Term 4 Week 3: From The Deputy Principal, Mission and Catholic Identity

In Week 3 of Term 4, the canonisation of Oscar Romero, (a Newman College Guild Patron), Pope Paul XI and 5 other saints coincided well with the Newman College Year 12 Graduation week. In his homily on the occasion of the cannonisation of the seven newest saints of the Catholic church, Pope Francis invited those who tuned-in around the world to consider the personal response of each of them to place of Jesus in their lives:

Let us ask ourselves where we are in our story of love with God. Do we content ourselves with a few commandments or do we follow Jesus as lovers, really prepared to leave behind something for him?

As our Year 12’s conclude their time at the College and prepare now for the unfolding journey of their lives that awaits them, it is our hope that we as a nurturing community of inclusivity and faith have invited them into what will be an ongoing journey of transformation through their encounter of the good news, which may become the personal Gospel of their own lives.

Years’ 7 – 12 Sacramental Program

In Term 4, the College will be sharing with families details regarding a new opportunity that has been extended by the Archdiocese of Perth for secondary schools to develop age-appropriate preparation programs that support secondary-aged students who may have missed the opportunity to prepare and receive the sacraments in Primary school. This model is a first for secondary schools, and provides an opportunity for the College to provide a school-based preparation program that connects students to local parishes to then receive the sacraments. Here at Newman College, we have had a number of families express the desire for their daughters and sons to have the opportunity to prepare to receive the sacraments in secondary school. In this Year of Youth, Bishop Donald Sproxton (Auxiliary Bishop – Archdiocese of Perth) has extended this opportunity to all secondary students in our Archdiocese on behalf of Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB.

I invite you to make contact with me if you would like to discuss this opportunity further, or to express an interest in advance of the details of this program being shared with our College community later in Term 4.


Sacramental Programs

When your child has received the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Communion or Confirmation, please send a copy of their Certificate from their Parish to Newman College Registrar, Flora Hughes so College Records can be updated and so that a card of congratulations can be presented to your child at Assembly.

PK-Y6 World Mission Day Free Dress Fundraiser

Thank you to all who contributed to our Free Dress Fundraiser for World Mission Day to support Catholic Mission. A total of $1039.80 was raised which will be sent to Perth Catholic Mission on your behalf.
At Lavalla Campus, Year 5 Green led our Prayer Assembly and told us how our money raised will help to educate the children of Myanmar.


Thank you to everyone involved in the K-6 Lapathon in Term 2. An amazing total of $10, 329.55  was raised. This fundraising will be directed to Australian Marist Solidarity, with a specific focus on the Kuya Centre in the Philippines. In December of 2018, the Kuya Centre will be visited by our Year 11 Philippines Immersion group. The collaboration between the Kuya Centre and Newman College represents a significant partnership that is integral to the mutually enriching partnership of Solidarity that exists between our two organisations. You can learn more about the Kuya Centre, and the work of Australian Marist Solidarity by clicking here.

Remar Red Leadership Camp

On Friday 12 October – Sunday 14 October, 21 Year 10 Remar students (also known as Rowers) attended the Remar Red Leadership Camp in Philip Island, Victoria. This annual three-day camp is held toward the end of the Red Crossing and is facilitated by the National Remar Ministry Team, with support from post school leaders and Helmspeople. Click here to read more.

Remar Gold Graduation

On Tuesday 16 October, 27 Remar Gold rowers celebrated their Gold Graduation. This event acknowledged the incredible achievement of Rowers who have been involved in the three-year program at the College. Throughout the evening, rowers had the opportunity to affirm each other, thank their helm, Mrs Rebecca Bramanto, as well as significant adults who have helped them through their journey. Click Here to read more.

Year 9 Remar Recruit afternoon, Wednesday 24 October

Year 9 students are invited to attend the Remar Red Recruitment Afternoon on Wednesday 24 October from 3.15pm – 4.30pm in the Sports Complex. The afternoon will introduce students to the College’s Remar program through an interactive, fun and informative session. Students will learn how the Remar program aims to form young Christian leaders who are motivated to stand up for what they believe to be right and just.

At the conclusion of the recruitment session, students are invited to take an information pack, which includes a Remar brochure, and an application form for the Embarkation Camp held in Serpentine on Wednesday 28 October – 30 November 2018. Students wishing to attend the Red Embarkation Camp, please complete and return your form to Miss Clare Cole, Leader of Youth Ministry and Advocacy, by the due date.

St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal

Our PK-12 College community will participate in the St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal this term. An information letter about the appeal will be sent to all parents and guardians in Week 3. If you require more information, please contact Miss Clare Cole, Leader of Youth Ministry and Advocacy clare.cole@newman.wa.edu.au

Weekly Thursday Morning Community Mass (Champagnat Chapel – 8.10am – 8.35am)

All parents, guardians and families across our PK-12 College are invited to attend the weekly Thursday morning Mass celebrated by Fr Joseph Tran and Fr Mark Baumgarten. Our weekly Newman College Community Mass is an important way that we as a Catholic community seek to nourish and live-out our faith in community with one another.