Newman News Term 4 Week 9: From the Deputy Principal Secondary
I would like to wish our students and families a happy and blessed Christmas, and a safe and wonderful holiday. As we enter this Christmas season, it is my hope that our students and families give witness to on our 2021 Marist theme, Breathe the Spirit of Life (Rm 8:2), and take the time to be present with one another. Thank you to our students and families for their support and efforts throughout 2021. We have so much to be thankful for and celebrate within this Marist family.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank our staff for the support and guidance they have given the students both in and outside of the classroom this year.
I look forward to welcoming our students back in 2022.
Term Dates – 2022
Click here to view the term dates for 2022.
Year 10 River Cruise
The highly anticipated Year 10 River Cruise was held on Monday 22 November. Year 10 students committed to the theme Popular Culture Icons and staff and crew on board were very impressed with the effort the students had gone to. The Year 10 students spent all night dancing together and it was special to see how united the cohort has become over the course of this year.
Thank you to the staff who accompanied the Year 10 students on the River Cruise. A special thank you to the Year 10 PCG Teachers and Miss Beekink for their organisation of the evening.
Year 7 – 11 Awards Assembly
On Thursday 25 November, Marcellin students celebrated the 2021 Academic, Sporting, Arts and Ministry achievements of our students. This year our students were asked to strive for excellence in all their pursuits, and the Awards assembly showcased just this. Performances from Newman Voices and our Senior Concert Band were outstanding!
This year we introduced the inaugural Br François award for a student in Year 7 – 10, who has demonstrated learning growth in their learning. Congratulations to all students who were acknowledged at the Assembly. Please click here for a full list of award winners.
2022 Student Leadership Team Workshop
Last week our 2022 Year 6 & 12 Leadership team attended a workshop in preparation for next year. The students heard from Marist Brother, Tony Leon who spoke to them about what leadership looks like in the context of Challenge, Collaborate, Create and Celebrate. The students had an opportunity to get to know each other a little better.
Students were asked to examine our Vision for Learning and discuss ways they would like to see the student commitments enacted among their peers next year. Thank you to Miss Guzzomi and Mr McClorey for their support and organisation of the day.
PBL Grand Final
During Week 9, Year 7 – 9 students participated in a problem-based learning challenge. Guided by staff, students worked collaboratively to create dynamic solutions to real-world problems. Eight groups of students were selected to present their solution at the Grand Final assembly this morning and we were fortunate to have expert judges, Dr Momoko Fujita, and Dr Kaz Bland from the University of Western Australia join us.
The Year 7 winners took on the challenge to consider areas of the school that can be ‘future proofed.’ These students presented an innovative way to use lockers more effectively and introduced students to the idea of Interlocker, an automated locker system. The Year 9 winners examined mental health in sports and created a forum called Behind the Post, which invites people to access support and share their stories with others. Congratulations to all students on their efforts this week!
2022 Booklists
The 2022 Booklists can be found here.
Term 1
We look forward to welcoming our students back in 2022 on the following days:
- Year 7: Monday 31 January
- Year 8 – 12: Tuesday 1 February