Term 4 Week 3: From the Deputy Principal Learning and Staff Development
On Thursday 18 October, the College hosted the 2018 Year 12 Graduation Mass and Celebration in the Marist Auditorium. This night is a significant achievement for all student and their families as their time at the College comes to an end. The achievements of each student were acknowledged as well as recognition for Major Award recipients in spiritual formation, sport, arts, leadership and academics. Year 12 students showcased their musical talents and reflected on the friendship formed and the relationships within out Marist family. The College welcomed back Mr Damien Wallman, Graduate from the Class of 1993 to share his story with our community. I extend my thanks to Mr James McLaughlin, Leader of Wellbeing Year 12 and the team of Pastoral Care Teachers that have supported, guided and walked with our young people to ‘shine through discovery’. Congratulations and Farewell.
Click Here for further details about the 2018 Graduation events.
Click Here for a list of the Award Winners.
Staff Wellbeing
College Psychologists Jon Laden-Wearne and Denise Bendotti supported our Professional Learning program by delivering a session on Self Care. The session was informative and included practical strategies that we can apply to support positive self-care and wellbeing. The College is very committed to supporting staff and their wellbeing and ask for your support and cooperation especially in relation to parent-school communication. Teachers are expected to respond to emails within two working days. They certainly cannot respond within one day as they are teaching classes, marking assessments, planning lessons, on yard duty or taking co-curricular activities. If there is an urgent matter that needs to be acknowledged, a call to your son or daughters Leader of Wellbeing may be the most appropriate and effective avenue.
Parent Funded Device
Next year Newman College will continue the parent funded, designated device model that commenced in 2016.
All students in Year 3 to 6 will require an Apple iPad. All students in Year 7 to 11 will require a Microsoft Surface Pro. Parents will be required to purchase a device for students entering Year 7, current Year 8 and current Year 9 students. This designated device model will be made available in cooperation with a nominated supplier; providing a discounted educational bundle including a damage resistant cover and enhanced warranty. Details of the bundle and nominated supplier will be made available early Term 4. 2019 will be the last year for the College funded MacBook program for students in Year 12.
Arts Festival
In 2018, the Newman College Arts Festival centred on the establishment of an Artist in Residence Program. This program saw prominent WA artist Andy Quilty enter our community to engage in a unique series of workshops. Students from Y2-Y12 benefited from their encounters with Andy, who spent time exploring the notion of happy mistakes. The Program delivered amazing learning outcomes, that culminated in the student Art Showcase on Wednesday 10th October.
Click Here to read more about the 2018 Art Festival.
Click Here to watch the Art Festival documentary.
We look forward to celebrating the Arts with you at the Newman College Arts Festival in 2019.
Code of Conduct
A reminder to all families that the Code of Conduct can be accessed via the College website (Click Here). The Code is mandated by Catholic Education Western Australia and the application of the code extends to all staff, students, parents, guardians, caregivers and volunteers and extends to all forums including social media and email forms of communication. The Code seeks to value the dignity of every person, foster positive relationships, ensure confidentiality and accountability and support professional boundaries. Events held during school hours AND outside of school hours that are associated with the College are also supported by the Code. Any perceived breaches of the Code can be discussed with any member of the Senior Leadership Team.
All families are reminded that if they have a concern about the education or wellbeing of their child, they should contact the College directly. We are always willing to support families, but school matters must be managed by the College. It is not appropriate to contact other families about concerns you have about their child. Please direct these matters to the classroom teacher, Leaders of Wellbeing or any member of the Senior Leadership Team.
The College recognises the convenience of year group Facebook pages that are moderated by parents. This is an excellent platform for sharing information involving College events and requirements. It is not appropriate to use social media platforms to seek clarity on teaching and learning or to debate College policies. Please refer these matters to your child’s classroom or PCG Teachers, or a member of the Senior Leadership Team.
We thank you in advance for your understanding and support of how we strive to partner positively with each other.