Year 12 Earth & Environment Excursion

A fantastic group of very keen Year 12 ATAR Earth and Environmental Scientists (EES) headed East looking for gold during their recent excursion to Kalgoorlie and the “Golden Mile”. The students enjoyed a tour of the Super-pit, saw first-hand the process of exploration, mining, and mine management at active mining operations. Additionally, there was an inspection of the Core Library at the WA Geological Survey, mine site rehabilitation, the School of Mines Minerals Museum, gold panning (with mixed success), and geological mapping exercises at important rock outcrops in the WA goldfields. The trip was a highlight of Year 12 EES and an invaluable experience for all of the students. Many of the students will probably now be considering careers in the Mining Industry, judging by how much they enjoyed the whole experience!

Andrew Shuckstes, Earth and Environmental Science Teacher