Newman News Term 4 Week 2: Primary Information
Grandparents Day
We warmly invite all families to attend our Grandparents Day celebrations. Please RSVP for catering purposes using the QR code on the invite or this link.
Marian Campus early childhood classes welcome grandparents to visit the Pre-Kindy to Year 2 classrooms after the Liturgy at 9:00am, held at St Cecilia’s Church. After the Liturgy concludes, please make your way to spend time with your grandchild in their classroom.
Please help yourself to morning tea with other grandparents, provided between 9:30am and 10:30am in the Hall. The event concludes at 10:30am.
Maps will be provided on the day to assist you in finding classrooms around Marian Campus.
We look forward to sharing the morning with you.
Morning Supervision
A reminder that supervision for Primary students begins at 8:20am.
At Marian, the gates and front door opens at 8:20am and Year 1 and 2 students can be dropped off from this time onwards and play in the playground and on the oval under the supervision of the yard duty teacher.
Pre-Kindy, Kindy and Pre-Primary parents are reminded the gates open at 8:30am. Students are not permitted to play on any equipment outside these classrooms in the morning as there is no yard duty teacher, hence no supervision. Teachers have often set up activities ready for the day, which need to remain intact.
At Lavalla, morning supervision by the yard duty teacher begins at 8:20am. Students should not be dropped off at school prior to this time unless they have a parent waiting with them until 8:20am. We have noticed that students are arriving at school very early, some as early as 7:30am. This becomes a safety issue as there is no supervision before 8:20am. If you require your child to arrive at school early, I encourage you to utilise the services of MercyCare, our before and after-school care provider.
Mindful mornings will continue at both campuses from 8:30am (Years 1-6), and the school day officially begins at 8:45am when the bell goes.
Your understanding and support is appreciated.
2024 Class Allocations
Teachers have commenced working on class groupings for the 2024 school year. Many factors are considered when selecting student class placements, including gender, pastoral needs, social and emotional needs, academic needs, special learning needs, and relationships. Every effort is made to give children the most incredible opportunity to succeed. All Newman College teachers are outstanding professionals in their field, and students will receive a high-quality of education no matter which class they are placed in.
Students will be asked by their Classroom Teacher to nominate five friends, of which at least one will be placed in their 2024 class.
If you think your child has special pastoral needs that may need consideration, you are asked to contact your child’s classroom teacher early this term or contact me via email at These requests must be provided to the class teacher or myself by 3:00pm Tuesday, 31 October (Week 4). Requests made after this date cannot be considered.
Parents should understand that requests cannot be guaranteed as staff must consider a wide range of factors when creating class groupings within a triple-stream school. Parents should be aware that requesting a specific teacher is not a consideration in the class allocation process.
Once class lists have been finalised, they cannot be changed. Class lists will be published to families at the conclusion of our Move-up Day, details of which will be communicated in the coming weeks.
Loud Shirt Day (Supporting Telethon Speech and Hearing)
Next week, on Friday, 27 October, Newman College Primary students will be taking part in Loud Shirt Day (getting LOUD) to support children with hearing loss by taking part in Loud Shirt Day. Primary students are asked to wear their most LOUD (colourful, patterns, etc.) shirt or t-shirt and bring in a gold coin donation to support this initiative. The shirt/t-shirt must be worn with the College sports shorts (for applicable year levels).
Gold coin donations can be given to classroom teachers on the day.
Loud Shirt Day is a bright and fun day where people all over Australia dress up in their most outrageous shirts and raise money to support children who are deaf or impacted by hearing loss. Loud Shirt Day supports Telethon Speech & Hearing, which has supported children to hear, communicate, connect, and learn for over 50 years.
Newman College is a Telethon Speech and Hearing Outpost school, and this cause is especially relevant for us.
We are looking forward to seeing some very LOUD shirts.
2023 Swimming Lessons, Years 1 to Year 6
Swimming lessons for students in Years 1 to Year 6 will occur from Monday, 20 November, until Thursday, 30 November 2023. These lessons will be conducted through Newman Churchlands Swimming Club. Please register your child by CLICKING HERE. Registrations are now open and will close on Monday 22
October 2023. Registrations must be submitted by the due date so class allocations can be finalised in time for the commencement of lessons. Information regarding the level to enrol your child in can be found by CLICKING HERE. The level your child received last year was given to your child by the Newman Churchlands Swimming Club upon completing their lessons. If you have any queries, please get in touch with the swimming club at
Some students have been coming to school with hair accessories that contradict our uniform guidelines. Remember that only blue or black elastic bands, ribbons and claw clips are acceptable. The College Uniform requirements can be found here – Uniform Requirements.
Primary Book Swap
In Week 6 we will be holding our annual Book Swap. Please see the linked letter from Mrs Le Dan, our Librarian, for further details. Click here to read the letter
Ryan von Bergheim