Newman News Term 3 Week 2: From the Vice Principal
Covid-19 Update
With the delay of moving to Phase 5 restrictions by the State Government, the following protocols will remain in place until 15 August.
Assemblies and College Community Events
Adult visitors and staff should maintain physical distancing of one person per 2m2 and limited to 300 people.
Parent and Caregiver Meetings
Pre-arranged parent/caregiver meetings can proceed, adhering to physical distancing and hygiene protocols.
Parent and Caregiver Access
Parents can enter school grounds to drop off and pick up their children and to attend scheduled meetings with staff. Parents can enter classrooms at the invitation of the teacher.
School Visitors
All visitors with a lawful purpose are allowed onto the school grounds. Physical distancing with a 2m2 rule per adult and good hygiene practices should apply. All official visitors as per College guidelines are required to sign in.
Attendance at school is compulsory, except for those who are recognised as medically vulnerable or who have medically vulnerable family members. If you are concerned about your own family situation, please contact Lisa Fogliani, Vice Principal, for additional clarity and advice
The Government has stressed the importance of Western Australians to continue to keep up physical distancing where possible and to maintain good personal hygiene to better protect ourselves and the general health of the community.
In addition, students will be continually and explicitly taught the importance of handwashing, physical distancing and observing personal hygiene to a high standard (as developmentally appropriate).
If Students are Unwell
We ask that students who are presenting with a fever or flu like symptoms stay at home until their symptoms are clear. It is the responsibility of all families to ensure they support the wider College community.
NPCC – Monday 3 August
We welcome parents to the NPCC meeting on Monday 3 August. This meeting will be held in the Marist Auditorium Studios at 7.00pm. The agenda will cover:
- Data to Inform Practice Presentation
- Parent feedback / Q&A
The Newman Parent Consultative Committee meetings are convened by the Principal and attended by various members of the College Leadership Teams. The NPCC is a representative group, parent voice and forum to gain insight into our School Improvement Plan and to discuss College concerns. The NPCC serves to help improve the best interests of those within our College Community. Whilst policies and procedures are determined and set by the College Executive and supported by the College Advisory Council, the NPCC is a critically important group to provide valuable input and feedback.
New Staff – Term 3
We welcome the following members of staff to the Newman College community and our Marist family:
- Mrs Tasha Richards, Primary Physical Education Teacher, Lavalla Campus
- Ms Catherine Roberts, Homework Club Teacher, Marcellin Campus
We also welcome back Margaret Goldsmith, Coordinator of Music, from Long Service Leave.
Wellbeing Week – Monday 10 – Thursday 14 August
In Week 4, teachers and students will come together to engage in lessons, activities and professional learning designed to support the wellbeing of the College community. We recognise the importance of educating, raising awareness and providing opportunities for students to develop their own wellbeing and contribute and participate in our flourishing community. We look forward to discovering together, ways to enhance our individual and collective wellbeing.
Save the Dates
The following dates have been calendared for staff professional learning.
- Friday August 14 – Staff Wellbeing Conference (PUPIL FREE DAY)
- Monday August 17- CEWA Faith Day (COLLEGE CLOSED)
Newman Parents – Wednesday 26 August
Due to COVID restrictions relating to interstate travel, our presenter for Term 3, Jocelyn Brewer, is unable to join us at the College for Newman Parents. However, she will present via Zoom to student and parent groups. A link for her presentation will be shared with families who register to attend Newman Parents closer to the date. Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.
Wednesday 26 August
7.00pm – 8.30pm
Marist Auditorium
Newman Newsreel
The Newman Newsreel is a new and innovative way for the College to engage and share content with families and staff through the power of augmented reality (AR). Each family should have now received a fridge magnet called the ‘Newman Newsreel’. By downloading and using the ‘Viewa’ Augmented Reality App, users may scan the magnet, bringing to life options to view weekly videos. These videos are campus specific and contain important information about upcoming events and critical information for students and families. The videos will be updated weekly and provide only essential information to families about the upcoming week. Updated videos will be uploaded each Friday and remain active for one week.
It is important to note that users MUST download the Viewa app to be able to activate the magnet and videos.
Please click here to view a short introduction video which includes instructions on how to download the Viewa app.
Our Commitment to Child Safety
The College is committed to providing an environment that is safe for all children. We actively work towards and promote the principles of the Catholic Educations Child Safe Framework. The framework upholds a child safe culture, healthy and respectful relationships, and extended guardianship in school communities, based on the latest research and recognised best practices. At times, we rely on partnership with parents to ensure all members of our community are safe, supported and cared for. Thank you to community members that have positively and openly supported this intent. If you are concerned about a child, please communicate with Campus Leaders, Leaders of Wellbeing or any member of the Senior Leadership Team.
Code of Conduct
A reminder to all families that the Code of Conduct can be accessed via the College website. The Code is mandated by Catholic Education Western Australia and the application of the code extends to all staff, students, parents, guardians, caregivers and volunteers.
The Code seeks to value the dignity of every person, foster positive relationships, ensuring confidentiality and accountability and supports professional boundaries. Events held during school hours AND outside of school hours that are associated with the College are also supported by the Code of Conduct. Postings on social media platforms that identify the College or College events are also bound by the Code of Conduct.
Any perceived breaches of the Code can be discussed with any member of the Senior Leadership Team. We thank you in advance for your understanding and support of how we strive to partner positively with one another.