Newman News Term 1 Week 4 : From the Vice Principal
The last two weeks have been even busier than usual, which I did not think was possible! Perhaps this is due to, at least in part, teachers, students and families being called to respond to the current frustrating societal covid situation with flexibility, understanding, calmness and acceptance.
Teaching staff have had to look to sustainable teaching practices that allow students to experience uninterrupted learning, should they be called to isolate for a short period of time and learn from home. This is a time-consuming task for a teacher, particularly for those who teach for the full day, with students present in front of them. Likewise, students learning from home have had to exercise greater levels of independence and organisation for the period of isolation. In our Primary setting, our parents may need to step into the role of learning facilitator (whilst also trying to work from home) to see their child through the isolation period. We are thankful for our partnerships with parents, we need each other to successfully navigate the educationally disruptive waters.
In the coming weeks we may need to ask whole classes to isolate in the Primary school or collections of students in the secondary school. The College has continuation of learning plans in place for each scenario. The types of learning that the students will engage in will be dependent on whether the bulk of the class is at school, or at home. Please see our communication from our Director of Transformational Learning, Mrs Jenny Miraudo, on the continuation of learning for each scenario. More information can also be found on the College website under our Remote Learning Plans for each year group.
The College is continuously looking for processes and practices that will support teacher and student wellbeing, as we move more into what can be described as a hybrid learning environment. Our learning platforms of Teams, OneNote, SEQTA and Seesaw will assist us to deliver education to students, regardless of their physical whereabouts. Interestingly, McCrindle (2021) undertook a study which investigated the skills that are best learnt in the digital and physical world – independently at home and face to face at school. Admittedly, the results of this study are more relevant for our older students. The results can be viewed below.
We trust that our experiences, whilst challenging, will bear fruit at a future stage and that we can be grateful for the support we have in each other as one Marist educational family. We value simplicity and presence as a community, these qualities are particularly relevant today.

Key Dates
College Calendar Link – College events are changing very quickly, and we ask all families check the online calendar frequently.
Review of the Children’s Crossing, Tuscany Way near Mantua Crescent
The above crossing is currently being reviewed by the Children’s Crossing and Road Safety Committee. Two sets of surveys will be conducted. Please encourage students to utilise the facility so that a true picture of the school community’s needs may be gathered.
Newman Parents Consultative Committee (NPCC) Meeting – Monday 14 March (Online)
These meetings are convened by the Principal and attended by various members of the College Leadership Team. The group provides an avenue for parent voice and operates as a forum for parents to gain insight into our school improvement plan. The NPCC serves to help advance the best interests of those within our College Community. Whilst policy is determined and set by the College Executive and supported by the Advisory Council, the NPCC is a critically important group in providing input and feedback. The topics for discussion include the annual school improvement plan and Covid experiences and risk mitigation measures.
A meeting reminder will be sent out to families nearer the time containing the meeting link. We value and welcome collaboration and feedback from parents and encourage your participation.
Pupil Free Days – Term 1
- Labour Day (Public Holiday) – Monday 7 March (Week 6)
Parent Information Presentations
Information evenings for all of our year groups went online this year. A copy of each of the presentations is available below. Please use the links to access individual presentations.
Updating College Records
The College requires all families to review and update existing information on their child’s Consent2Go profile. Please ensure Medical Details are entered correctly.
- College Held Medications: you are required to complete all applicable fields in the Medical Details section. All listed medications must be handed in at Student Administration within 48 hours. Current Medical Action Plans must also be uploaded.
Note: This does not apply to students who require short-term medication ie antibiotics for one week. You will still need to complete the PK-12 Student Medication Request Form which can be found on the College website and hand it in to the applicable administration office with the medication. - Any changes to your contact details ( number, email or home address) need to be emailed to the College Registrar
Note: Emergency contacts should not be the parents.
Thanking you for your support.
Code of Conduct for Parents
Please click here to download the Newman College Code of Conduct for Parents.