Newman News Term 2 Week 10: From the Head of Primary
I am incredibly proud of the way our students have reached the midway point of the year. The way they have all grown from the first day of the year is remarkable and each student is now set on a journey that will see them deepen their faith and extend their learning. This is the dual moral purpose of our Marist school. We hope everyone can celebrate the learning that has occurred this semester through their Semester 1 report and highlight the fact that at Newman College we develop the whole child as Christ intended.
Reports & Interviews
Kindy – Year 6 reports will be available to families on Friday 5 July via the SEQTA Engage portal. Although the report is directed to the parents, it should also be celebrated with your child as it represents the hard work they have put in through the semester. Parents will have the opportunity to discuss the report, and their child’s learning at the Parent Teacher Interviews on Tuesday 23 July.
IPSHA Winter Carnival
On Tuesday 2 July, the Year 6 students participated in the 2019 IPSHA Winter Carnival hosted by John XXIII College. The emphasis of the day was on participation, the opportunity to display skills learnt, promote fair play and of course to have fun!
In what was perfect conditions, Newman’s three Netball teams, two Soccer teams, one AFL team and one Hockey team participated and played against several other IPSHA Primary schools. It was a busy day for all, with students playing seven games with lots of enthusiasm and great sportsmanship.
Congratulations to the AFL team who won their grand final to win the Dockers Shield.
Grandparents Day
On Tuesday 2 July, the Marian Campus invited our grandparents to share in the learning experience. Thank you to Year 2 Green for leading the Prayer Assembly before our students led their grandparents in engaging activities that highlighted the difference between learning between now and then. Thank you to our dedicated Primary Social Committee for preparing the hundreds of cups of tea and coffee and providing morning tea. Click here to see more photos from the day.
Speak up
Congratulations to the Speak Up finalists who presented their speeches to the Lavalla students and special guest judges last Friday. The finalists included Maddison Carroll, Christian Di Biase, Olivia Ralls, Ruby Hankinson, Marley Burke and Ty Patterson. Congratulations to Maddy, Christian and Olivia for making it through to the interschool finals.
Save the Date – Years 3-6 Cross Country Carnival
The Years 3-6 Cross Country Carnival will take place after lunch on Thursday 25 July. Click here for further information.
Save the Date – STEM Festival

Guided Planning
The teachers at Newman College are dedicated to meeting the individual needs of students. During guided planning sessions, each unit works with the Teacher Leaders, Mrs Zelich and Ms Anderson, to review programs, highlight teaching strategies, unpack data and look to see how adjustments and improvements can be made to help everyone learn.
Year 5 Prison Excursion
On Friday 28 June, the Year 5’s attended an excursion at Fremantle Prison as part of their History Unit which is focused on Colonisation of Australia and the impact of convicts.
Students were shown what life was like for a convict and enjoyed learning about a convicts daily routine, living conditions and jobs they completed. They also learnt about Fremantle’s most famous convict “Moondyne Joe” and were able to see the special cell built for him and hear about his life history. It was a very informative and interesting excursion.
NAIDOC Week celebrations are held across Australia each July to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC is celebrated not only in Indigenous communities, but by Australians from all walks of life. The Primary students have been commemorating by creating our Tree of Life which promotes the NAIDOC theme “Voice – Treaty – Truth”. Thank you Ms Sanka for coordinating this important project.