Secondary Update Term 2 Week 6

Secondary School Photos

Fotoworks will be attending Newman College in Week 8 and again in Week 10. On Thursday 13 June, our Years 7-9 students will have their individual photos taken, along with their PCG photo. Additionally, our Education Support Centre students, one of our Dance Troupes and some of our music groups will also have their photos taken on this day. Students will be released from class to have their photos taken.

Students are reminded to observe our College’s Uniform and Personal Presentation Guidelines. Any student who does not meet these guidelines will not be permitted to have their photo taken on the scheduled day. If any students have concerns about their appearance or uniform not meeting our College Guidelines, they are encouraged to speak to their Leader of Wellbeing. Photo Forms will be distributed in Pastoral Care Groups shortly.

Years 10-12 photos, ACC Swim and Cross Country teams and additional music photos will be taken on Monday 24 June and Tuesday 25 June (Week 11).

Paraplegic Benefit Fund – Year 10 Presentations

As part of the Keys for Life program in Year 10, Jax Lane, from the Paraplegic Benefit Fund (PBF), attended Newman College on 22 May. Established to create greater awareness of the risks of spinal cord injury, PBF Australia is a national not-for-profit organisation that provides much-needed financial support for those who sustain a permanent traumatic spinal cord injury. For those already living with a spinal cord injury, PBF offers peer support programs, lifestyle education and employment opportunities, with the goal of demonstrating that life can and does go on after a spinal cord injury.

Jax Lane spoke to students about the fatal five, inclusive of: drugs and alcohol, speeding and dangerous driving, fatigue, not wearing seatbelt correctly and distractions. She also shared her story of how a distracted driver changed her life forever: sustaining a spinal injury from an accident. She shared with students the slow and painful recovery that she endured, and how it affected her relationships, work life and mental health.

White Ribbon Australia – Years 11 and 12 Presentation

As part of our Secondary Wellbeing Program and in alignment with the requirements of the Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum, a representative from ‘White Ribbon’ Australia visited Newman College to speak with our Year 11 and 12 students about reducing violence against women and girls. White Ribbon is the world’s largest movement engaging men and boys to see this violence as their problem to fix, not women’s problem to tolerate. We are starting a conversation to reduce future incidences of violence, promote gender equality and start building positive relationships based on respect. Andrew Stock, the Head of Psychology of White Ribbon Australia, spoke about violence against women in an Australian context and the strategies that can be implemented to reduce the likelihood within our community. 

Students were engaged with Andrew which was evident in their responses to his questions and their willingness to share their thoughts on this topic. The students were very attentive throughout and feedback from students following the talk was very positive. The statistics Andrew shared were surprising; students did not realise how high they were and the severity of the issue in an Australian context. Students were grateful of the experience and valued the strategies suggested to help the cause. 

Our Year 11 and 12 students were asked to bring in a donation to contribute to White Ribbon’s work in Australia. We encourage our Year 11 and Year 12 students to make this donation to their Pastoral Care Group teacher or the Leader of Wellbeing Office by the end of Week 9.

Tuscany Way Crossing Guard Absence

Please be aware that the regular Crossing Guard will be absent from Tuesday 4 June until the end of Term 2. The WA Police Force Children Crossing Unit may provide a relief for this period. We ask that students and families increase their vigilance when accessing Tuscany Way, and take care when using this shared space for drivers and pedestrians.

Recognition of State Representation

Congratulations to the following students for selection in the Western Australian teams in their respective sports:

  • Stella Ferguson – 2024 Cricket 15s State Team, competing at the School Sports Australia National Championships in Mackay, QLD from 31 August – 6 September.
  • Dyllan Roberts – 2024 Softball 18s State Team competing in the School Sports Australia National Championships in Gold Coast, QLD from 27 July – 2 August.
  • Isla Kalebic – Recently represented WA in the inaugural Australian Little League Girls Baseball Championships held in Lismore, NSW from 8-12 May, where Western Australia took bronze.

State Representation is an honour and an important stepping stone in an athlete’s journey. We commend these students for their dedication and commitment to their sport.

Pathways and Careers Information: 

Year 10 

Subject selection for Year 11, 2025 

Please see below for some resources associated with subject selection for Year 11, 2025: 

Students and families are reminded that the Newman College Careers Expo and Year 10 Parent Evening will occur later in Term 2. At this event, students and families will be able to speak to teachers about each subject, and also seek information from Universities, TAFEs and training providers about possible courses and careers. 

