Newman News Term 3 Week 4: From the Leader of Primary

This week has been a great celebration of all things wellbeing at school. Students have taken part in a range of activities, lessons, and discussions centred around our four themes for the week: physical health & fitness, connection, mindfulness, and gratitude. Whilst I think wellbeing has always played an important role in schools (even when it may not have been called ‘wellbeing’) I think has been recognised even more over these last 18 months. The challenge of the COVID pandemic brought to light the importance of strong relationships, connection with others, and having the time and space to look after ourselves and one another. As adults, it is very easy to get caught up in our busy lives, and often I see parents doing so much for their kids, that we can sometimes neglect to take care of ourselves. I have encouraged all students today to give some time back to their Mum and Dad over the extended weekend break, and give parents an opportunity for some self care of their own too. Parents deserve to be looked after too!

Highlights from Past Two Weeks


Last week students gathered in the Auditorium to celebrate all of our Merit award winners, as well as celebrate Knox faction who were announced as the winners of the Cross Country Carnival. Congratulations to all students who took part in our carnival and for their great efforts on the day. We were also treated to a wonderful assembly from 3 Green. They took us on a journey all over the world exploring some of the different cultures of students in their class. It was so heart-warming to see students working together and so obviously enjoying putting on a show for us all. A big congratulations to 3 Green and all of our merit award winners this week!

Marcellin Award

This week the Marcellin Champagnat award was presented to Damon Caratti from 5 Red. Damon may just be one of the politest young men on our campus. He was nominated by a number of teachers for the kind, respectful, and gentle way he interacts with others. He leads by example through his beautiful actions, and always offers a friendly smile to those that pass him by in the class or playground. Well done Damon on setting such a good example for other students around what it means to be a fine young gentleman!

Wakakirri Dance Festival 

On Thursday August 5 our year 5/6 Primary Dance Troupe performed in the Wakakirri Nation-wide story telling competition at the Perth Concert Hall. Students performed a “story dance” called Sarah’s Heavy Heart, based on the picture book written by Peter Canavas.

The story was one of hope and resilience and friendship. Sarah struggles to carry her heavy heart which is sometimes heavy with worry until she meets a friend and the burden of worry is shared.

The dance was choreographed by Mrs Amy Raveendrakumar and danced expertly by our Primary Junior Dance troupe.  Newman College was awarded certificates of Best Minimalist Set and Best Public Speaking. Congratulations to Mrs Raveendrakumar all the wonderful dancers involved in performing this beautiful story.

IPSHA Cross Country 

Earlier today, 64 students across Years 3-6 ventured down to Bunbury to take part in the IPSHA Interschool Cross Country Carnival. While we can share the results of the carnival in our next newsletter, we can say for sure that students have had a great time today and represented our school very proudly. We owe a big thanks to Mrs Richards our coach Lenny who has been training with our students and working with them to prepare for their big day.

Fiona Wildey visit 

Earlier this week we were very fortunate to welcome former Olympian Fiona Wildey to our campus as she came to speak with our Year 3 and 4 students. Fiona spoke about her experiences at the Seoul Olympics, and the journey that took her there, showcasing to students a number of items of memorabilia, and providing students with some interesting facts about Olympic etiquette among other things. Most importantly though, Fiona spoke about the Olympic values and her own personal values, including determination, commitment, and sacrifice. It was very inspiring to hear her journey, and who knows…she may even inspire a future Olympian among us today!

Year 5 Special Visitor 

Yesterday afternoon, Year 5 students had a special visitor to their classrooms. 5 Blue student Luke Rombouts brought in two of his bobtail lizards to show to the classes. Luke was a wealth of knowledge as he discussed all things habitat, feeding, and characteristics. We are very grateful to Luke and for the learning experience he was able to share with his classmates.


This week I was out in the carpark making some observations of driver behaviour. Unfortunately, we are having trouble with vehicles double parking next to the drive through lane, and children walking through these vehicles into their own car. This is a very dangerous thing to do, and I am quite afraid that if this continues, it will eventually lead to an accident or injury of a child.

We encourage parents to display patience in our Lavalla carpark and demonstrate good road safety practices.  Please park your vehicles in the parking bays provided and walk over to pick your child/children up from the waiting area. This will assist with child safe practices and remove any risk of injury to students.

We appreciate your cooperation. We are currently reviewing the carpark pick up/drop off situation.

Important Information For The Next Two Weeks

There are so many events coming up over the next two weeks. Make sure you mark these down in your calendar!

Week 5 

  • (Week 4) Friday 13 August – Pupil Free Day (Staff Professional Development)
  • Monday 16 August – Pupil Free Day (Catholic Day)
  • Tuesday 17 August – Speak Up Awards Finals
  • Tuesday 17 August – Lavalla Music Night
  • Thursday 19 & Friday 20 August – Year 6 Leadership Camp
  • Friday 20 August – 3 Red Assembly

Week 6 

  • Wednesday 25 August – Year 3 & Year 4 Unit Mass
  • Wednesday 25 August – Year 5/6 Art Extension Artist in Residence Program
  • Thursday 26 August – ‘Write a Book in a Day’ Competition
  • Friday 27 August – Book Week Parade in Marist Auditorium