Newman News Term 3 Week 2: From the Principal
FAMILY SPIRIT: This Marist characteristic inspires the principle of ‘collaborate’ as with a pedagogy of presence and family spirit, united in Christ’s love, we can build a community with a spirit of friendliness and collaboration, enabling young people to become responsible for their own formation. (Newman College Vision for Learning)
Developing relationships is at the heart of our Marist narrative. Being present to each other imbues a sense of family and underpins the strength of our community. The strength of this College is in the multiple opportunities students have to engage with each other in and outside the classroom.
Central to our Vision for Learning – Shine through Discovery – Let Your Light Shine Matthew 5:16 – is for our students and teachers to collaborate. Education and learning are interactive, social processes. We believe that students learn best in an environment where they can interact and experience the curriculum, gaining knowledge and learning how to live. Recently I read an article, Why relationships — not money — are the key to improving schools (Ohio university) that posits sustained interactions over time, focused on children’s learning and effective teaching practice, is the best way for people to build trust and build networks that are at the heart of social capital. Put simply, if we build relationships, our learning experience at school will improve.
Goal Setting
Over the last two weeks I have been in many classes across the school where teachers and students are setting their goals for Term 3. For our Year 12 students they are closing in on the end of their schooling life at Newman. Their goals are centred on utilising the time afforded to work hard, seek answers and collaborate with their teachers and each other. There will not be another time in their life when they will have this level of support at their disposal. Making the most of their time is crucial for their success now and for when they approach life post school.
It is no different for students across PK-12: I sat in a Year 4 class this week where students’ goals are centred on the mastering of timetables to twelve by the end of the Term. Their energy and joy and commitment will ensure they succeed; for a group of Year 10 students who toured our new learning hub building site, their goals are focused on meeting the requirements that will enable them to qualify for an apprenticeship. In conversation with the construction manager they were reminded that their attitude will be the prime indicator to their success.
At the core of all this is that the College seeks to offer students opportunities and a space to discover what is possible. Our aspiration is that the dreams of our students will animate them to commit, participate and work towards achieving them. In our College we seek to live out the opportunities for growth in our learning, wellbeing and faith. God has given us the capacity to embrace our talents and our gifts to make a difference in the world we live in.
We wish all students every success this term.
Newman Parent Consultative Committee, Monday 3 August 7.00pm, Marist Auditorium
Collaboration and ultimately the partnership between the College and families are integral to the success of every student. On Monday evening, we will be highlighting ‘data to inform practice’. As always, we welcome all families and look forward to the discussion.
Our Marist Family
We keep in mind our Marist schools in Victoria who have returned to remote learning due to the spike in Covid-19 cases. Our prayers and thoughts are with them and all people who are suffering across the world at this time.