It is expected that all Year 10 students will attend this event. Details are below: 

  • Tuesday 18 June, 2024 
  • Marist Auditorium 
  • Careers Expo commences at 5.00pm 
  • Parent Information evening commences at 6.00pm 

Year 11 

WACE (secondary graduation) requirements 

In Year 11 and 12, students are progressing towards their Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE), otherwise known as their secondary graduation. 

In order to achieve their WACE, students need to meet certain academic targets across Year 11 and 12. These are: 

  • Demonstrate the minimum standard of literacy and numeracy (either in Year 9 NAPLAN or in Year 10-12 OLNA). 
  • Be enrolled in English / Literature in Year 11 and 12. 
  • Be enrolled in at least 1 ‘List B’ (Maths / Science / Sport / Technology) subject. 
  • Achieve at least 14 C grades, with at least 6 C grades in Year 12 subjects. 

For students considering UniReady / UniPath in Year 12 

A reminder to students on the General Pathway who are considering UniReady / UniPath in Year 12 next year. It is expected that students from the General Pathway would have participated in extra-curricular activities such as work experience, VET Certificates, Leadership, Service, and/or College sport. General Pathway students who have not participated in any of these extra-curricular activities may not be eligible for UniReady / UniPath. 

For students thinking of attending University 

Year 12 

Parent and family resources 

Each year, the Australian Government publishes a resource for parents / guardians to assist in career conversations. The 2024 version can be found here:  

WACE (secondary graduation) requirements 

In Year 11 and 12, students are progressing towards their Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE), otherwise known as their secondary graduation. 

In order to achieve their WACE, students need to meet certain academic targets across Year 11 and 12. These are: 

  • Demonstrate the minimum standard of literacy and numeracy (either in Year 9 NAPLAN or in Year 10-12 OLNA). 
  • Be enrolled in English / Literature in Year 11 and 12. 
  • Be enrolled in at least 1 ‘List B’ (Maths / Science / Sport / Technology) subject. 
  • Achieve at least 14 C grades, with at least 6 C grades in Year 12 subjects. 
Gap year information 

Students interested in taking a gap year in 2025 might find the following interesting: 

Apprenticeship and Trades information 

The April 2024 edition of the Apprentice Intake Guide has now been published. This guide is a large listing of many different apprenticeship opportunities available. 

Students and families can access the Guide here: 

University Information 
Early Offers 

Students and families are advised that applications for University in 2025 are open as of 1 May 2024. Early Offers for University in 2025 will not be made to students until 2 September 2024. The currently available information about Early Offers is in the table below. 

University Early Offer Information 
Curtin University Early Offers are available for ATAR and non-ATAR students. Must achieve WACE and meet any prerequisites. Submit your application via TISC, putting your Early Offer course as your first preference. If your predicted ATAR is five points above the ATAR score required for your selected course, you will receive an early offer that secures your place in Semester 1, 2025. Your offer won’t be dependent on your final Year 12 ATAR score. You will still need to complete WACE and meet the English and subject requirements for your course.   If your predicted ATAR is less than five points above the ATAR score required for your course, you will still receive an early offer for a place at Curtin. You will need to achieve a final ATAR that meets course entry requirements, and meet WACE, English and subjects requirements for the course. If you are not studying the ATAR Pathway, your early offer will be conditional upon you meeting the admission criteria for your chosen course, achieving WACE and meeting Curtin’s English requirements.  
Edith Cowan University (ECU) Early Offer calculated from your most recent school results including exams. Must achieve WACE and meet any prerequisites. Early Offers for Certificate IV and UniReady/UniPath students will be conditional on passing. Submit your application via TISC, putting your Early Offer course as your first preference. Offers will be made on 2 September, 23 September, 14 October, 18 November and 2 December. Allow around 2 weeks for us assess your application. List of courses available for Early Offers is at:  
Murdoch University Must achieve WACE and meet any prerequisites. Early Offers for Certificate IV and UniReady/UniPath students will be conditional on passing. Submit your application via TISC, putting your Early Offer course as your first preference.  
Notre Dame University Must be completing the ATAR Pathway in Year 12. Submit your application via TISC, putting your Early Offer course as your first preference. Offers will be made on 2 September, 20 September, 4 October, 11 December. Allow a few weeks for us assess your application. In the application you will be asked to provide details about your non-academic achievements and commitments, which may include work, caring responsibilities at home, volunteering, sports and school leadership, among others. Further information and eligible courses at   
University of Western Australia Must be completing the ATAR Pathway in Year 12. Submit your application via TISC, putting your Early Offer course as your first preference. All students must satisfy UWA’s English requirements and any subject prerequisite requirements. Students can apply for an Early Offer for all degrees with UWA excluding Assured Pathways to Medicine, Dental Medicine, Pharmacy and Podiatric Medicine or the Bachelor of Biomedicine (specialised). Further information at:   

Information about University entry 

Thinking of studying Medicine or Dentistry in 2025? 

