Term 4 Week 6: From the Head of Primary
Families are the first educators of their children and it is only through partnership with the College that our children can achieve their full potential. The College seeks to engage parents in their children’s education in many ways; in the home, the community and at school. Involvement in the home may include providing a secure environment, providing intellectual stimulation and conversation, modelling constructive social and educational values, shaping the child’s self-concept as a learner by fostering literacy and problem solving and encouraging high aspirations, both personally and socially. To connect with our families, the College seeks to firstly keep parents informed of their child’s learning and wellbeing and offer opportunities for families to be present at the College and connected with the community. Just some of these opportunities include, but are not limited to;
- K-6 Christmas Celebration Evening
- PK-12 Family Mass
- Parent Soiree (as part of the Arts Festival)
- Athletics and Swimming Carnivals
- Parent Volunteers at Marian Campus (Parent Assisted Learning Program)
- Parent Representatives
- Primary Social Committee
- Art helpers and Library helpers
The benefits of positive parental involvement in their child’s education are well researched and proven to increase effective outcomes for all.
Marcellin Award
Congratulations to the following student who recently received a Marcellin Award in Week 6:
Tom Abbott, Year 1 Blue – For helping keep our school safe by removing sticks from the oval.
The Marcellin Award at Marian Campus is drawn from submitted nominations each Wednesday morning at Prayer Assembly. At Lavalla Campus, the Marcellin Award is presented at campus assemblies to one student selected by the Leadership Team from submitted nominations.
Parents are reminded of the following orientations offered by the College to welcome our new students and families:
- Kindy Student and Parent Orientation, Monday 19 November
- Pre Kindergarten Parent Orientation, Monday 26 November
Primary Social Committee
Thank you to our wonderful Primary Social Committee who have purchased four brand new gazebos for parents to use for shelter from rain, hail or shine at Sports Carnivals and other events at the College. The committee have also purchased sports equipment for each class across both the Lavalla and Marian Campuses.
Save the Date: K-6 Christmas Celebration Evening, Wednesday 28 November
Families will receive all of the relevant information for the K-6 Christmas Celebration Evening early next week. The evening will commence at 5.00pm on the Marcellin Oval. Families are encouraged to bring along blankets and a picnic. Please note that deck chairs will need to be on the outside of the area so as not to impede the vision for other families. For those families who have not attended this evening previously, it is a wonderful way to celebrate the birth of Christ and connect with other families at the College. The evening will finish at 7.15pm.
Years 1-6 Swimming Lessons
Information has been sent to all families regarding the in-term Swimming Lessons commencing on Monday 19 November – Thursday 29 November. You would have received a confirmation email on completion of registration. If you did not receive a confirmation email, please contact the Newman Churchlands Swimming Club to make sure your child is registered nchswimming@hotmail.com
Please note that all students are to wear their College Sports Uniform during these two weeks. The Newman College bathers are only required for students in Years 3-6 as per the uniform requirements. If you have not purchased a pair for this term, your child may wear their own bathers. We do ask that you purchase a pair of Newman College bathers for Term 1 Swimming Lessons in 2019.
For further queries, please do not hesitate to contact our Administration Staff.
Coder Dojo Finished for 2018
The final Coder Dojo session for this year was on Tuesday 13 November. We thank all students who attended and the dedicated teachers who volunteered their time to educate the students in the language of their future.
2019 Class Lists
The teachers are currently working through the placement of students in their classes for 2019. We take this process extremely seriously and we look to best meet the needs of every student. The classroom teachers have a wealth of knowledge about each child and are therefore best placed to make these decisions to suit each child’s academic, social and emotional development. The process is further supported by the Primary School Counsellor, Mrs Caryl Goia, our Psychologist Mrs Denise Bendotti and the Primary Leadership Team. Each child is given the opportunity to nominate who they would like to have in their class and this is used as a guide by their teachers. Please note that all relevant information is taken into consideration.
Drop off time at Lavalla, 8.20am
Parents are reminded to please ensure your child is not on the school premises before 8.20am. The College provides duty of care from this time by having staff on duty. Although present at school, teachers are in meetings or preparing for their day and are not able to provide adequate care before this time. If you must drop your child off prior to 8.20am the College offers before school care through Mercy Care. They can be contacted on 9442 3410 or wembley_ELC@mercycare.com.au
Now that the hot weather is upon us, please ensure your child has a College hat. We have a “no hat no play” policy. Please make sure your child’s hat is clearly labelled so that if misplaced at school we can make sure it is returned to them. If your child requires a hat these can be purchased at Administration on each campus for $15.00.
Lost Property
There is a significant amount of lost property at each campus that we are trying to return. Please ensure all items of clothing, including shoes, have your child’s name on it with a permanent marker. The Administration staff will then be able to get it back to you. There are also valuables that are being held at the front reception desk at Lavalla.
Important Calendar Dates for 2019
- K-Y7, Y11 and Y12 commence on Monday 4 February
- PK-12 Family Mass: Wednesday 13 February commencing at 5.00pm
Past Events
The children at Newman College are continuously engaging in motivating learning experiences. These enhance their education and assist in embedding the learned content. Some highlights from the past two weeks include: