Newman News Term 4 Week 4: From the Vice Principal
Last Friday, we acknowledged and celebrated the role that teachers play both in our school and in society. After parents, teachers are charged with the most significant responsibility of forming and educating the whole child. Teachers, therefore, play a vital role in cultivating and influencing the future of society. We sincerely thank all our Newman educators for their work, going above and beyond for our student community.
Earlier this Term, myself and Deputy Principal, Mr Simon Martino, represented Newman College by attending the Marist Schools Australia regional end-of-year dinner. Key staff in our region were recognised with awards and accolades. We also celebrated the magnificent work of our students and teachers throughout 2023. The Marist characteristics of Family Spirit, Love of Work and Presence were evident throughout the night. It was clear that the school communities are connected, regardless of distance. The Brothers, special guests, school leaders and staff in the region had a great night sharing successes and fellowship. It was an excellent collaboration and celebration, in line with our Vision for Learning.
NPF Meeting
The next meeting is being held on Monday, 6 November commencing at 6.00pm in the JHN Learning Hub. The agenda will include the following discussion points:
- Uniform alignment
- Changes to before and after-school care
- OSH Club
- Primary Build
- Communications App
- Bus Service Review
- Traffic Flow Carpark
We acknowledge the importance of partnership and collaboration with parents, and we encourage as many of you to join us. Alternatively, please use the following link to join the meeting online. NPF Online
Students and visitors to the College are reminded that WACE exams are currently taking place, and Year 11 exams commence next week, Monday 6 November. The final exam date for both is Friday 17 November. We therefore ask you are quiet when walking around the Marcellin Campus, especially around the Auditorium and the Exam Centre.
Christmas Carols and Awards Night

A reminder that all primary students are required to wear a hat during recess and lunch times, as well as during sports lessons. If your child does not have a hat, please ensure they are provided with one as soon as possible. Please also check the lost property on both primary campuses if you are missing one.
Secondary students should be reminded they are required to wear a hat if they are on the oval at recess or lunchtime.
Parking at Marian
Please ensure all cars are parked in appropriate car parking bays when dropping off and picking up your children. Parking is not allowed on the grassed area outside the pre-primary playground and outside administration or in the staff carpark. Cars parking in these locations are encroaching on footpaths and carpark entries, which is a safety risk for our community. Please pass this information on to grandparents, carers or babysitters who collect children. Council rangers frequently monitor the area to ensure cars are compliant with road parking regulations. Thank you for your support.
Drop off at Lavalla
We ask for parent support when dropping students off at the Lavalla Campus in the morning. Please ensure you are using the dedicated, albeit temporary, ‘Kiss N Drive’ drop-off lane in the morning to ensure your child can exit your vehicle safely and walk into the campus using the footpath. If dropping your child off from a car bay or alternate location in the carpark, please remind your child they must use the dedicated marked zebra crossings located throughout the carpark. The remaining upgrade works to the carpark, including the permanent ‘Kiss N Drive’ lane, are likely to be completed over the Christmas break. This will significantly improve the carpark safety and functionality moving forward.
Cross Walk on Tuscany Way
The traffic warden has observed some students do not follow/ignore the instructions when using the pedestrian crossing on Tuscany Way, making it difficult for him to manage the traffic flow.
- Children are crossing the road 100 – 200m away from the actual crossing.
- Children are crossing without waiting for the traffic warden to give the clear-to-cross signal.
The safety of our students is paramount, and students should be reminded to use the crossing correctly.
Postural Awareness Campaign
Our Scholar in Resident Eric Brukwinski is continuing to work on the Posture Awareness Campaign at Newman College. Eric’s background prior to pursuing a new career in teaching is a practicing Chiropractor in Perth. Working with patients of all ages over his career caught his attention on how important posture plays on the demands both at school and home. Preventative measures at a young age may help prevent long term health issues. Having awareness of the demands of technology when using mobile phones and laptops require proper strategies to maintain good posture. Just like we take care of our teeth we need to maintain good spinal hygiene.
This week a couple posters have been shared across the campus TVs on awareness with backpacks. It is important the students are wearing them properly using both shoulder straps and keeping the backpack above their waistline in the small of the low back. A backpack should not exceed 10% of the student’s bodyweight.
Eric is grateful for the opportunity to share some insight over the 5-week program and hoping the students will practice good habits over the years. The students will be getting a copy of the poster campaign on their Teams in Week 5. He wishes everyone much success for the rest of the Term 4.
Thank you Eric for sharing your insight with Newman College.