Newman News Term 3 Week 2: From the Leader of Early Childhood
Highlights from Past Two Weeks
Welcome back to Term 3! It has been lovely to return to school and see so many happy little faces, eagerly entering the school for what is shaping up to be a very busy term. Amongst this busyness, there are lots of exciting things happening which we can’t wait to share with our students. It has been wonderful to have our Pre-Primary students take the next step in their transition into independence at school, by joining the Year 1 and 2 students in the Undercover Area each morning to start the day.
I was fortunate enough to attend a conference earlier this week, and hear renowned Educational Researcher, Pasi Sahlberg present. One of the themes Pasi spoke about was ‘Play Deprivation’. Despite research clearly indicating the importance of play in children’s learning and development, let alone in their social and emotional well-being and development, we are continuing to see an attitude where it is thought that children are too busy to play. It was affirming to hear that many of the commitments we have made at Newman College towards early education, align with the messages that Pasi discussed. I urge you to make time for your children to play when they get home – our homework policy in early childhood allows for this too, in ensuring that our littlest minds have the time and space at home to rest, and engage in meaning.
Parent / Teacher Interviews
Thank you to parents who attended meetings with their child’s teachers last week. The home and school partnership is essential to educational success. These meetings are a fantastic opportunity to meet with parents and discuss each students progress and their goals moving forward.
Year 1 Red Assembly
A massive thank you to Year 1 Red and Miss Sarah Francia for their informative assembly item about adventures to outer space. I loved hearing about the stars, moon and planets that are in our solar system and Astronaut Charlotte certainly got to enjoy some wonderful adventures.
Special Thanks
A special thanks was extended at this morning’s assembly to Mr Chris Hazebroek who provided some significant assistance during the school holiday period, when our Marian Hall flooded. We are very grateful for the Marist Family Spirit that he displayed in assisting Mercycare staff with minimising damage and flooding.
Photo of Chris please.
Important Information For The Next Two Weeks
We have a number of events scheduled for the term ahead, which you may like to mark in your diaries.
- Week 4 – Wellbeing Week
- Tuesday 10 August – Assumption Day (Buddy Day)
- Friday 13 August – Staff Professional Development Day (Pupil Free Day)
- Monday 16 August – CEWA Faith Day (Pupil and Staff Free Day)
- Week 5 – Science Week
- Week 6 – Book Week
- Thursday 26 August – Marian Book Week parade
- Week 8 – Multicultural Week
- Friday 10 September – Athletics Carnival
- Friday 24 September – Last Day of Term
Athletics Carnival
We are very excited to announce that this year, our Athletics Carnival will be celebrated withal primary students on the same day. Students in Pre-Primary to Year 6, will come together on Friday 10 September to participate in a range of athletics events. Mrs Lara Vlahov and Mrs Tash Richards are busy preparing all the details for the day, which will be shared with families closer to the event.
Family Fun Friday
Commencing next Friday, we will have a group of Year 7 and 8 students leading Friday morning activities across the Campus for our Marian students. Please come down for an 8.20am start each Friday morning, and encourage your child to join in one of the many activities offered across the campus.
A coffee van is available each Friday for parents to purchase a hot beverage and get to know some members of our community.