All students who wish to enrol in Medicine or Dentistry in 2025 (including Assured Pathway at UWA) will need to sit the University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) this year. 

Please see below for some important dates: 

  • 5 March 2024: UCAT bookings open 
  • 17 May 2024: Deadline to book your UCAT for 2024 
  • 10 June 2024: Deadline if you need to cancel your UCAT booking 
  • 1 July 2024: UCAT testing begins 
  • 9 August 2024: Last test date 
  • September 2024: Results available 

You can check for more information, tips and practice tests. 

Also, students applying for Medicine at Curtin University are required to sit the CASPER Test. CASPER scores are valid only for the next available admissions year, so applicants should only complete the test in the year immediately preceding their planned year of admission. 

The CASPER Test is held nationally and is sat online from home. Applicants are responsible for making their own arrangements to register for the CASPER Test. Available Casper Test dates are: 

  • 26 May 2024 
  • 23 June 2024 
  • 8 August 2024  

You can find more information about this, and book your test, here: 

UWA Medical entry handbook here (for Assured Pathway): 

Curtin Medical entry handbook here:  

Entry to Medicine handbook (Australia-wide) is here:  

University scholarships 

Curtin University Search scholarships | Curtin University, Perth, Australia  
Edith Cowan University (ECU) ECU | Overview : Scholarships  
Murdoch University Scholarship finder (  
Notre Dame University Find a Scholarship | Notre Dame  
University of Western Australia (UWA) The University of Western Australia : Scholarships (  
Christian Leaders Scholarship 


Year 9 to 12 Information Evening 28 May 
WAAPA Tour (ECU) 30 May
Engineering Information Evening (ECU) 6 June 
Early Offers and Entry Pathways Information Session (UWA) 12 June 
Year 12s and supporters webinar (CQ University) 13 June  
Newman College Careers Expo 18 June 3.30pm to 4.30pm: Year 11 and 12 session 5.00pm to 6.00pm: Year 10 session 6.00pm to 6.45pm Year 10 information evening 
Create For A Day (SAE Perth) 6 July 
WAAPA Information Evening (ECU) 17 July 
Perth Skills West Careers & Employment Expo 25 July to 27 July Perth Careers & Employment Expo ( 
Open Day (SAE Creative Media Institute) 24 August  
WAAPA Tour (ECU) 27 August
Health and Education Information Evening (Murdoch) 28 August 
Science, IT, Engineering Information Evening (Murdoch) 29 August 
Nursing and Midwifery Open Evening (ECU) 30 August 
Business and Law Information Evening (Murdoch) 4 September 
Science and Maths Information Evening (ECU) 4 September 
Engineering Information Evening (ECU) 6 September 
Medical and Health Sciences Information Evening (ECU) 11 September 
Teacher Education Information Evening (ECU) 12 September 
Computing and Cybersecurity Information Evening (ECU) 17 September 
Engineering Information Evening (ECU) 9 October 
Year 12 Online Information Evening (Murdoch) 15 October 
WAAPA Tour (ECU) 30 October
Future Students Information Evening (ECU) 20 November 

From the Vice Principal – Term 2 Week 6

Year 11 Examinations

The Year 11 Semester 1 Exams are scheduled from 27 May to 7 June.  For Year 11 students, these are the first round of ATAR examinations.  To all Year 11 students preparing for these exams, we wish you all the best.

Traffic Warden – Tuscany Way (Marcellin Campus)

The College has been advised by the Children’s Crossing Unit, that they are unable to provide us with a Traffic Warden for the crossing on Tuscany Way from 4 June to the end of Term 2.  We ask you share this information with your child/children.  Students and families are asked to take extra care when using this crossing. 

