Newman News Term 3 Week 10: From the Deputy Principal Secondary
ACC Athletics Carnival
Congratulations to all the athletes who represented Newman College in the recent ACC Athletics Carnival. The hard work and dedication of both students and staff really paid off with Newman ending the day in second place overall in A Division – a fantastic achievement. This is the College best achievement in over 30 years and the effort put in by staff and students cannot be understated. Particular thanks go to Matt Connell, Tom Williams and the wider PE Team for their dedication, coaching and organisation of the event.
There were several notable performances on the day and full results are available here

Year 12 Last Week
The Year 12’s participated in a range of different activities across their last week of school. There was dodge ball, dress as what you wish to be when you grow up, the famous water slide and the farewell assembly. All activities were designed to celebrate the contribution the Year 12s have made to our College. The farewell assembly was an outstanding celebration of the Class of 2022 and provided an opportunity for students to reflect on their time at the College. The Year 12s left the Gym with a guard of honour formed by students in Years 3-11. This was a fantastic celebration of the Class of 2022. We wish them all the best as some of them now undertake ATAR exams before we officially farewell them from the College on Wednesday 19 October.
Year 12 Ball
After delays due to Covid earlier in the year, and a late change of date because of the extra public holiday, our Year 12 Ball finally went ahead on Wednesday evening.
Students looked stunning as they arrived at Frasers in Kings Park for a night of friendship, fun and food before getting up to dance the night away.
It was a joyous and fun-filled evening that the Year 12s will remember for a long time. Special thanks to Matt Puljiz for his help in organising this event and supporting our Year 12 students during their final year at the College.
2023 Student Leaders
After joining the leadership training program in Year 11 and completing the application and selection process, our new Student Leaders were introduced to the school during Assembly on Wednesday.
Congratulations to all our Student Leaders for 2023. We look forward to developing your leadership skills and witnessing your contribution to the College Community.
Guild: Aimee Byrne, Tasmyn Floate, Charlie Robinson, Nadia Monzu, Evie Liddell, Holly Agostino, Samuel Perkin, Evee Dennison, Ashlee Hale, Maud Buchanan, Caitlin Kojundzich, Mitchell Rogers, Rhyley Wake, Wesley Carren, Fabiana Di Donna, Benjamin Butson
Wellbeing: Kai Kazmer, Belle Jenkins
Sport Captain: Meg McAullay, James Hart
Social Justice: Sophia Brodie, Madeleine Irish
Arts: Poppy Corbett, Ethan Nguyen
Academic: Benjamin Borgas, Bethany Avins
F&L: Isaac Nolan, Grace Rose
College Captain: Michael Pethick, Indiana Lummis

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
What an amazing production! From the acting to the orchestra, the sets to the costumes, this was an outstanding performance. Involving over 60 students from both Marcellin and Lavalla campuses, the show really did have to be seen to be believed! Despite the delay brought about by covid, we are so lucky that we were able to put this masterpiece together.
Congratulations to all the talented students who took part in the production including those who helped behind the scenes to ensure it’s success. Particular thanks to all the dedicated staff who gave their time and skills to assist, to the Director, Dixie Johnstone who put together a masterful show and Yvonne Weiss Leader of Learning Arts, who guided and supported her team throughout all the changes.

Peer Support Leadership Training
On Tuesday 21 September, sixteen Year 10 students participated in our Peer Support Leadership Training program. This program provided our Year 10 students with the opportunity to develop their interpersonal, teamwork and problem-solving skills as they prepare to mentor our incoming Year 7 2023 students into the secondary school.
They ran a number of icebreaker activities amongst the group reflecting on what others did well in leading these sessions and ways in which they could improve. They completed an online survey which allowed them to determine their top three character strengths. We then used this data to look at our strengths as a leadership group, and identified who to call upon to complement our own character strengths.
The Year 10 Peer Support Leaders said the highlight of the day was when the Year 7 Guild Representatives joined us and spoke about their own difficulties and challenges when commencing Year 7 this year. The two groups worked together to formulate strategies and solutions to support our Year 7 2023 students in their transition into secondary school.
The Peer Support Leaders for 2023 are: Ethan Allegret, Imogen Boss, Larni Cantelo, Saskia Chesson, Alyssa Coumbe, Amity Dale, Mikayla Della-Polina, Darcy Dolan, Sevy Forte, Nathaniel Hodgson, Charlotte Laurent, Ava Prentice, Keira Reynolds, Olivia Rubens, Emily Schrader, Hayley Swift
The Peer Support Leaders are looking forward to supporting the Year 7 2023 students during our transition afternoons in Term Four.

Year 7 2023 Orientation Day
On Monday 10 October, Year 7 2023 students will be participating in an orientation day. This day provides an opportunity for students to become familiar with the College environment, to meet some of their classmates and complete Allwell testing that will assist us in supporting them in transition. Students will be given a tour of the College. They will work with student leaders and they will participate in a series of games and activities designed to foster friendships.
Students gather in the Gymnasium at 8.30am and they will be dismissed from the Gymnasium at 3.00pm.
Year 10 Adventure Camp
On Monday 10 October, our Year 10 students depart for their Adventure Camp in Karridale.
During this camp, students are given the opportunity to challenge themselves to develop leadership and self-management skills, resilience, and personal independence. The experience is a highlight for many students and I know that they will have an amazing time. We look forward to them returning to the College with great memories and many stories to share.
Monday’s Mock Trial Competition
On Monday night the Newman College Mock Trial Team competed in the final round of the Law Society’s Mock Trial Competition located at the Supreme Court of WA. The team presented a fantastic case for the Defence against Corpus Christi College’s Prosecution team in the crimimal trial. The case involved the team presenting the defence for a man accused of creating a false belief when he took his mask off on a busy Perth train and told people he was positive, but did not specify that he had Influenza and not Covid. Three students participated as the lead Barristers and the assisting Solicitor, whilst others played the role of the eye witnesses and Judge’s Associate. Well done to the team for a well presented case and for winning the round!

Year 12 Exams
Year 12 ATAR and Curtin UniReady students will soon be sitting their exams and we wish them every success.
It is important that all students familiarise themselves with the examination Rules and Procedures
Examination Rules and Procedures
Year 12 Semester 2 Exam Timetable
Year 12 Exam Feedback Sessions