Newman News Term 1 Week 4: From the Deputy Principal Wellbeing Secondary
I would like to thank students and parents for the positive way you have started 2020 in regard to uniform. It has been pleasing to see a vast majority of our students in the correct uniform each day and dressed in their Guild uniforms for College activities.
However, one area that I challenge students to improve in is the area of jewellery. Students have been reminded this week about the expectations surrounding jewellery and I hope to see an improvement in Week 5 when they return after the long weekend. Staff will be paying particular attention in regard to students wearing to many earrings (girls) and students wearing thick chains to school.
Newman Parents – A Night with Dr Justin Coulson
The College is welcoming back Dr Justin Coulson one of Australia’s most respected and popular Positive Psychology & relationships speaker, facilitator, author, and researcher (particularly in family life). The topic he will be presenting is:
Inside the Mind; Raising an emotionally intelligent Child
In this session Dr Coulson will share his expertise and equip parents to become more emotionally intelligent when it comes to their child.
Sometimes we just don’t relate to our children. It’s like they came from another parent. Did we really conceive, birth, and raise this child? It can be so hard to understand our children.
Inside the mind – Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child is a presentation for parents to get to the heart of parenting. Or, more specifically, it’s to help parents get to their children’s hearts.
How do we really understand our child? What is really happening inside their mind?
This powerful presentation will change the way you communicate with your child.
See a short intro video by Dr Coulson with more information about the session The presentation will be followed by a Question and Answer session.
When: Wednesday 18 March, 7.00pm – 8.30pm
Where: Newman College Auditorium, 216 Empire Avenue Churchlands
This FREE session is for parents only. We hope that parents will use the information they learn to better educate themselves.
Homework Club
It has been a very busy few weeks in Homework Club.
To see what sessions are being held throughout Term 1, please download the roster.
Download Homework Club Term 1 2020 Roster
Pathways and Careers Update
Click here to see all of the upcoming list of events that may be useful for students and parents.
Latest Sport News
- NAS Sport
- ACC Swimming Training
- Guild Swimming Carnival Results and Highlights
- Individual Achievements
- Newman Churchlands Swimming Club Newsletter / Splash & Dash / McGowan Relay Registrations
From the Counselling and Wellbeing Team
Increasing Autonomy
As your child transitions to high school or continues to progress through the high school years, they will start to challenge the decisions of others more as they explore their own thoughts, beliefs and desires. Moving towards autonomy and independence is a key component of adolescence and can include testing boundaries and taking risks. Through these experiences, adolescents learn to reflect on their mistakes and problem-solve as concerns arise. You can assist your child to develop autonomy by:
- Involving them in establishing rules and consequences.
- Setting limits with their safety in mind, while giving them the privacy and space to figure things out on their own.
- Paying attention and being involved in their life, so that they feel respected and supported.
- Asking yourself “Did I need to get involved?” and “What is the worst that could’ve happened if I didn’t step in?”, if you’re unsure whether you’re stepping in too often.
Gradually increasing your child’s responsibilities and independence over the high school years will allow them to mature and build self-confidence. Click here for more information and ideas on how to spend quality time together and be supportive.