Newman News Term 4 Week 2: From the Vice Principal
Class of 2019 Graduation

Last night, families, friends and staff gathered to celebrate Mass and Graduation Ceremony for the Class of 2019. This is a very special occasion on the College Calendar and marks the end of a journey from Kindy to Year 12. The gifts and talents of the students were showcased, and their achievements were acknowledged with the presentation of Subject Awards and College Awards. Congratulations to each student and their family. We extend our thanks to teaching staff, from Primary through to Secondary, that have guided, walked with and supported each student over many years. Special thanks to Mrs Rebecca Bramanto, Leader of Wellbeing Year 12. Your commitment to this group of students has been unwavering and exemplifies the true mark of a teacher.
As Marist educators, we reflect on the words of Marcellin, ‘May their lives be an echo, of what you’ve taught them’. Our prayer for the graduates of 2019 is that their lives continue to be formed by the tenants of our Marist spirituality and each of you leave Newman College with the courage of your faith, a heart for compassion and a call for service.
Click here to see the full list of award recipients and more photos from the night.
Best in Course Recipient, Year 12 Literature
At the Year 12 Graduation students were acknowledged for their academic performance and achievement. We are pleased to announce that Elizabeth Adams and Catherine Jamieson are the co-recipients of the Year 12 Literature Award. This is a remarkable achievement by both students. Congratulations!
New and Returning Staff Term 4
We welcome the following staff to the College for Term 4:
Returning from Leave
- Louise O’Mahony, Food Technology and Religious Education Teacher
- Hannah Parker, Science Teacher
- Mat Puljiz, Leader of Wellbeing, Health and Physical Education Teacher
New to the College
- Narelle Cochrane, Teacher of English
- Sara Stancati, Teacher of Italian
- Therese Le-Sanders, Year 6 Blue Teacher
Newman College Arts Festival
The annual College Arts Festival featured works from across our Kindy – Year 12 student community. Congratulations to the Visual Arts Team led by Mrs Maree Grayden and the Design and Technology Team led by Mr David Nelson for their support of all students, the preparation of the pieces and their collaboration with this year’s Artists in Residence; Andy Quilty, Bradley Kickett and Rohin Kickett. The Opening Showcase and Parent Soiree were great celebrations of learning and Visual Art skills. Click here to see the full list of award winners and more photos from the week.
Newman Parents Consultative Committee Meeting – Monday 28 October, 7.00pm
We look forward to welcoming families to the final Newman Parents Consultative Committee (NPCC) meeting for 2019. The agenda will focus on the Capital Development Plan on Marcellin Campus, a reflection on the 2019 Annual School Improvement Plan and a look forward to 2020. The NPCC gives families an opportunity to share their feedback with the College Senior Leadership Team and be an active member of our parent community.
Uniform Shop
Skorts and blouses are available for female students from Years 1-6 as an alternative to the College summer dress. Students in Years 7-12 can also opt for the skort as an alternative to current skirt.
Skorts can be bought via the Online Store. Click here
Term 4 Opening Hours
- Tuesdays 8.30am – 4.30pm
- Wednesdays 12.00pm – 6.00pm
- Friday 12.00pm – 4.30pm
Code of Conduct
A reminder to all families that the Code of Conduct can be accessed via the College website. The Code is mandated by Catholic Education Western Australia and the application of the Code extends to all staff, students, parents, guardians, caregivers and volunteers.
The Code seeks to value the dignity of every person, foster positive relationships, ensuring confidentiality and accountability and supports professional boundaries. Events held during school hours AND outside of school hours that are associated with the College are also supported by the Code of Conduct. Any perceived breaches of the Code can be discussed with any member of the Senior Leadership Team. We thank you in advance for your understanding and support of how we strive to partner positively with one another.