The Importance of Student Attendance

We would like to share some information regarding student attendance with our community. Schools are required to monitor attendance and intervene to support improved attendance for students at educational risk. Likewise, all parents are required to make their best efforts to ensure their children attend school.

ACC Cross Country

Sending our best wishes to our ACC Cross Country team as they gear up to compete against 80 other schools at Alderbury Reserve on Thursday, May 30.

Child Safeguarding Policy

Marist Child Safe Adult Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct for Parents and Adults

Primary Update Term 2 Week 4

Mother’s Day

We celebrated our wonderful mothers and mother figures over the past two days at our primary campuses. Our Lavalla Mass (Thursday) and Marian Liturgy (Friday) were beautiful celebrations of the wonderful mothers in our lives. Wishing all Newman mothers and mother figures a restful and enjoyable Mother’s Day this weekend!

2 Red Assembly

On Friday of last week, Year 2 Red entertained and informed us with their assembly about recycling. The Year 2’s have been learning all about the importance of recycling, and how the process works. They also participated in a recent incursion on waste. Students, staff and parents learnt a lot from the assembly. Thank you Year 2 Red for sharing this important message with our community! As a result of the Year 2’s passion for recycling, we will be introducing some recycling initiatives in the primary over the coming weeks.

Movie Night

It was wonderful to see primary families last Friday night at our Primary family movie night event. It was a wonderful evening of activities, followed by a fantastic movie – Elemental! The feedback from parents has been outstanding – what a fantastic event!

Morning Supervision at Lavalla

A reminder that morning supervision commences at 8:20am at Lavalla Campus each morning. Students who arrive before this time are not supervised by Newman College staff and therefore we ask that students do not arrive before 8:20am. For their safety, students have been told that should they arrive before 8:20am they are to sit on the oval in a designated area and wait for the duty teacher to start before moving around.

Lavalla Kiss N Ride

A reminder to all Lavalla Parents using the Kiss N Ride to collect your child in the afternoon, to please ensure that your family name sign is clearly displayed on your dashboard/visor so that staff can quickly and efficiently call your child to the car. If you did not request a family name tag previously but now require one, please email Mrs Johnson in the front office –

URSTRONG – Lesson 1 Complete

Lesson 1 Review

As mentioned in last week’s Newsletter, this term we have commenced the roll-out of the URSTRONG Friendship Curriculum across the Primary. All students through PK-6 engaged in Lesson 1 last week, which focused on each child’s ‘Inner Ninja’. The areas of focus across our year levels in Lesson 1 were:

Pk-2: Self-compassion, teaching students ways to treat themselves like a best friend.

Yr 3 & 4: Self-compassion, teaching students how to tame their butterflies and feel calm when they are experiencing big emotions.

Yr 5 & 6: Self-compassion, teaching students how to squash ANTs (Automatic Negative Thoughts) and dispelling myths around gender stereotypes and the ‘pressures of perfection’.

The feedback from teachers is that our students engaged and enjoyed the sessions, which is fantastic to hear. Lesson 2 will be rolled out next week in all classrooms.

A reminder parents have access to a FREE URSTRONG parent membership to access hundreds of resources – including an 8 session video series. This will allow you to learn the same language & strategies being taught in the classroom through the Friendology 101 curriculum. We hope that, as a URSTRONG Family, you will reinforce the important messages of empowerment, self-compassion, & kindness at home.

As we start the program, I encourage all parents to watch the ‘Language of Friendship Introduction Video (the first in a series of parent videos) within the parent membership section of the website, and to engage in a discussion with your children about what they learnt and discussed during Lesson 1 in class.

Medals of Marcellin

Our new positive behaviour system, Medals of Marcellin, has commenced and our PP-6 students have responded extremely well to this new initiative. We had our first ’raffle draw’ at our prayer assemblies on Monday, where Charlotte (Marian) and James (Lavalla) were drawn out of the raffle and congratulated for demonstrating our Newman Norm of ‘Use manners and respectful language when talking to students and teachers’. Congratulations to all students who received a raffle ticket in Week 3 – over 300 raffle tickets were given out which is a fantastic effort! These raffle tickets have now been converted into faction tokens and placed in our faction token tubes in the front office of each campus! So far, red faction have the most tokens at each campus and are in the lead!

Newman Norms

Our new Newman Norms are now on our website and I encourage you to have a look at these expectations for our Primary students – Newman Norms – Newman College.

