schools, libraries etc across the country.

The story selected this year was ‘Give me some space’ by Philip Bunting.  I had great joy in reading this story to students at the Marian Campus.  A love of reading is a gift that needs to be nurtured and supported.  I encourage students and parents to read together to cultivate this important piece of becoming a lifelong learner.  As in the past, teachers had organised for an appropriate costume for me to become truly immersed in this story.   Being an astronaut and reading in character is one strategy to bring life and joy to reading.

National Simultaneous Storytime 2021

Year 7 Interviews

Last Tuesday we commenced interviewing students for Year 7 2024.  This year, we were able to conduct our interviews in the St John Henry Newman Learning Hub and therefore showcase our new learning environment.

Our enrolment numbers for Secondary are currently at an eight year high.  The elevated amount of interest in Year 7 is testimony to our ongoing pursuit of academic excellence as exemplified through our Vision for Learning ‘Shine through discovery’ – Let your light shine, pastoral care, comprehensive co-curricular program, upgraded facilities and quality teaching program.

An important part of our enrolment strategy still rests with the narrative that our current students bring to the dinner table when they come home from school.  Their experience of learning and being part of a community is our best advertisement.

National Sorry Day and National Reconciliation Week

National Sorry Day is observed annually on 26 May and acknowledges the mistreatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who were removed from their families and communities, to which we refer ‘the Stolen Generation’.

At Newman College we acknowledged this day across the College through prayer and various presentations.  At the Marcellin Campus the bells were switched to didgeridoo music for the day.

The following prayer was shared with Marist schools across Australia by our MSA National Director, Dr Frank Malloy:

Prayer for Reconciliation

Almighty and loving God,
you who created ALL people in your image.
Lead us to seek your compassion as we listen to the stories of our past.
You gave your only Son, Jesus, who died and rose again
so that sins will be forgiven.
We place before you the pain and anguish of dispossession
of land, language, lore, culture, and family kinship that
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have experienced.
We live in faith that all people will rise
from the depths of despair and hopelessness.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families have endured the pain and loss of loved ones, through the separation of children from their families.
We are sorry and ask God’s forgiveness.
Touch the hearts of the broken, homeless, and inflicted and heal their spirits.
In your mercy and compassion walk with us
as we continue our journey of healing
to create a future that is just and equitable.
Lord, you are our hope.

Reconciliation 2021 Newman College

Marist Family Mass, Sunday 30 May

After being cancelled last year due to COVID-19, Newman College is delighted to once again be hosting this event.  Such a gathering provides an opportunity for the relatives of our Brothers, Marist Priests, Affiliated Members and the Brothers themselves, to celebrate the Mass for Trinity Sunday together and then to socialise over a morning tea. The Mass commences at 10.00am and will be celebrated by Fr Steve Truscott SM.

We look forward to being with the Brothers on this day.

Opening and Blessing of the St John Henry Newman Learning Hub, Tuesday 1 June  

Our community has undergone significant renewal in the last five years, exemplified by a commitment to growing the authentic learning experience of our students.  We have pursued St John Henry Newman’s commitment to academic excellence and critical thinking that is animated through our Vision for Learning ‘Shine through discovery’ – Let your light shine.  This Vision inspires our faith and learning community to Challenge, Collaborate, Create and Celebrate who we are and what we seek to achieve.

The refurbished building will inspire us to delve deeply into Newman’s story, his spirituality and the inspiration he has evoked in educational circles around the world.

We are very much looking forward to welcoming the following distinguished guests to Newman College to perform official duties at this significant event –

  • The Most Reverend Timothy Costelloe, Archbishop of Perth
  • Br Peter Carroll, Provincial of the Marist Brothers and the Leader of the Marist Association of St Marcellin Champagnat
  • Dr Frank Malloy, National Director Marist Schools Australia

College Advisory Council Meeting

Our College Advisory Council convened last evening and we welcomed our Director Mission and Catholic Identity, Simon Martino, as guest speaker.  Mr Martino spoke about the development of the new Vision for Mission demonstrating how this is a living document which takes on a methodology to the way we bring our faith and life into action at Newman College.