Each week our staff and students will focus on 1 Norm, to discuss and unpack what that norm means for our students in their day-to-day school life.

In Week 3, our focus was: Use manners and respectful language when talking to students and teachers.

In Week 4, our focus has been: Treat our classrooms and school with pride and respect by keeping them neat and tidy and using equipment responsibly.

Our focus in Week 5 is on Wear our College uniform correctly & with pride.

Parents Visiting Classrooms

A reminder about parents visiting classroom in the morning.

Parents are welcome to visit classrooms on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays during the following morning times:

  • Kindy & Pre-Primary: 8:45-8:55am 
  • Years 1-6: 8:35-8:45am 

These morning times, as listed above, are provided to any parents who may wish to visit the classroom to view their child’s work, view the classroom environment or to participate in a quiet, small activity with their child. 

A reminder that this period of time is not the time to speak to your child’s teacher about their progress or the time to socialise with other parents. We ask that parents are respectful of our Mindful Mornings routine and join in the activities or view the classroom in a quiet and calm way with their children. If you wish to have conversations with other parents, we ask that this is done outside of the classroom. If a younger sibling is attending with you, please be mindful of them as they move around the room with older students, and be aware of the play/work spaces that teachers have set up for their students to be used later in the day so that these aren’t interfered with.

When it is time to leave, we ask that parents quickly exit the classroom to ensure students are able to separate quickly from their parent. It may be worth speaking with your child over the coming days about how you may come into the classroom every now and then, but then when it is time for parents to go and class to start, the children will need to give their parent a quick hug/kiss and say goodbye. Preparing your child for this will be helpful in minimising any separation anxiety that may occur at this time.

Pk-2 Parent Information Session: Occupational Therapist

Marian parents are invited to attend an informative session, hosted by occupational therapist, Helen Cooper. The session is designed to provide valuable insights into the role of occupational therapy in your child’s development and education. Please see the flyer below for further information and to register your attendance.

Click to download the PDF.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Ryan von Bergheim

Head of Primary

Teaching & Learning – Term 2 Week 2

At Newman College, we are committed to constantly reflecting on our practices and seeking feedback from students, parents, and staff on our strengths and opportunities for growth. To this end, staff, parents, and students have been invited to participate in the DISA and Leuven surveys. The information collected from these surveys will be used to underpin our 2025-2027 strategic plan.

The purpose of the DISA and what it measures.

Diagnostic Inventory for School Alignment (DISA) is an online diagnostic survey tool, developed by the Leadership Research International (LRI) team at the University of Southern Queensland (USQ), that will examine the College’s overall alignment and provides baseline data and gap analysis for the purpose of planning our improvement agenda. DISA is comprised of three surveys customised specifically for staff, parents, and students.

School improvement is a whole-school effort. Success is informed by a cohesive and clearly articulated direction that is identified by the school community, particularly the students, staff, and parents/carers. DISA provides the College with the means to identify our perceived strengths as well as areas requiring work and gaps that need attention.

The purpose of the Leuven and what it measures.

An authentically Marist curriculum will always be informed by Marcellin Champagnat’s core imperative—to educate people to be good Christians and good citizens. What is consistent is the purpose of a Marist school, its characteristic emphases, priorities, cultures, and pedagogical approaches. One of the needs is to ensure that, as a spiritual family, we adapt and contextualise to find fresh ways to articulate its spiritual traditions so that they speak with relevance and saliency to the time and place.

Research indicates that the specifics of charismic traditions rest in the relationships and the particular fusion of the characteristic features common to that charism. A Marist charism expresses its particular spirituality in and through a pedagogy that has a focus on the following characteristics:

  • A ‘synodal’ pedagogy of walking together.
  • A loving pedagogy
  • A pedagogy of holistic formation
  • A pedagogy of family spirit.
  • A pedagogy of presence
  • A pedagogy of simplicity
  • A pedagogy of the love of work
  • A pedagogy of a practical and innovative spirit
  • A pedagogy of effective and responsible solidarity with the poor

The tool measures the mix of these characteristics.

To date, our parent engagement in the DISA and Leuven surveys has been limited and we are still approximately 60 surveys below our target. If you have not yet had the opportunity to engage in the DISA and Leuven survey, it would be much appreciated if you could make time to complete the survey and contribute to the future strategic direction of our college. Details on how to access the surveys were emailed on 27th March 2024. If you no longer have access to this information, please reach out to Christine Antoine